Hunter spec
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There is a bug on tracker, upvote it. They also attack without uncovering.
Players can greatly contribute to a server if you let them. Uthgard, still the best server. Thanks, Devs. |
Best Hunter Spec at 50 without any respecs needed
Beastcraft 32 - Instant Pet for added melee/interrupt, dex/quick, armor factor. (Returns on dex/quic kbuff+ for spec points isn't worth it. Difference between 30 and 40 is only 8 points.) Stealth 37 - Honestly for your first RRs you won't be 1v1'ing people/up close with anyone(you're a hunter, ranged), just add/pick people off 'til RR3 Spear 44 - Anytime Style, Rear Stun + Rear Stun follow up. Bow 38 - Composite by the time you hit RR3, lvl 40 penetrating shot doesn't work on selfcast bubbles so it isn't worth 40 points. |
Isn't it 12 points though? Which should turn into 15 (12*1.25) since it's a spec buff. But yeah, even then, 32->40 for 15 more D/Q is pretty expensive. |
For my intent, over 35 bow isn't needed. But I'm taking Spear to 50. Raising WS lifts the min and max for base damage. It also helps you land hits via defense penetration. And for those who use styles from their weapon line (us), it also increases style damage. These are facts from Wyrd's research on live--how true they are on Uthgard I don't know yet. Spear: 50 - max melee ability Bow: 35 - rapidfire BC: 34 - yellow speed shout Stealth: 30 - don't care I obviously won't be relying on stealth ---> Shifa Sharp
Spitzboop Snicklefritz Merchant Adventurers Company |
I still wouldn't take spear higher than 44 anyway because the 50 style isnt worth it plus any point above 50 no matter if its from + skill or from actual spec gives diminishing returns. I think its like 3 ws from every point over 50, hardly worth spending close to 300 points to get ~18 ws. Actually, I think the additional dex from dropping the points into beastcrafting will yield more weaponskill plus all the other benefits u get from it such as pet buffs speed buff and af buff. |
I wish I still had my old binder fulla DOAC templates/specs. I was pretty sure I'd settled onto 50 spear on live but maybe it was 44. with 43 BC. Leaving just 28 for Stealth. Sounds awful but rr9 and MoStealth helped
---> Shifa Sharp
Spitzboop Snicklefritz Merchant Adventurers Company |
arrived at 43 I can't decide on the final spec.
One point is to get 50 in stealth at 3L, therefore I have to get it at least to 37. Then I have some options: - spear at 44, the second style after the 39 stun it's interesting, but really I think will be useless - BC 32 or 40 for a better dex/quick buff - bow 35 will be ok, with some points to get 50 composite as soon as possible . So my 2 options are: 1 BC 32, ST 37, Sp 44, Bow 37 or very similar but with a better speed BC 34, ST 37, SP 44, Bow 36 2 BC 40, ST 37, SP 39, Bow 36 In truth there would be a 3 options, but I think wouldn't be so good (no need for penetrating arrow 2): BC 32, ST 35, SP 44, Bow 40 URKRAFT !
I would go 32 BC 44 Weapon 40 Bow 35 Stealth
And then higher RR 35 BC 39 Weapon 32 Stealth 45 Bow Reminder to Self: Quality over Quantity, what is the Value here?
despite all rapid fire, penetate etc does higher bow skill do more dmg as u get higher weapon skill?
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It's easy to make the argument that BC isn't necessary on Uthgard. If you're willing to invest some coin into getting charge items (D/Q and AF specifically), you can actually drop BC significantly. Pet damage is weak on Uthgard, and you only use the pet for interrupts really. Here's what I suggest:
7 BC 37 Stealth 44 Spear 50 Bow With this spec, you get the first speed burst from BC. Additionally, you get the 2nd level pet for interrupt. Everything else from the BC line is made up with charge items. You will lose out a bit on D/Q compared to a high BC spec, but you get access to 50 bow and 44 spear, making you a very dangerous target for anyone who you get the opening on. The spec into spear also lets you get the back stun, which can be done fairly easily if you can combat strafe effectively. Considering the low defense hunters have, this is the spec I'd go for. |
Bad spec. Hunter loses most of the fights if you go the melee route(against shield tanks and assassins it's really painful), especially with old RAs. You need 34 BC for the yellow speed burst and really 44 spear is overkill, 39 is enough. Master your positional stuns, stun the target with fast spear, then snare + run away and shoot the target down and send the pet on it at the same time. As for self dexqui, even if you go 50 BC it still sucks compared to charge. At this patch level the bonus you get from it sucks big time. Speed burst will also help to sprint away if you're diseased so you can get some distance to shoot the target down. It is what it is.
i don't see so much difference between the blue and the yellow speed, maybe the latter, lev 34, would be usefull to reach a zone, but to run away or get distance i think the blue one would be enough
42 BC
15 Sword 36 Stealth 50 Bow ![]() |
Playing 38 stealth 39 spear 35 bow 40 bc atm i don't like my archery damage i'll try to up it with higher rr ..
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42 is useless cause its NOT AF specc shield here, only normal AF....43 is usefull, cause of last speed boost to catch up minstrel SOS., so 43 is the right choice when rr6. |
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