Mid Imbalance = Low Uthgard Pop

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Postby Nerthos » Oct 04, 2018 00:40

Roby5869 wrote:
pweet wrote:So you blame the players that mid has constantly 30% bonus, 50+% weekly RP, and in general over a year by far the most rp earned?
This has nothing to do with mid beeing easy to play, or server settings giving the strongest realm 20+% bonus for beeing the strongest realm?
Get real guys, mid is too easy to play, especially but not exclusivly on pug level which is all that is left on uthgard, and hence has way more players in rvr leading to 20%+ perma bonus.
If we get rid of this brainless 20% relic + keep bonuses to support the strongest realm making them even stronger, we can talk again.

For other realms: it's useless taking keeps in a zone and never claim them. Claiming a keep gives you bonuses, claiming a lot of keeps in the same zone gives even more and now even a 4 man group can do it. So yes it's also a question of brain and knowing how it works. And yes i blame the enemy players not the 20% bonus we have because of relics + the other 20% or more because of claimed keeps.

i already claimed 2 keeps today but i dont have any deserted 8man guilds left which i can use for claiming

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Postby hazelhimself » Oct 07, 2018 20:55

so....mids took all relics today....again. with no contest.
then they continued roaming the frontiers. blue spam all day. almost no exceptions. when i look at the rp graphs, it srsly surprises me that its not more one sided than it already is. (also lol @ maria for crying about alb grps :D theres how many scary alb groups out rn that can touch you? one? while all other are nothing but food.)

so allow me to ask one question: how do ppl stay motivated to even go up against this? with fresh toons to boot.
im asking because im feeling my motivation is already starting to dry out again. which i rly dont want.

to give you some perspective: my smallman (because see my first post in this thread...building a FG is extremely hard to do for alb.) is full w fresh toons. high end temped...but very low RR. we gotta play a LOT to achieve 3-5k rps a day. so basically everytime we are up against an even number of enemies, it feels like we can type /release already because guess what? the lowest RR enemy is RR6.

inb4getgud :D

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Postby Alcan » Oct 07, 2018 21:38

Hazel you where mid and your comment to all was "Works as intented" till you joined alb

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Postby kinthos » Oct 07, 2018 21:43

Alcan wrote:Hazel you where mid and your comment to all was "Works as intented" till you joined alb

That would be the "denial of benefits" clause that Midgard players sign as they login.
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Postby Spacebrah » Oct 07, 2018 23:03

hazelhimself wrote:so....mids took all relics today....again. with no contest.
then they continued roaming the frontiers. blue spam all day. almost no exceptions. when i look at the rp graphs, it srsly surprises me that its not more one sided than it already is.

Normalized realm point to population percentages for last 7 days: Midgard @ 1.42, Hibernia @ 1.03, Albion @ 0.59. It's no surprise that this is the case... Midgard pulls 2.5 times as many rps per person!

hazelhimself wrote:so allow me to ask one question: how do ppl stay motivated to even go up against this? with fresh toons to boot. im asking because im feeling my motivation is already starting to dry out again. which i rly dont want.

People AREN'T staying motivated to go against this imbalance. That's the whole point of my post. People are playing Uthgard less, and those that continue to play Uthgard are RvRing less..

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Postby Spacebrah » Oct 07, 2018 23:04

Alcan wrote:Hazel you where mid and your comment to all was "Works as intented" till you joined alb

Let's not discourage the behavior we want to see. Regardless of the past, lets encourage those that embrace the fact that there is imbalance. Even if he was a mid-in-denial before, he is arguing our side now.

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Postby Roby5869 » Oct 07, 2018 23:58

hazelhimself wrote:so....mids took all relics today....again. with no contest.
then they continued roaming the frontiers. blue spam all day. almost no exceptions. when i look at the rp graphs, it srsly surprises me that its not more one sided than it already is. (also lol @ maria for crying about alb grps :D theres how many scary alb groups out rn that can touch you? one? while all other are nothing but food.)

Lol i was not crying at alb or at the ONE alb group, i was plausing them and they getting stronger and stronger everyday. Anyway, imo there is no imbalance, there's only a situation were all the good groups are gone somewhere else and we (mid mostly noobs and not good as someone was here in the past) keep head to you even if you outnumber us.
Maybe you should learn more from some players in your realm, at least try to get a bit better and to know better your toon and how to play it properly in RvR, then maybe a all new world will open up for you.

P.S. The contest there is been when we tried yesterday, you forgot we wiped?

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Postby Spivo » Oct 08, 2018 00:02

Thats the problem, there is absolutely no incentive to join hib/alb, unless you can gather a group of friends who play a lot together.
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Postby Roby5869 » Oct 08, 2018 00:15

Spivo wrote:Thats the problem, there is absolutely no incentive to join hib/alb, unless you can gather a group of friends who play a lot together.

Even if you have good groups around your realm do you think it will be easy to get into that group unless you make a lot of standby or are already a good player?
The other way around is to build your own group, exp all toons together, go in bg together (make all of them if possible) and then try the big RvR. I bet you'll enjoy it. You don't need to start from scratch, there are many tutorials around to give you good inputs to start with.

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Postby pweet » Oct 08, 2018 01:29

If you played any other realm than mid you would be farmed as any other player by mids having constantly 30% bonus. Stop making it look like it's the players. Main reason mid is dominating is due to relic/keep bonus and and being the easiest realm to play.
Switch realm and we talk again.
Last edited by pweet on Oct 08, 2018 13:26, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby hazelhimself » Oct 08, 2018 01:54

first of all....
ive been alb from the very beginning.
i DID take a short mid vacation at some point....i think i have a lvl 40 shaman or something. but i couldnt handle the depressing landscape :) still, im wondering why some people think i actively played mid at some point. huh.

also i was looking for a serious answer to my question since im feeling a bit down atm. i feed so many rps its not even funny :D the only thing i can rly do atm(or at least it FEELS this way!) to earn at least some basic RAs is looking for levelers...or outnumbering people. hard. doesnt feel good either.

edit: again, im not trying to front anyone here (except maria...because clearly...its easy to talk sitting on your 90k lwrp on arguebly the strongest class in the whole game. please link me to the tutorial on how to daoc.) but im looking for an objective discussion...at least as objective as it can get.

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Postby Censoredd » Oct 08, 2018 04:50

this game is still alive> LOLOL!OL!OL!OL!OL!

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Postby Spivo » Oct 08, 2018 07:25

Roby5869 wrote:Even if you have good groups around your realm do you think it will be easy to get into that group unless you make a lot of standby or are already a good player?
The other way around is to build your own group, exp all toons together, go in bg together (make all of them if possible) and then try the big RvR. I bet you'll enjoy it. You don't need to start from scratch, there are many tutorials around to give you good inputs to start with.

Not sure if you are trolling me, but think sarcasm is a danish thing mainly :)

I don't care how, I have a RR5 in alb that I shelved many months ago, I know how. I tried once to go out solo, just to see it. FGM rolled me, I could almost see the RP-lust in their eyes. Best thing was that they were keep taking in Breifine and yet came to Emain to kill me, must have been spotted by a stealther, because no radar reaches that far.

Problem is Mid dominance, and if we want it to change or not. And I dont see it changing by itself because people wont change, so you need incentives to change it.
And underdog bonuses is the way to do this, both rp/xp/damage/heal, to make people go out. These can always be removed again if it's to much of a success, but without them you will continue having this.
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Postby Woosh » Oct 08, 2018 12:14

... when I was rushing up the stairs yesterday and grabbed the Scabbard of Excalibur I was already visualising the forum today :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

"This city's afraid of me. I've seen its true face. The streets are extended gutters and the gutters are full of blood. And when the drains finally scab over, all the vermin will drown."

fremster wrote:we ran on buffpotions because cleric couldnt buff

Hasbulat wrote:As soon we come with a bit better organized random group all those Flamps and Holsteins just running away as soon they see us.

Alcan wrote:why do you call me a Moron when all i do is ask ppl if they are happy?

Cyba wrote:Albion = Israel :D

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Postby Spivo » Oct 08, 2018 13:12

Why would you post stuff that strengthens the point of the OP?
I thought you disagreed?
Albion and having fun


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