light ment viability in inst fin spot

Posts: 61
Joined: Apr 01, 2017 12:57

Postby FreedomCall » Jun 03, 2017 06:33

Hi, I'm currently lvling my ment, which is mana atm.
But I'm gonna respec at some point to light and gonna do RvR.
What i'm curious about is, the viability of light mentalist in fin spot.

I've seen many arb animists work really well in fin spot.
Their dmg is weaker than PBAoE, but sending aoe bombers in a distance enabled them to nuke earlier.
I could even tell 3 animists+1PBAoEs worked fine as only 4PBAoEs.

So my question here is, will AoE DD of light ment work as well in fin spot, similar to arb animists?
Or is there any difference in terms of aggro between ani's bomber and ment's dd?
If it's viable, Imma respec to light at 40 and start nuking from then :)

Gryphon Knight
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Postby Kaziera » Jun 03, 2017 14:37

It works, but you have to be really Carefull with aggro. And you will compete with animists and Bombers for dps slots.

Posts: 61
Joined: Apr 01, 2017 12:57

Postby FreedomCall » Jun 03, 2017 16:51

Kaziera wrote:It works, but you have to be really Carefull with aggro. And you will compete with animists and Bombers for dps slots.

Do you know what is different in terms of aggro between Ment's AoE DD and Ani's bombers?
I saw anis aren't almost concerned about aggro, but is that a special case?

Gryphon Knight
Posts: 221
Joined: May 09, 2015 12:47

Postby Kaziera » Jun 03, 2017 17:03

Yes. Bomber pet does way less aggro

Posts: 61
Joined: Apr 01, 2017 12:57

Postby FreedomCall » May 10, 2018 15:01

I'm recently trying this in fins and it works very well.
Finliaths are vulnerable to heat, which results into your 10% enhanced dmg.
I've been started nuking when last mob's health goes under 80%,
and if you are standing far enough from mobs, you don't get aggro.
you deal harder than arbo anis, but only start nuking a bit later than them.

Light Ment can also be a great puller with 2000 range cham spell.
Eld has the best 2300 range NS, while Light Ments have wider range than 1500 ranged Chanter's debuffs.

Some ppl might have stereotypes about inviting light ment as a AoE dealer,
but if you explain these facts, i'm sure you won't fail to get a grp as a light ment.

Posts: 90
Joined: Aug 12, 2013 12:22

Postby munchies » May 14, 2018 13:19

It's fine for Instafins, since you are semi ok aoe DPS. Light is nice in BG's aswell. But mana would still be faster way to 50, but then you would have to respec to light for RvR. It's really 50-50, i think id consider light, but since you would only find fin grps if they need aoe dps then mana is faster to 50. Depends on your goals and priorities

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