Mid Imbalance = Low Uthgard Pop
I would hope you change only one thing, and that is that you say "for Uthgard's Midgard" and not just "for Midgard". No one wants you to follow players to other servers ![]() |
"IF populations pick up" ... that's a big if. But I completely agree with you, I would just like to shed some light on the world we live in: No one cares to try and fight against a realm that has every advantage, included in that list of advantages being the naivety of the admins and community. Populations ARE going to pick (and have already begun to pick up) ... they just are doing it in a place that there is hope for balance. Hint: Uthgard population and RvR decline suggests that place isn't Uthgard ![]() I'm not suggesting that people leave Uthgard, I'm simply stating that people ARE leaving Uthgard. But why would anyone stay given the responses to my original post? |
on Midgard we have a steady RvR group which plays every night, we organise on watsapp and get online and play.
if albs and hibs want to compete on this server, then they should get organised and get out and fight, all these statistics are total blah. currently there is an alb set up with fremster, kabalix, gwnneth and the rest of the crew who organise, get out and fight us every night and they are damn good !! to sum up, get regular groups organised, stop whining and come and fight us ! Rum Skald |
The only advantage of mid is the fact that a pug can be built more easily, but mid gets screwed over with old RAs and this patch level. Look, things always change. People always cry how server is dying bla bla bla and they want instant fixes because of the situation they're currently in, and they all have moronic ideas on how to fix it. Just look at this Spymistress guy, he recruits 10 million people into the guild and feels absolutely no responsibility when it comes to organizing events or encouraging people to RvR at all, he just whines on forum and plays his NS for the most part. Big guilds and alliance leaders should always try to create something before whining. I'm terribly sorry, but both hib and alb are stronger than mid in zerg fights and in 8v8 if played properly. Nobody on this earth can convince me that ichor + PR is somehow better than double bof+sos or double gp on a patch level where purge is 30 mins. Also, our speed class is basically garbage with old RAs, at least your speed classes are a necessity and high utility. A semi-decent minstrel is A) not ccable and B) 3x more useful than a skald - LITERALLY. I don't care what anyone says but even during times when hibs had relics for months(and it's easiest for them to defend the relics with animiists anyway), mids always came out to rvr. And please don't try to convince me that people like Romu actually want to rvr, they want a keep take simulator and they will log or change zone as soon as they wipe 2 times, usually to inferior numbers anyway. Spymoron is also coming up with conspiracy theories that people play mid or stay there because it's easy xD...yeah sure, it's the illuminati also. It's not my fault that uthgard staff decided to wipe uthgard1 and that players encouraged this to a degree(even though it was justifiable to a large extent) by hopping on genesis like ****** in heat and that instead of Rare/Rotla/TI/RJ/Nightwatch you now have unholy trinity of retardation Romu-Gil-Ripbro. Both players and the staff got exactly what they deserved. Most mids got their RR just by coming out and dying repeatedly, and they did get farmed quite a bit when good hib groups were out, problem with some keep takers is that they don't want to do that, then months later they whine about high rr. It is what it is.
On mid they still play since by game design it is easier to play, so more ppl keep playing there, so all relics and keeps are owned by mids, making it even easier to play, so even more mids stay logged in since everyone likes winning, but hates losing by just beeing on a systematic disadvantage. You see where I am going? You can either be proud that mids are the only ones that can organise 8ppl, or you face reality and see why mids are the only ones that are still going to rvr consistently. |
Just out of curiosity, can you tell me your main character names from uthgard1 and 2? It is what it is.
when Hibs had all the relics and dominated the server for months, our group died countless times to groups like celeny etc, we died, learnt lessons, released , ported , buffed up and went out again and again. its not our problem if people are whining about high RR groups, these groups were low RR at the beginning and through hard work now are high RR. Rum Skald |
At the end of all of these arguments, whether they were actually listen to or not, whether they were actually agreed with or not... the server population is at an all time low and continuing to drop.
Regardless of how Mid attained their RR, they are so far ahead that people don't want to play. Don't forget this fact: no one has to play DAoC, they play because they want to. And even if Mid attained their high RR by getting the hell beat out of them and "learning lessons" people still don't want to play against them because they are so far ahead and the realms are imbalanced in terms of players. Maybe some of the "winners" on midgard should switch realms and show everyone else how its done. |
Nope, people should play where they want. Commie forced "equality" is idiocy. I liked mid even when we were getting owned, both on uth1 and uth2. Alb and Hib have the numbers, but lack the fortitude and seem to be whiny as hell for the most part. It's nobody's fault hibs are just rolling animiists and not trying to actively RvR. Your caster groups are insanely strong on this patch level and with old RAs, even without relics. Anyway, who cares...uthgard2 is what it is, an abomination ![]() It is what it is.
if i had my way, we would move to new RAs, have a RR wipe and then fight, then lets just see how good you Alb/Hib whingers really are
![]() Rum Skald Last edited by barf on Oct 08, 2018 23:59, edited 1 time in total.
People are playing where they want... other servers ROFL. |
Their communist logic is that if anyone is better at them at anything or if anyone invested any time and effort to achieve their goals in a certain period of time, it must be unfair and therefore regulated by a higher authority. Look, no real active RvR player will ever whine, unless they're pussies like spymistress(judging by his name and guild name + behavior, I always thought he was some unattractive middle-aged woman too addicted to role playing, I was literally shocked when someone told me it's a guy). It is what it is, I didn't see any of these people call for changes when Hib had all the relics for a few months or lost them only for half a day or a day and blew up everything on inc unless you got lucky and landed on top of them. And of course, if they actually invest any effort in anything they'll kill people in real life before it's taken away from them, but if someone else invested time and effort then it's unfair and should be regulated and taken away from those people ![]() It is what it is.
You literally do not understand the arguments that you are arguing against. lol. |
yes i do understand the arguments, ive heard the same for years, people have been complaining about this game since beta, ive heard so many arguments about class imbalance, realm population imbalance, this patch, that patch, but when i kill someone wearing epic or drops, not templated and they turn blue con, what do they expect? get to 50 , get templated, get organised and come and fight us! Rum Skald |
I was refering to Valfar recklessly throwing the word "commie" around while literally arguing against claims that haven't been made. But while were talking about it... regardless of how it happened, the server is imbalanced and its driving people away. Everyone in this thread is arguing about WHY its imbalanced and completely missing THAT its imbalanced. Perhaps the truth is that all of Alb and Hib are PvE vs Keep retards and perhaps all of Mid are just brilliant PvP strategists. Maybe this is actually the case. Statistically improbable, but perhaps. So then working off the assumption that this is the case... you can continue reiterating that Alb and Hib need to "do this" or "do that" but at the end of they day THEY AREN'T "doing that", and the server pop is taking a hit for it. So Mids- as the brilliant PvP strategist that they are - can continue telling the retards what they need to do differently OR a portion of them can switch realms so at least there are SOME brilliant PvP strategist in each realm (mixed among the rest of the retards), leading to player BALANCE. Or maybe this player suggested, player supported, and player implemented suggestion is actually a communist one imposed by a "higher authority"? |
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