Mercenary Templates

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Postby Ardri » May 24, 2018 01:18

Was going off housing prices for the 3rd MP piece, but you're right the sleeves should be cheaper.

So you made another template with 5 MP items, put in Icebound Bracer which is 10+ plat in housing, cerulescent cloak for 5-10p, then put in runic giant ring which is so rare it isn't even on the market. All for 1 hp, 2 shield, 4 spirit, 1 heat, 1 matter, and 1 less dex?

Pretty sure you could easily max out my temp if you did 5MP pieces instead of 3.
Ardri - Minstrel
Quickonthedraw - Cabalist
Bareknucklechamp - Merc

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Postby Prettypinkunicorns » May 24, 2018 12:16

Ardri wrote:Was going off housing prices for the 3rd MP piece, but you're right the sleeves should be cheaper.

So you made another template with 5 MP items, put in Icebound Bracer which is 10+ plat in housing, cerulescent cloak for 5-10p, then put in runic giant ring which is so rare it isn't even on the market. All for 1 hp, 2 shield, 4 spirit, 1 heat, 1 matter, and 1 less dex?

Pretty sure you could easily max out my temp if you did 5MP pieces instead of 3.

I used jewelry that is easily farmed with 2-4 people, but yeah those market prices are way off, supply and demand at work I guess.

My personal luck on Runic giant rings might be higher than usual, for me it's Earth cloaks that are a rarity.
I chose the ring mainly because the stats fits so well with the rest.


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