lvl 50 Nightshade Armor and Weapon Questions

Posts: 36
Joined: Feb 14, 2017 03:12

Postby Shakes » Feb 10, 2018 15:43

I apologize if these have been answered, I have trolled the thread hard and have some questions:

1) Armor procs - DD, Dot, AF, Ablatives, or a mix? Ive read people put all Dots, or all DD. Is this wise?

2) Weapon Procs - DD or Dot.

3) For DD procs, What type to get, and what type not to get? Spirit? Energy? etc..

4) What resists to skip or not focus on templating? I currently have a template in which I am ignoring heat and spirit. I know its not ideal, but im not going to get all the legion drops, etc.. needed to make the unicorn template someone posted. What two resists would you ignore if not these?

Thank you in advance, im sure many other nightshades will appreciate this thread as well.

Gryphon Knight
Posts: 226
Joined: Jul 19, 2017 00:11

Postby Cirath » Feb 12, 2018 05:17

Think I spoke with you in game, but if it was someone else, here's my take on these.

1) I run melee ablatives on all armor pieces. its a really nice proc, if you are taking melee damage you want it to go off, and it won't break mez/roots if you are smallmanning or running in the BG.

2) I like DoT procs on weapons. better dps over time, really helps with shield tanks and classes with IP/insta heals. Will also benefit from WA crits if you go that route.

3) If you prefer DD procs spirit or energy are good choices.

4) Heat, energy, spirit in that order. As a NS Body and matter are the most important by far. I made it to RR6 with 0% heat, 0% spirit and 7% energy. I don't feel it cost me any fights.

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