[Video] SM General tips / Supp tricks.

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Gryphon Knight
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Postby wonshot » Apr 22, 2018 17:53

Since SM is one of the more popular classes for people to Pve farm on, and yet it is so very different I took the time to put some little tricks together that I had personally wished I knew when I was leveling and learning the class.

Hope this is helpful to newcomers
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_JSVOV ... e=youtu.be
<<Bombling>> - Supp SM Lvl 50 - RR 7L0
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Postby djibouti » May 09, 2018 21:05

Thanks for your video. I have a question.

At 5:50 in the video, you send pet in to body pull and are showing why you don't need a pac healer to kill a good many yellow mobs. The video cuts in a way though that I can't tell how you did it. You send in the pet, grab 6 mobs, and pull him back. As the pet returns the video cuts out but it would be safe to assume it died shortly after that cut away. It then shows the 6 mobs circling you with 25% health and you finish them off with a pbae.

What'd I miss there? From the body pull of the pet, how did you cast off 2-3 pbaes without getting killed?

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Gryphon Knight
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Postby wonshot » May 25, 2018 18:40

djibouti wrote:Thanks for your video. I have a question.

At 5:50 in the video, you send pet in to body pull and are showing why you don't need a pac healer to kill a good many yellow mobs. The video cuts in a way though that I can't tell how you did it. You send in the pet, grab 6 mobs, and pull him back. As the pet returns the video cuts out but it would be safe to assume it died shortly after that cut away. It then shows the 6 mobs circling you with 25% health and you finish them off with a pbae.

What'd I miss there? From the body pull of the pet, how did you cast off 2-3 pbaes without getting killed?

Ahh yeah, i see how that can be abit confusing, my bad.
So I send in the pet to round up the mobs and stack them up super tight on top of each other. Since its a big pull the pet therefor dies, but still gives me the opening I want (possition myself on them of them) to get maxdamage on the initial bomb, since the pet dies i have to either get the timeing down where i cast the 2nd bomb on the mobs while they are "reloading" their swingtimer between attacks, or simply use quickcast for the 2nd bomb. 3rd bomb to finish them off are done via kiting and lining them up by sprinting.

Hope this helps.
<<Bombling>> - Supp SM Lvl 50 - RR 7L0
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