Do you code? Are you familiar with Korts? I will pay Plats

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Postby Shakes » Feb 25, 2018 01:37

Like the title says, I'm looking for someone who is able to code/compile etc. I will pay plats if you solve my 1.45 Korts SC program problem. PM me here and lets talk. :)

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Postby pweet » Feb 25, 2018 01:39

Korts is so 2002, get loki 8)

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Postby Ilerget » Feb 25, 2018 11:28

never liked loki :-P

I use korts 1.45 and have no problems, if you explain yours maybe they have an easy solution
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Postby Shakes » Feb 25, 2018 14:41

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Postby Elije » Feb 25, 2018 19:49

I have never seen this program, and have a low tolerance for these often-craptacular standalone programs.

With that said, I have a free suggestion, if you haven't already tried this...

You quote an incorrect folder in the linked post:
C:\Users\[YourWindowsLoginName]\AppData\Electronic Arts\Dark Age of Camelot\Lotm

This should be:
C:\Users\[YourWindowsLoginName]\AppData\Roaming\Electronic Arts\Dark Age of Camelot\Lotm

The only child folders off of your "AppData" folder should be Local, LocalLow, and Roaming. These have to do with how user profiles are stored and move from computer to computer on a professional network, and most data is stored in "Roaming" even on home versions of Windows to be compatible with roaming profiles.

Uthgard data is actually here:
C:\Users\[YourWindowsLoginName]\AppData\Roaming\Electronic Arts\Dark Age of Camelot\uth2

So copy the uth2 folder to a "Lotm" folder under the "Dark Age of Camelot" folder, then rename all -1 to -14 in the new Lotm folder. If you're comfortable on the command line, you can navigate to the uth2 folder and use "ren *-1.* *-14.*" to easily get them all. Otherwise, you can manually rename them from Windows Explorer. Unlike the instructions, there's no reason to move anything back when you're done, because these files will be in a different folder than what the game client uses.

There's a chance that the problem is deeper than where the files are located. Older, unmaintained programs eventually are not compatible with newer OS protocols, which are updated for security over time. I suppose that's why you want a programmer, so I hope it all works out for you one way or another.

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Postby Shakes » Feb 26, 2018 03:51

I tried these suggestions, unfortunately they do not work. I have even made sure to put the spellcraft icon in the craftbar of my toon as it is said this is what the program looks for.

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Postby Rukkuss/Jamm » Mar 01, 2018 08:42

i've had a problem every time i download it for the first time - it says its missing a file - i have to find the file from the download and move it to where i am installing it.

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Postby Gondlyr » Mar 04, 2018 19:31

I use Korts and Loki. When using Korts I use 1.45 and then 2.01 when I want to put the gems on my spellcrafters bars. Just load your saved template file saved with 1.45 with 2.01 and when you want to export to your sc'r bars it sees your characters with the spellcraft icon on their bar. Very easy. I did this with Uthgard 1.0 also.

If you had used Korts when it first came out on live in the old days, it originally was able to do this, then some changes by Mythic made it so you couldn't put the gems on your bars. Then after another Mythic patch Korts was able to do this again. Thus use 1.45 Korts for having the imbue points match Uthgard and then Korts 2.01 if you have a spellcrafter.

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Postby Shakes » Mar 07, 2018 02:11

I have a fix I am trying to get compiled, and I have a work-around.

Thread here

I don't believe Korts 2.01 can see uthgard characters any more than 1.45. It's the server number issue. I have tested my work-around and it does work. Its just a little cumbersome but still better than dragging all the gems yourself.

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Postby Gondlyr » Mar 10, 2018 06:25

In Options for Korts 2.01 make sure you click the box for Export Gems to European / GOA servers
For Uthgard 2 it shows the server as Excalibur, for Uthgard 1 it showed my server as Percival

So it does read your character if using Korts 2.01 as long as you have that box clicked in Options. I did not see that option in Korts 1.45

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