Mid Imbalance = Low Uthgard Pop
Thats why I stick to fun memes mostly - without being directly (and inappropriately) offensive like he often is. - Inqy/Spymistress/Sly -
GM of "eXPedient demise" | Slave of "Crows of Winter" |
Anyone who wants a regulatory body to balance things because they want some sort of a forced equality falls under the "commie" category in my book. Pointless discussion, typical uth2 population stuff. Go take Romu out for a romantic dinner and tell him to instruct his minions not to blow 2x sos and 7x purge because a 7man is baiting them and lands an aoe mezz on them. I'm offensive because people like you, the Spysubhuman and others use fake politeness with a whiny undertone and if you had your way, you'd probably have people in concentration camps if they don't agree with you. “Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing.” Not talking to nimrods anymore, goodbye. It is what it is.
Not surprised that a mid player doesn't see the problem with 1realm having 30% bonus constantly + beeing the realm that is easiestto play.
Look at the herald 50% rp for mid since weeks, mid having all relics since weeks, top rp players all mid. And you tell me that it is about players and there is no systematic error in the settings? Sure |
Bye. We won't miss you. Was nice not knowing you at all. I see lots of players in Alb and Hib resignate, due hard to find groups most of the time, searching like forever for a crafter to maybe craft a low lvl weapon or armor, and, most importanly: simply not having fun. And, what you also see from time to time, is the question for the Battlegrounds, and then getting right away dropped in mood because of they are empty 99% of the time, with Caledonia being the only exception, but, to get to Caledonia it's a very long and rough ride. We all know what would bring back population and fun, but well. I've read in one of the news post a long time ago, that tinderboxes will make it back. They were there on Uth 1, it can't be that hard to implement them back in. But it seems to take forever. It's these small things that take too long for lots of players. Anything that reduces downtimes is welcomed by anyone. Albion Forever!
I don't mind being ridiculed, I have fairly thick skin and especially when dealing with people using assertions as facts. Once they realize that their view has no facts supporting it, they will start using derogatory and ridicule, it's just sadly human nature. You can basically go through the decision tree with very little risk of not ending in ridicule, and finally the "Mic Drop", without ever seeing a shred of fact supporting their view.
But I do get sad that the one Alb who tries to go out and create action, and who does not even participate here is constantly being ridiculed. I didn't enjoy running with Romu and stopped, but I highly respect him for trying and never giving up. Albion and having fun
It's a shame some of you guys still give attention to valfar, most people stopped.
If you look up the names you'll understand it was not the usual 8 men fighting you and you've been told. We were out only to fight the hib zerg but you insisted. Sometime i was only passing by fight with my 4 men and you attacked us, ofc i had to defend myself. |
Was not me, atm our group leader is not in game for a week. |
Were fighting Sania group second time MTK <> MMG and after first mid down you (and your small) add us from behind. Same on green knight (in side). Dont know how often on this day. That can't be self-defense every time. Either you ran as 12 / 13 slot or you just added. Dont know and as i say, no problem for me. Thats DAOC, thats RvR. But dont talk about 8vs8 if you self add each fights. Gwyneth, Gwynefer, Naiba, Takhi, Gwyntreth, StarletKristina, Talvi, Mousebear
if u want to do your 8v8 maybe u guys should find a place where u can do your fights undisturbed? fighting in the middle of emain and wonder u get added? its an f....ng rvr game.
find a spot in forest sauvage and do your thing. but dont cry if u get added in emain...... |
He responded to someone telling people to 8v8, and said it was hard when the person telling people to 8v8 added fights making it 8v12.
Seems it might be some misunderstanding though, but he did not in my view complain about adds, just that the one making the "do 8v8" suggestion was making it hard. Albion and having fun
Team America talking about 8v8, did I miss something?
Yes, you miss the point. 4vsZerg is hip now! Albion Forever!
[/quote] If you look up the names you'll understand it was not the usual 8 men fighting you and you've been told. We were out only to fight the hib zerg but you insisted.
Sometime i was only passing by fight with my 4 men and you attacked us, ofc i had to defend myself.[/quote] Were fighting Sania group second time MTK <> MMG and after first mid down you (and your small) add us from behind. Same on green knight (in side). Dont know how often on this day. That can't be self-defense every time. Either you ran as 12 / 13 slot or you just added. Dont know and as i say, no problem for me. Thats DAOC, thats RvR. But dont talk about 8vs8 if you self add each fights.[/quote] Sania group didn't want to fight you, and yes we were running 12 men to fight hib 24 men zerg and albs Romu zerg. Last night you were fighting Penumbra we passed by not willing to add you and got inced and mezzed and one of my small got killed too. But anyway not always it goes how planned. I'm willing to fight you as an 8 men but as i said the leader is not on for all week and it's hard to build an 8 man that can fight a good group as yours. In fact Sania group got killed over and over, the only chance is to come out with hour usual group and still it's very hard with all relics also. Then beleive whatever you want, but since you have the means why not ask before if the're running to fight 8 men or not? Someone from the other group told me you knew and this is enough for me. |
What you talking about? Team America guild has no numbers to put together an 8 man for prime time, we run as usual a mix of DG and TA and fought you many times in the past, sometime winning sometime loosing but still as 8, vs you and vs the hib group of Jaria. If it doesn't come to your mind then for the future i got to record it. Ofc if we find around a zerg above certain numbers we can't beat them and have to ask for help. And yes it's true, we sometime won vs 30 men alone in a group inside a keep but so you did vs the hibs counting the spam we read. |
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