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Postby Roby5869 » Oct 14, 2018 00:50

hazelhimself wrote:also to put my previous statement of "albs need to outnumber mids at least by 2:1 rn" into context - that includes factors like relics AND PLAYER SKILL obviously. i mean lets be honest - most albs are pve players after all and have limited knowledge of rvr. i myself am rusty af as well so dont think i think of myself of some super elite gozu player.

Ok, so you're saying is not a question of relics that unbalance the game but of players skills? I agree!!!

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Postby Satiah » Oct 14, 2018 01:26

Roby5869 wrote:
hazelhimself wrote: alb needs at least 2:1 advantage to stand a chance vs mids rn.

Tonite the 8 man alb rolled us over a few times. They getting better and better every day. At the end we had to switch to 3 healer setup to beat them and still was very hard.
Valfer is right, you have to improve your way of playing and stop QQing on how powerfull mid is.

It's ok Roby5869. We all know how bad you guys are.
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Postby hazelhimself » Oct 14, 2018 01:35

Roby5869 wrote:
hazelhimself wrote:also to put my previous statement of "albs need to outnumber mids at least by 2:1 rn" into context - that includes factors like relics AND PLAYER SKILL obviously. i mean lets be honest - most albs are pve players after all and have limited knowledge of rvr. i myself am rusty af as well so dont think i think of myself of some super elite gozu player.

Ok, so you're saying is not a question of relics that unbalance the game but of players skills? I agree!!!

you really need to learn how to read, mate.

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Postby Nakja » Oct 14, 2018 07:23

hazelhimself wrote:tldr: being mid is fun - romu is motivated,...

1\ Romu knows the skills of his Zerg so options are limited. If you guys want to fight (and win to get RP) build reasonable groups instead of your low level twinks first.
2\ Anyone who needs instructions in zergfight can join his Teamspeak. (Romu is friendly and speak english very well).
3\ About lost relics and Romu DragonRaid. Romu isn't our realm daddy. Anyone can open a RvR BG too.
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Postby Valfar » Oct 14, 2018 07:45

silenced wrote:I always read about 'double BOF' and it's like a magic super weapon against Midgard. Can someone englighten me? :?:

Actually, to get that super magical superweapon you need to have some RR first, but instead of saving points until RR2, most clerics invest in MCL first, and such stuff. So it takes even longer. And for random players, that do not do RVR as main point of interest, BOF is actually a rather useless RA. I think most of the clerics RR2+ in Albion don't have BOF, except they plan to be playing actively in RVR.

So, maybe stop talking about things that are actually not really there.

Now take a look at the cleric list in the herald, sort by last week RP and look at the overall RP gained and the RR these clerics have, that had been active recently.

Now, do something even more funny: Take a look at the Paladins, and their LW RP. Now you got these superior Albion tank groups, that run on endupots?

Sure, there have been the multiple use pots introduced, but again, lots of these pugs don't really run around prepared. People always look at me strangely when I decide to play in a group, mostly for PVE right now, since the chars I want to play have not even reached lvl 45 yet, and when no sorc or minst is around, I give away some power regen pots, as a full tank without any power at all. 'Why do you carry these around?' ... :roll: :roll: :roll:

Most of these 'Zergs' Romu is running around with, are chars lvl 40 - 50. You may see 2-3 groups, but basically it's only one group.

But well, it's getting better over time, maybe.

I hear what you're saying, but I wasn't really talking about random 40+ people who join the zerg. I was simply saying that it's definitely possible and that people should try and fail until they get it. Even for average players, a pool of 10-12 players could play together few times a week and tremendously improve in a short period of time. As for Romu, it's really funny. He has that many people follow him every day and still when you land 1 mezz on them, a lot of them purge in panic and SOS is instantly used, even if they outnumber us 3:1 and we weren't even planning to fight :D.

As for clerics...purge+bof+mcl+lw1 is 3L4, which is 4L0 for MCL2 and you have all the essentials already. It's an old game, there are plenty of experienced players around, plenty of forum guides as well. Gwyneth and the guys in his group seem quite friendly and they're good players, imo it's better to ask them about tactics/setups than blindly follow Romu to get 150 RPS by taking a keep and switching zones all the time to avoid inc. Just my opinion anyway. I understand you though, it is hard to get same people to show up 5 times a week or so, something always comes up. That's why I like the slow xp grind, I get to feel the people out and make a list of people never to group with and the ones I always wanna group with, that's how I met most of the people on uth1 and we still play together or are in touch, even if they are playing other games.
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Postby Woosh » Oct 14, 2018 15:23

Romu is a massive tactician. Thank you for these quick 5K :lol:

"This city's afraid of me. I've seen its true face. The streets are extended gutters and the gutters are full of blood. And when the drains finally scab over, all the vermin will drown."

fremster wrote:we ran on buffpotions because cleric couldnt buff

Hasbulat wrote:As soon we come with a bit better organized random group all those Flamps and Holsteins just running away as soon they see us.

Alcan wrote:why do you call me a Moron when all i do is ask ppl if they are happy?

Cyba wrote:Albion = Israel :D

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Postby danever2 » Oct 14, 2018 18:53

I will share with you how Romu's group looked like at 22 CET - if I recall correctly:

1. Arms ?
2. Paladin (2hand Romu)
3. Friar (very little mana, can heal 1500 with 5-6 spells)
4. Cleric lvl 44
5. Theurg
6. Cabba
7. something ... Infi ?
8. empty

So 1. no speed, 2. no cc, 3. no sos, 4. no bunker, 5. no heals, 6. no demezz and probably everyone except Romu was RR 2l8 - 3l4. No assist lead, no movement tactics (kite, attack, push or something) low-level twinks that run around like chicken ....

The advice... "Build proper groups" .... in theory true but - try that, all proper RvR players left the server/joined mid, and what is left are casual players that twink their 10th character ... all 2l9. We beg people to come to rvr ... but they are all frustrated, because no one told them how to play - nor are they interested - and they lost too many times in the past in rvr.

In the end you have low rr RvR tourist groups like this, that stand no chance ...

..there is a reason why all serious rvr groups left the server ... they could not find backup for their group in their timezone case one does not show up.

Albion vs X... is like a boxing fight between a 12-year-old against a full-grown pro.

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Postby hazelhimself » Oct 14, 2018 18:57

Nakja wrote:
hazelhimself wrote:tldr: being mid is fun - romu is motivated,...

1\ Romu knows the skills of his Zerg so options are limited. If you guys want to fight (and win to get RP) build reasonable groups instead of your low level twinks first.
2\ Anyone who needs instructions in zergfight can join his Teamspeak. (Romu is friendly and speak english very well).
3\ About lost relics and Romu DragonRaid. Romu isn't our realm daddy. Anyone can open a RvR BG too.

1. no idea who all those ppl with those damn lvl 42 wizards etc are and what they are doing in the frontiers.
2. that would require people to realize the fact that they would have done better with guidance tho. not gonna happen.
3. i disagree! in a way, he is. many many albs are unskilled zerg lemmings. while this sounds like an insult, its not meant as such..its just a playstyle i guess. lets call it casual fun rvr to be a bit more diplomatic. thats quite a large percentage of albs manpower. so for whatever reason, those casual rvrers join romu whenever he opens a bg. so in a way he decides where most of the available manpower of albion is distributed. so im asking you: do you REALLY think...that alb woulda been able to field a bg strong enough to hold the relics while romu is dragging god knows how many FGs to gole? my answer is: hell, no. i was sitting in CS when it happened desperately trying to build a FG to snag come keeps in order to slow mids down - it didnt work.

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Postby Nerthos » Oct 15, 2018 03:41

danever2 wrote:I will share with you how Romu's group looked like at 22 CET - if I recall correctly:

1. Arms ?
2. Paladin (2hand Romu)
3. Friar (very little mana, can heal 1500 with 5-6 spells)
4. Cleric lvl 44
5. Theurg
6. Cabba
7. something ... Infi ?
8. empty

So 1. no speed, 2. no cc, 3. no sos, 4. no bunker, 5. no heals, 6. no demezz and probably everyone except Romu was RR 2l8 - 3l4. No assist lead, no movement tactics (kite, attack, push or something) low-level twinks that run around like chicken ....

The advice... "Build proper groups" .... in theory true but - try that, all proper RvR players left the server/joined mid, and what is left are casual players that twink their 10th character ... all 2l9. We beg people to come to rvr ... but they are all frustrated, because no one told them how to play - nor are they interested - and they lost too many times in the past in rvr.

In the end you have low rr RvR tourist groups like this, that stand no chance ...

..there is a reason why all serious rvr groups left the server ... they could not find backup for their group in their timezone case one does not show up.

Albion vs X... is like a boxing fight between a 12-year-old against a full-grown pro.

thats not in every part true, there are many players out in albion who are capable and eager to learn their character. Many decent players are in black ghost, Knight who say Ni, Northwind, etc.... you just have to find and get to know them.

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Postby kinthos » Oct 15, 2018 09:44

Slightly related to this topic, gratz again on Albion this morning (15th Oct). Power + Str Relic secured! I really hope you can keep it out of Midgards (really)dirty hands.
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Postby Nakja » Oct 15, 2018 10:34

kinthos wrote:Slightly related to this topic, gratz again on Albion this morning (15th Oct). Power + Str Relic secured! I really hope you can keep it out of Midgards (really)dirty hands.

You're welcome guard Hadrians MMG for us ; )
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Postby Romu » Oct 15, 2018 13:04

Nerthos wrote:
danever2 wrote:I will share with you how Romu's group looked like at 22 CET - if I recall correctly:

1. Arms ?
2. Paladin (2hand Romu)
3. Friar (very little mana, can heal 1500 with 5-6 spells)
4. Cleric lvl 44
5. Theurg
6. Cabba
7. something ... Infi ?
8. empty

So 1. no speed, 2. no cc, 3. no sos, 4. no bunker, 5. no heals, 6. no demezz and probably everyone except Romu was RR 2l8 - 3l4. No assist lead, no movement tactics (kite, attack, push or something) low-level twinks that run around like chicken ....

The advice... "Build proper groups" .... in theory true but - try that, all proper RvR players left the server/joined mid, and what is left are casual players that twink their 10th character ... all 2l9. We beg people to come to rvr ... but they are all frustrated, because no one told them how to play - nor are they interested - and they lost too many times in the past in rvr.

In the end you have low rr RvR tourist groups like this, that stand no chance ...

..there is a reason why all serious rvr groups left the server ... they could not find backup for their group in their timezone case one does not show up.

Albion vs X... is like a boxing fight between a 12-year-old against a full-grown pro.

thats not in every part true, there are many players out in albion who are capable and eager to learn their character. Many decent players are in black ghost, Knight who say Ni, Northwind, etc.... you just have to find and get to know them.

The other part is also not true. First person to join and last to leave was minstrel with RR5l7. I had a Sorc with RR5l5 nearly the whole evening in my group. I had 2 Clerics in my group, one level 47 and one level 50, both with bunker. I had a Infi and a friar in my group at the very end, last run before we disbanded. That was around 1 am, so at this time there are for sure no perfect groups.

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Postby kinthos » Oct 15, 2018 13:32

Romu wrote:
Nerthos wrote:
danever2 wrote:I will share with you how Romu's group looked like at 22 CET - if I recall correctly:

1. Arms ?
2. Paladin (2hand Romu)
3. Friar (very little mana, can heal 1500 with 5-6 spells)
4. Cleric lvl 44
5. Theurg
6. Cabba
7. something ... Infi ?
8. empty

So 1. no speed, 2. no cc, 3. no sos, 4. no bunker, 5. no heals, 6. no demezz and probably everyone except Romu was RR 2l8 - 3l4. No assist lead, no movement tactics (kite, attack, push or something) low-level twinks that run around like chicken ....

The advice... "Build proper groups" .... in theory true but - try that, all proper RvR players left the server/joined mid, and what is left are casual players that twink their 10th character ... all 2l9. We beg people to come to rvr ... but they are all frustrated, because no one told them how to play - nor are they interested - and they lost too many times in the past in rvr.

In the end you have low rr RvR tourist groups like this, that stand no chance ...

..there is a reason why all serious rvr groups left the server ... they could not find backup for their group in their timezone case one does not show up.

Albion vs X... is like a boxing fight between a 12-year-old against a full-grown pro.

thats not in every part true, there are many players out in albion who are capable and eager to learn their character. Many decent players are in black ghost, Knight who say Ni, Northwind, etc.... you just have to find and get to know them.

The other part is also not true. First person to join and last to leave was minstrel with RR5l7. I had a Sorc with RR5l5 nearly the whole evening in my group. I had 2 Clerics in my group, one level 47 and one level 50, both with bunker. I had a Infi and a friar in my group at the very end, last run before we disbanded. That was around 1 am, so at this time there are for sure no perfect groups.

Romu - the discussion about your tactics and your ability I'm ambivalent about. We need leaders for entire realms like you. If people disagree with you, they are entitled to do so. However, until they step forward like you do, they are just back seat drivers.

What I like is you keep stepping forward, and get Albion doing stuff. Keep it up mate.
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Postby Gil » Oct 15, 2018 13:51

IMO, Romu does a great job leading the Alb realm with the people he can get to RvR. Albs are getting better but it does take time to level up, gear up and learn up. /salute Romu

I switched to Alb from Mid 2 months ago and only recently got Templated and Det5. Ripbro switched over 44 days ago. last night, Sunday night in USA, Monday morning in EU was his first RvR raid as an Alb. We took 2 relics home. /salute Ripbroski
Last edited by Gil on Oct 15, 2018 14:30, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby pweet » Oct 15, 2018 14:03

All those forum warrior that want to compete with Romu. 8)
If you just have one day, and feel you wont have enough time to organise it on a daily basis, I am very sure Romu would give you the chance.
Not sure the rest would follow you, but yeah you never know :wink:


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