Going Forward
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Now we are talking, I may have to log in this weekend for a go!
The enemy lined the shore in a dense armed mass.
Among them were black-robed women with disheveled hair like Furies, brandishing torches. Close by stood Druids, raising their hands to heaven and screaming dreadful curses. |
Nice thx, still need an alchi to recharge my dd and AF charges
![]() ![]() <<< This avatar is handmade by Inotor Wurzelbert : ) Check out the Mampfer-Threads for more. viewtopic.php?f=10&t=25079 viewtopic.php?f=10&t=26934 |
Good step forward, but...
STOP pushing incentives for RvR zones for players/characters that dont want to be there. Its stupid game design, period. Groupbuilding 30 minutes, finally all needed classes are assembled Groupmember A: Lets go to frontier, its like a zillion times more XP there! Groupmember B: But I was ganked there 3 times yesterday, that really sucked Groupmember C: Well we can try, if it doesnt work we can always go back Group moves to frontier, 15 minutes later all dead Groupmember B: I told you so, see you later Groupmember B, D and E quit. Group has to rebuild Almost no XP, most time spent standing around and chatting up people for group. Very bad gaming experience both for the XPers and the ganker. If you want more targets to kill in the frontier, think of smart incentives to create more fights between players of somewhat equal power. Your ridiculous bonuses for crafters and XPers to provide easy targets are insane. More people have quit and will quit over this terrible gaming experience than actually stay or enjoy it. Tree - Animist Lvl 50 (RR 3L0, Legendary Tailor)
Aeomelia - Enchanter Lvl 50 Guild: SCHWERT & ROSE (provisional guild leader) [HIB] Crafting Mat Wholesale Diamond, Wyvernskin, Nightshade, Eldritch etc. huge quantities below vendor price - pm me! |
You still have a 50% bonus if you level in safe zones with a full group. Thats still like a permanent summer heat event. If you want more xp you have to take the risk of being killed, thats your choice. |
I very much like these changes. I think they would be perfect if our population was higher.
Right now during my timezone's primetime (EST) there are generally around 20 people not anon in my realm. I would really like to see a general xp increase. This will probably cause physical pain to a lot of people on this server but I feel very strongly there needs to be a general, permanent xp increase of 25%. And until population recovers, I would really like to see that at 50% (without group). Simply put, right now I cannot group with anyone to take advantage of the xp increases discussed here. I can only speak for myself but I do not have incentive at the moment to play without being able to group. The solo xp rate is atrocious. If we're all being honest, the changes discussed here are what was needed 5 months ago when there was still population. This is the cart before the horse - we need numbers. Last edited by djibouti on Aug 17, 2018 16:17, edited 2 times in total.
I get what you're saying, however I fundamentally agree with group XP being the quickest and best way to level. I think it would be hard to draw a line where solo XP should be increased, at the cost of players not even trying to build groups. The balancing mechanic IMO, is that if it's low population, it's much safer to kill mobs in frontiers/near keeps for the bonus, that combined with 9 charge potions makes leveling solo pretty bearable to me. Anyway, loving the changes, thanks for all the work everybody has been putting into the server! |
The other thing I wanted to mention is to strongly consider releasing SI. I'm just a player here, I don't know where you're at with development. What I've seen lately is a focus on mob factions. I like factions as much as the next guy, which is to say if I can play SI now without them then that would be strongly preferred.
SI would be a huge draw. Last edited by djibouti on Aug 17, 2018 16:21, edited 1 time in total.
I think thats the way it should be, its an alchemist made charge item, and a small revenue stream for the alchemist. Alchemy is a very little return profession anyway. Profit on potions is small, profit on procs etc is small, profit(if any) on recharges is small. There isnt the option to sell an mp item or a requirement to make specific quality items and hence hike the price accordingly. As an achemist i have had people expect me todo recharges for free, people arguing with me over the price of a full set of ablatives and saying they will only pay me an amount that worked out to 15% less than the cost price. Despite the fact that i only charge a very resonable price in the first place. People buyng procs/reactives on the market and expecting me imbue them for free as im an alchemist. Irony is that I would of usually charged them less to make and imbue the item in the first place. Perhaps if people respected the time and money that players have spent on alchemy then alchemists might be forthcoming to do these jobs. There are individuals on midgard who message me asking for recharges and I will usually stop what i am doing , suicide if i need to /switch chars to perform these services for them because they respect my service, reward me accordingly and seem to be nice people. There are others i just ignore for the opposite reasons. This isnt a comment on you personally, i dont know you, just if people are struggling for people to find alchemists then this might be worth keeping in mind. Back on topic, Its good to see the server moving forward with these small changes, not all are to my liking, run speed for example. Keep up the good work devs/council/gms. |
thank you for the changes!
regarding the xp for low population - how about increasing the whole realms xp if their population is under x so if Hibs population is X then they get Y boost, during NA time is Albion + Mid population are both under X increase their xp by Y - could this be implemented automatically without need for man hours dev side? anyhows ty ![]() |
thanks for changes!
that rollback now sucks big time though..... ![]() |
Lol SMH. How many of these potions can a leveling level 20ish player afford? |
I ganked loads of people in df. Ahh well it was still fun but no rps now ;p - Inqy/Spymistress/Sly -
GM of "eXPedient demise" | Slave of "Crows of Winter" |
Geez, stop posting so many news. I can't keep up with so much text to read! ôÔ
Albion Forever!
Do you even have time for such things !!! You need to lvlup lvlup lvlup 20 classes because of the bonuses big time! ![]() Formerly known as
Touareg- RR10 noobVW on Uth1. Crossfire- RR7 noobAnimist on Uth1. Ohnoes- RR9 noobAnimist on Lolgins. Click this LINK if you want to see the truth about Hibernia |
Server back online. Thank you for your patience.
People coming together as a community can make great things happen.
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