Current problematic state of Uthgard RvR
At 1.65 patch level, if u want an easy mode. Go for hib no doubt.
Whatever this guy is smoking, I would like some please. |
Hib tank group and mid tank groups are both brain dead easy to play. Push on every inc and let the 4-5 seers heal me. Boring snoozefest ![]() That's what people play because it's easy mode and it wins. Yet people still wonder why there are no Alb 8mans lol. <Bushido>
Ardri - Minstrel Quickonthedraw - Cabalist Bareknucklechamp - Merc |
I smoke shroooooms mate, its good for you if u still dont get how mechanism works at 1.65 patch level bcuz you have still something to learn in this game. Enjoy discovering and hope you can learn one day.
Hib such ezmode this patch level. Insta amnesia, light tanks that can snare and slam, group purge....
Sure the Grass looks Greener on Hib.
i'll show myself out. <<Bombling>> - Supp SM Lvl 50 - RR 7L0
Bombling Saga part I - VI. Magnetling Part I&II. Retired on Uthgard for now. Warhammer RoR private server, and CU beta testing. |
Bruh you're on a minstrel and pulling out comments like this? your class has access to instant stun, instant DD, speed 5, stealth, charmed pets, useful RAs, mezz, climb walls. It would be harder to think of ways to lose with all that utility available to you lol. Next thing you know we'll see some mid come out and try to convince us all how challenging it is to play a bonedancer. ![]() |
lmao some mids on this server actually believe bd takes skill! Koochi made the beta quit.
He was speaking from a group point of view, not solo class. Minstrel is a strong class, but can't carry a fg. Albion and having fun
Welcome to every class in RvR, no single person can carry an FG this is why 8v8 is considered competitive because... GASP.... IT TAKES SYNERGY. Saying hib is easy mode on the mid dominated patch level is as retarded as claiming you're the smartest person on the short bus. But I guess that's why I read the forums, the entertainment value is priceless. |
It's hard to take you seriously when you only bring up things that are inconvenient and OP against you. What about Midgard being the only realm with Celerity and thus being able to run much stronger tank groups that require way less coordination to execute, making it much easier to play, than their counter-part setups in other realms? What about Pac Healer being the only class in the game with castable AE stun, insta single stun and insta AE stun? What about Shamans having extremely high RvR utility, as does the Healer, compared to the Cleric in Albion? What about Bards not getting MoC, which both other main CC classes in the other realms get? If Hib is ridiculously strong, why didn't you just roll Hib to start with, and save yourself all this trouble? Based on your experience I would assume you already knew all these problems before even setting foot on Uthgard? Be angry with your friends instead of the patch level of this server. Siege - Warrior
Envoy - Bard Aegis - Blademaster Ethical - Mentalist |
Errmm... that was my point of my quote, and I never said hibs were ease mode, quote someone else for that please. The whole thread started about a mid player lacking people to fight. I started posting when someone blamed albs for being: "Cowards, hive minds, a culture of BG". While I agree it looks like this, my point was that albs do this for a reason, the reason being it's a LOT harder for albs to form competetive pugs than for Hib/Mid. And there is a reason, beyond relics, that mid/hib field more 8 man groups. I don't think any realm is ease mode, I think necroes are easemode PvE, but whole different thread... I do think albs got the short end of the stick on this patch, and that people who point fingers at alb should stop moving to Hib/Mid (take a look at Trade section, and you'll see the majority is moving Plats away from alb), and instead come to Albion and show how it's done. And maybe help build those pugs they seem to think are a piece of cake. The last several posts from angry trolls have done little to move the thread forward, no matter who they aggreed with. Albion and having fun
Thought most of experienced ppl agree on that hib is the strongest realm at 1.65. You guys are more than welcome to migrate in mid or albion and show everyone else you guys are right and teach ppl how to play another realm and correct ppl in your realm who failed to do so.
I think Mids had the best start, which still affects the state of server, and easiest time building groups.
Hibs can make the strongest groups and have the best siege classes. Albs have the best solo class, no one even comes close, and can make strong groups that strongly counter hib groups (unless they run mentalist...), but are the hardest realm to actually make groups in. But it's just an oppinion, and people playing albs will agree, while non-albs will likely disagree. My only real "proof" is that Mids started of best, and after things have settled we see hibs starting to dominate and people moving to hib. While albs can't field a single 8 man focused guild, even Chicken and Moo are slowing down. Guilds like Hyper made it to RR6 or so, and left. And I hardly think it was due to lack of competetive groups. The alb 8 man crowd is scattered people from different guilds, and not even every night I see they have a fg running. We got a fg toghether last night, and when we were 8 we did great, but it was 1 fight and after that we slowly dimished and ended with 5 people meeting Monkas (a requiring theme, we always seem to meet them when we either run subpar group, or don't have ![]() Albion and having fun
Think all realms can easy play competative with there set 8man.
Pugging for rest of the leftovers could rather join the BG and gain some rr atleast in alb. I play stealther 3 days a week and if my duo partner would play visual i got chars decked out for it. And i play stealther because of same reason i rolled a necro and cab and got all LGM i need for my classes. I want to be able to play on my own. That said i would not be negativ to rvr as a full grp (with voice com.). but the effort building it and getting inside the 8man community aint there anymore. RVRing with a fg with bad synergy and maybe not even 50's and 2 clerics is like soloing vs Cirath (insert any other high rr asssasin) in random drop gear. Its fun for so long. |
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