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Postby barf » Oct 09, 2018 19:06

Quite possibly the single most comical thing ever said in the history of humanity.......

m8 spend less time trolling, more time organising a group and come out and fight!


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Postby kinthos » Oct 09, 2018 19:16

Valfar wrote:
Torgo wrote:Well it is true things are skewed toward Mid in terms of patch level, RVR population, and RR...

However the 3 realm formula is supposed to help mitigate such a situation.

If populations pick up enough that a proper zerg can be put together... and Alb and Hib would just start cross realming with a grand alliance to only attack the "click/stick/click" realm, things could turn around.

The only advantage of mid is the fact that a pug can be built more easily, but mid gets screwed over with old RAs and this patch level. Look, things always change. People always cry how server is dying bla bla bla and they want instant fixes because of the situation they're currently in, and they all have moronic ideas on how to fix it.

So do you think the server is healthy and thriving? Have you played past 23:00 or 00:00 UK time (add 1 hour for CET)? I think you and a number of people are in denial at how crap the RvR is 90% of the time on the server. This thread is also trying to point out that the constant domination by one realm is bad for action. The question is why you keep trying to deny there is a problem. As you can only see the server health from a narrow minded Mid perspective look at the boredom (I keep hearing as excuse) for Mids pveing every single keep - sounds like another sympton of crap RvR action ?

Valfar wrote:Just look at this Spymistress guy, he recruits 10 million people into the guild and feels absolutely no responsibility when it comes to organizing events or encouraging people to RvR at all, he just whines on forum and plays his NS for the most part. Big guilds and alliance leaders should always try to create something before whining.

Easy to look at Hib and keep blaming players, but I did create something and it was successful for well over a year. Then unfortunately the [voldermort] server arrived and decimated our whole alliance and it seems Hibernia very hard. I lost motivation and all my guild structure we had in place. I'd be quite happy to not be the GM anymore but I've done what I could for a year and a half and yes I've had enough of trying to lead in general.

On that point, I never chose to be a leader, it just kind of happened. I don't have a good time schedule to play DAoC at EU peak so I mostly play late UK time. In any case, I built a guild that welcomed newcomers and we run PL groups and stuff to help people get up in levels. Over time, I had a nice following and a number of decent raid leaders. We did dragon raids, legion, and often ran RvR raids. Fast forward to now and things have died - not just in our guild but in the realm we play.

For those, hitting 47 or higher it's like a brick wall now. Not just because of Midgard but there is no smallman, no solo action. All there is are numerous FGs of high RR mids running around stomping on anything red to them (grey or not, fg or not). Fine they can do that. People can go to the BGs @47, but they are dead too. So what else is there?

Valfar wrote:I'm terribly sorry, but both hib and alb are stronger than mid in zerg fights and in 8v8 if played properly. Nobody on this earth can convince me that ichor + PR is somehow better than double bof+sos or double gp on a patch level where purge is 30 mins. Also, our speed class is basically garbage with old RAs, at least your speed classes are a necessity and high utility. A semi-decent minstrel is A) not ccable and B) 3x more useful than a skald - LITERALLY.

Minstrel is utterly ridiculous. You don't need to tell anyone this. We all know it. However I don't see how Zerg fights and 8v8 dynamics are relevant to the domination of one realm and it's impact on server health.

Valfar wrote:I don't care what anyone says but even during times when hibs had relics for months(and it's easiest for them to defend the relics with animiists anyway), mids always came out to rvr. And please don't try to convince me that people like Romu actually want to rvr, they want a keep take simulator and they will log or change zone as soon as they wipe 2 times, usually to inferior numbers anyway.

In better times when the server was healthier...Mid shared always the same number of RPs per week and often exceeded the other realms. This is a better indication of realm health. In that same breath that you talk about Midgard still coming out to fight (when you were doing absolutely fine - certainly not dominated) - you then knock Romu for creating activity in Albion. Do you want no action at all? Are you just trying to peacock your Midgard skill again?

Valfar wrote:Spymistress is also coming up with conspiracy theories that people play mid or stay there because it's easy xD...yeah sure, it's the illuminati also.

I, like many people, have played that realm on previous servers and I ran my guild on Midgard on Uth v1. It is easy to play, easy to run raids, just thoughtlessly easy really. Classes are on the whole dumbed down and mostly just case of stick and bash anytime style, odd bit of hamster, odd bit of quad hit, odd bit of 1 shot Tundra until nerfed serveral months later. There are some classes that need mastering to make a group successful but it's mostly an easy ride.

Valfar wrote:Most mids got their RR just by coming out and dying repeatedly, and they did get farmed quite a bit when good hib groups were out, problem with some keep takers is that they don't want to do that, then months later they whine about high rr.

Irrelevant to the topic (and mostly untrue memory of recent times)

I usually find people that resort to name calling and being offensive, are coming from a weak position. If they are somewhat intelligent, this usually means on some level they are aware of this, and trying to regain some control by this action. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume the better of you. However, in either case - you are letting yourself down.
- Inqy/Spymistress/Sly -
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Postby Valfar » Oct 09, 2018 19:28

Trolol spy, another commie. I'm offensive because I dislike people who whine and I don't like fake politeness. Why didn't you whine when hib caster groups were owning and when you had all the relics? Where was the fight for fairness and equality then? Gtfo and go out and create RvR. You're a part of the population, you can't regulate it every time you see it as unfair. And lol at Tundra, I've explained this already...****** hilarious. Also, raids are way easier on alb and hib. Hib and alb have stronger setups but require a bit more skill to play. Also, our seers are first targets most of the time while clerics/druids are not high priority targets(harder to play a decent healer than a druid or cleric, especially pac) and with old RAs caster groups own, so don't preach. I remember you from uthgard1, same ******...moron who invites 1000 people he doesn't know into the guild. Ignore.
Last edited by Valfar on Oct 09, 2018 19:53, edited 5 times in total.
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Postby hazelhimself » Oct 09, 2018 19:29

after re-reading this thread again, ive come to the conclusion, that (if ignoring all the personal attacks, trolling, childish provocations, false accusations and judging peoples playstyle) no matter which realm, we all want the same thing. SOMEWHAT fair and first and foremost FUN rvr. and i guess we can all agree that in order to "save" the server to to speak, albs and hibs have to get it together and build more groups/get out to rvr more.

but as i said before...at the moment....including all factors (available manpower, player skill, RR, relics, patchlevel, ...) giving mids a good fight is almost impossible, which results in a serious lack of motivation.

so ill ask again, and this goes out to everyone(so players of all realms and possibly the devs): what could we do to change this?

oh, and before i forget...im not looking for answers like "lel nerf relixx it be op!" - relics are fine the way they are. lets be real here. 6 relics are extremely hard to hold and doing so should be rewarded accordingly. "nerf midgard" is another thing thats, frankly, just plain stupid. while midgard is way way easier to pug, it has its weaknesses. its just that albs and hibs aint capable of abusing those as it is right now.

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Postby kinthos » Oct 09, 2018 19:51

Valfar wrote:Trolol spy, another commie. I'm offensive because I dislike people who whine and I don't like fake politeness. Why didn't you whine when hib caster groups were owning and when you had all the relics? Where was the fight for fairness and equality then? Gtfo and go out and create RvR. You're a part of the population, you can't regulate it every time you see it as unfair. And lol at Tundra, I've explained this already...****** hilarious. Also, raids are way easier on alb and hib. Hib and alb have stronger setups but require a bit more skill to play. Also, our seers are first targets most of the time while clerics/druids are not high priority targets and with old RAs caster groups own, so don't preach. I remember you from uthgard1, same ******...moron who invites 1000 people he doesn't know into the guild. Ignore.

Thanks for proving my point again. I admit, I usually skip your posts as you talk utter nonsense from your unsophisticated world view - but I tried to engage with you as you called me out. Your lack of knowledge of what a commie and your repeated use of it is actually quite cute. I try not to laugh about it as it's not nice to laugh at people like yourself.
- Inqy/Spymistress/Sly -
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Postby Valfar » Oct 09, 2018 19:54

kinthos wrote:
Valfar wrote:Trolol spy, another commie. I'm offensive because I dislike people who whine and I don't like fake politeness. Why didn't you whine when hib caster groups were owning and when you had all the relics? Where was the fight for fairness and equality then? Gtfo and go out and create RvR. You're a part of the population, you can't regulate it every time you see it as unfair. And lol at Tundra, I've explained this already...****** hilarious. Also, raids are way easier on alb and hib. Hib and alb have stronger setups but require a bit more skill to play. Also, our seers are first targets most of the time while clerics/druids are not high priority targets and with old RAs caster groups own, so don't preach. I remember you from uthgard1, same ******...moron who invites 1000 people he doesn't know into the guild. Ignore.

Thanks for proving my point again. I admit, I usually skip your posts as you talk utter nonsense from your unsophisticated world view - but I tried to engage with you as you called me out. Your lack of knowledge of what a commie and your repeated use of it is actually quite cute. I try not to laugh about it as it's not nice to laugh at people like yourself.

Yep yep, preach. Now go out and make some groups and stop whining. And correct me if I'm wrong...trying to regulate something by using a higher authority because you see it as unfair and would like to make it "fair" is not typical marxist commie crap? Anyway, putting you on ignore, you bore me with your fake politeness. I still can't believe you're a guy, you come off as a 60 year old woman who had sex twice in her life back in the 1970s and ever since then is just role playing both in game and in life...oh yes I'm the Spymistress mhmhmhm your demise is expedient, huhu huhu I'm gathering information and assassinating people huhu huhu. Go eat cucumber sandwiches and discuss the weather :D.
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Postby hazelhimself » Oct 09, 2018 20:01

requesting mod cleanup again.
we are all adults, arent we?
take a chill pill, people ♥

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Postby Valfar » Oct 09, 2018 20:01

hazelhimself wrote:requesting mod cleanup again.
we are all adults, arent we?
take a chill pill, people ♥

Say no more.
It is what it is.

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Postby kinthos » Oct 09, 2018 20:31

Valfar wrote:
kinthos wrote:
Valfar wrote:Trolol spy, another commie. I'm offensive because I dislike people who whine and I don't like fake politeness. Why didn't you whine when hib caster groups were owning and when you had all the relics? Where was the fight for fairness and equality then? Gtfo and go out and create RvR. You're a part of the population, you can't regulate it every time you see it as unfair. And lol at Tundra, I've explained this already...****** hilarious. Also, raids are way easier on alb and hib. Hib and alb have stronger setups but require a bit more skill to play. Also, our seers are first targets most of the time while clerics/druids are not high priority targets and with old RAs caster groups own, so don't preach. I remember you from uthgard1, same ******...moron who invites 1000 people he doesn't know into the guild. Ignore.

Thanks for proving my point again. I admit, I usually skip your posts as you talk utter nonsense from your unsophisticated world view - but I tried to engage with you as you called me out. Your lack of knowledge of what a commie and your repeated use of it is actually quite cute. I try not to laugh about it as it's not nice to laugh at people like yourself.

Yep yep, preach. Now go out and make some groups and stop whining. And correct me if I'm wrong...trying to regulate something by using a higher authority because you see it as unfair and would like to make it "fair" is not typical marxist commie crap?

lol - do you need me to explain communism to you now? If you don't understand it, don't use it as your slur.

Valfar wrote:Anyway, putting you on ignore, you bore me with your fake politeness.

I bet you don't. I also don't bore you, I likely scare you with the truth that hurts and seeing through your weak arguments and lack of intelligence. In any case, you will be responding with your simple views and pathetic insults in 2 posts time. I don't think I am being polite to you - at best I am *trying* to tolerate you, in an attempt to help you understand. I am failing to help you - and less inclined to tolerate you - but that doesn't mean I'm a failure. Just that you are beyond help - and perhaps I am now veering into enjoying prodding you.

Valfar wrote:I still can't believe you're a guy, you come off as a 60 year old woman who had sex twice in her life back in the 1970s and ever since then is just role playing both in game and in life...oh yes I'm the Spymistress mhmhmhm your demise is expedient, huhu huhu I'm gathering information and assassinating people huhu huhu. Go eat cucumber sandwiches and discuss the weather :D.

Did you just laugh at you own bad joke/insinuation? I also laughed but not because I am hurt or upset, but that you have absolutely no clue about me.
- Inqy/Spymistress/Sly -
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Postby kinthos » Oct 09, 2018 20:38

hazelhimself wrote:after re-reading this thread again, ive come to the conclusion, that (if ignoring all the personal attacks, trolling, childish provocations, false accusations and judging peoples playstyle) no matter which realm, we all want the same thing. SOMEWHAT fair and first and foremost FUN rvr. and i guess we can all agree that in order to "save" the server to to speak, albs and hibs have to get it together and build more groups/get out to rvr more.

but as i said before...at the moment....including all factors (available manpower, player skill, RR, relics, patchlevel, ...) giving mids a good fight is almost impossible, which results in a serious lack of motivation.

so ill ask again, and this goes out to everyone(so players of all realms and possibly the devs): what could we do to change this?

oh, and before i forget...im not looking for answers like "lel nerf relixx it be op!" - relics are fine the way they are. lets be real here. 6 relics are extremely hard to hold and doing so should be rewarded accordingly. "nerf midgard" is another thing thats, frankly, just plain stupid. while midgard is way way easier to pug, it has its weaknesses. its just that albs and hibs aint capable of abusing those as it is right now.

In the slim chance that my posts and Valf haven't completely ruined this thread - I'd love to return to the topic.

hazelhimself - I'd like to hope you are right - I certainly do want a lively and enjoyable server with plenty of action. I'd love it if we could turn all this bile and posturing into something constructive. I posted early on in this thread with possible ideas (pg1 of this topic). The plan behind my proposed changes were not to punish anyone but to promote action. Reward realms that are struggling to compete with higher return to get the ball rolling and not offer up ridiculous and overpowering dmg bonuses where they are not needed.
- Inqy/Spymistress/Sly -
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Postby Woosh » Oct 10, 2018 09:14

Valfar wrote:oh yes I'm the Spymistress mhmhmhm your demise is expedient, huhu huhu I'm gathering information and assassinating people huhu huhu. Go eat cucumber sandwiches

oh i'm pretty sure he's not eating the cucumbers mate but rather using them actively while larping as a mistress :lol:

"This city's afraid of me. I've seen its true face. The streets are extended gutters and the gutters are full of blood. And when the drains finally scab over, all the vermin will drown."

fremster wrote:we ran on buffpotions because cleric couldnt buff

Hasbulat wrote:As soon we come with a bit better organized random group all those Flamps and Holsteins just running away as soon they see us.

Alcan wrote:why do you call me a Moron when all i do is ask ppl if they are happy?

Cyba wrote:Albion = Israel :D

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Postby kinthos » Oct 10, 2018 09:46

Woosh wrote:
Valfar wrote:oh yes I'm the Spymistress mhmhmhm your demise is expedient, huhu huhu I'm gathering information and assassinating people huhu huhu. Go eat cucumber sandwiches

oh i'm pretty sure he's not eating the cucumbers mate but rather using them actively while larping as a mistress :lol:

He can't see your post, he's blocked me. So you'll have to go whisper it his ear when you are next cuddled up in bed.
- Inqy/Spymistress/Sly -
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Postby Gil » Oct 10, 2018 10:36

hazelhimself wrote:requesting mod cleanup again.
we are all adults, arent we?
take a chill pill, people ♥

Very few adults are participating in this food fight.
Gil DaTroll - Merlin Zerker | MacDeath - Uth1 Armsman | Gil - Uth2 Zerker | Macdeath - Uth2 Armsman

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Postby kinthos » Oct 10, 2018 11:24

Woosh wrote:
kinthos wrote:
He can't see your post, he's blocked me.

when you're such a daft *naughty c word that his mummy told him not to use but he still did* you can't even understand how quoting works even tho you're spewing mental diarrhea daily on the forum.


^^ Triggered. Also - I suggest you look up projection.
- Inqy/Spymistress/Sly -
GM of "eXPedient demise" | Slave of "Crows of Winter"

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Postby Nef Melody » Oct 10, 2018 12:01

Just read the original post, but the answer is simple. Midgard can be played by braindeads, Albion can be played by mediocre players who know how to communicate and Hib is the hardest by default. Balance changes would have to take place for this to change. The problem is that the staff is inexperienced when it comes to RvR balance, so they are scared to take steps
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