Running a Pathping
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Running a Pathping
We will occasionally request a pathping to diagnose connection or latency issues. Follow the steps below to perform this test. If you need to track the path your connection takes to its destination, try running a traceroute. This tool checks for packet loss between your computer and our server. This may reveal connection problems that don't show up in other latency tests.
Analyzing A Pathping If there is consistent packet loss of 1% or more at your router (hop 0) or modem (hop 1), update your firmware or replace your hardware. Packet loss anywhere else along the route should be reported to your ISP. If you need help analyzing your Pathping, you can post the results on our support forums or contact one of our staff members. If you get a result with only one IP listed, the test failed. You need to disable your router's firewall and run the test again. Contact your router's manufacturer for more information. Make sure you re-enable your router's firewall after the test is complete. Note: Publicly posting your tracert.txt may reveal your own or others public IP address, a name, a possible location and public DNS names. Please make sure to review the content before posting. News || Getting Started || Rules || Issue Tracker
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