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Postby Valfar » Nov 01, 2018 20:04

Roxxor wrote:You can tell what you want.
Uthgards staff seems quited, no more care for the server, which got smashed by a new freeshard again.

Beta is beta, live is live.

Things change. Nothing lasts forever and the "new freeshard" is ran by idiots who encourage cheating and it's not even released, but is already basically an arena-like environment with arranged fights and instant gratification(which is fun at first but gets old after a while because things you get easily you don't really enjoy). All the known cheaters who have been banned many times on various freeshards are currently enjoying Phoenix, enough said. What good are RPS, reskins etc. if it's all given out to you almost right away. Anyway, old RAs are just idiotic and boring and any server that has them will suffer long-term because many classes are out of the picture for 8v8 and solo so it gets super repetitive. We'll see though, in 8 months or 1 year we might have a more clear picture of things.
It is what it is.

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Postby Caemma » Nov 01, 2018 22:58

Meanwhile, mids took all relics.
There was a time when Uthgard 1.0 existed and maaaany toons and arrpees arose... but now:

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Postby silenced » Nov 01, 2018 23:48

Noone cares, Albs will take them back in about 10 hours I assume, as every day.
Albion Forever!

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Postby joga » Nov 02, 2018 04:19

silenced wrote:Noone cares, Albs will take them back in about 10 hours I assume, as every day.

Not albs, but let's give credit where credit is due: ripbroski.

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Postby kinthos » Nov 02, 2018 17:13

I care. SBs/Skalds running around with 20% relic + a further up to 19% dmg bonus (depending on guild claiming outpost and which one). Sounds legit.
- Inqy/Spymistress/Sly -
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Postby falcona » Nov 03, 2018 13:44

joga wrote:
silenced wrote:Noone cares, Albs will take them back in about 10 hours I assume, as every day.

Not albs, but let's give credit where credit is due: ripbroski.

Yes thanks, to him, I sleep better now I know every night the relics are reset :p
Mid should keept this pearl ^^

Usually I will not support taking relics without defenders (no merit no challenge) but now mids decided all means are good to take them, i don't care and we play the game with rules they choosen...


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Postby Roby5869 » Nov 04, 2018 19:16

Strangely enough (but not so much), mid weekly RPs have gone from 46% of the weeks we had all 6 relics to 50% of this week we only own one. So what's the new proposal to ri-balance this game? Decrease mid tank train damage?

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Postby fremster » Nov 04, 2018 21:59

Roby5869 wrote:Strangely enough (but not so much), mid weekly RPs have gone from 46% of the weeks we had all 6 relics to 50% of this week we only own one. So what's the new proposal to ri-balance this game? Decrease mid tank train damage?

Well if mid stopped running 16man as lowest number they may encounter enemies who will kill them thus the rp share will be more spread out. However as they only run 16man, they trash 90% of the server including romu zerg who is 24+ (made up of anyone who wants to rvr regardless of class, level or equipment).

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Postby Nakja » Nov 05, 2018 07:18

Roby5869 wrote:Strangely enough (but not so much), mid weekly RPs have gone from 46% of the weeks we had all 6 relics to 50% of this week we only own one. So what's the new proposal to ri-balance this game? Decrease mid tank train damage?

You guys just take more keeps then the others ; )
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Postby Spacebrah » Nov 05, 2018 08:18

Roby5869 wrote:Strangely enough (but not so much), mid weekly RPs have gone from 46% of the weeks we had all 6 relics to 50% of this week we only own one. So what's the new proposal to ri-balance this game? Decrease mid tank train damage?

Your question assumes that relics are/aren't the problem. If you re-read the original post, you'll notice that there is no claim as to the specific reason(s) for imbalance, rather just arguing that there is imbalance. Even if you could prove that relics (or any other single factor) are not a source of imbalance, that does not mean imbalance does not exist.

You can't fix a problem until you recognize that there is one, and the community in general seems to not even acknowledge that a problem exists - regardless of what the problem is. By your wording, it seems to be that you are part of the crowd that believes there is no problem. Your reasoning (and I may be wrong, so please correct me if I am) seems to be something like: [The percentage of weekly realm points that Midgard earns is unaffected by the amount of relics that Midgard owns, so there is no problem with Midgard earning 50% of weekly realm points even though one third would be a fair share]. You appear to be focusing on the source (or rather lack of source) of the imbalance and overlooking the fact that there is imbalance and Midgard is dominating - whatever the reason may be.

Perhaps (and this is to be considered - not taken as a concrete fact) the imbalance may be that all the hardcore players are on one realm (the specific realm being irrelevant) instead of spreading out over multiple realms. What results is Casual vs. Casuals vs. Hardcores, which is imbalance due to the community and not due to game design, but still imbalance nonetheless.

If the game itself is truly well balanced, but casuals still don't want to play because the teams aren't balanced with similar players, does it even matter whether or not the game is balanced?

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Postby Gil » Nov 05, 2018 11:10

Spacebrah wrote:
Roby5869 wrote:Strangely enough (but not so much), mid weekly RPs have gone from 46% of the weeks we had all 6 relics to 50% of this week we only own one. So what's the new proposal to ri-balance this game? Decrease mid tank train damage?

Your question assumes that relics are/aren't the problem. If you re-read the original post, you'll notice that there is no claim as to the specific reason(s) for imbalance, rather just arguing that there is imbalance. Even if you could prove that relics (or any other single factor) are not a source of imbalance, that does not mean imbalance does not exist.

You can't fix a problem until you recognize that there is one, and the community in general seems to not even acknowledge that a problem exists - regardless of what the problem is. By your wording, it seems to be that you are part of the crowd that believes there is no problem. Your reasoning (and I may be wrong, so please correct me if I am) seems to be something like: [The percentage of weekly realm points that Midgard earns is unaffected by the amount of relics that Midgard owns, so there is no problem with Midgard earning 50% of weekly realm points even though one third would be a fair share]. You appear to be focusing on the source (or rather lack of source) of the imbalance and overlooking the fact that there is imbalance and Midgard is dominating - whatever the reason may be.

Perhaps (and this is to be considered - not taken as a concrete fact) the imbalance may be that all the hardcore players are on one realm (the specific realm being irrelevant) instead of spreading out over multiple realms. What results is Casual vs. Casuals vs. Hardcores, which is imbalance due to the community and not due to game design, but still imbalance nonetheless.

If the game itself is truly well balanced, but casuals still don't want to play because the teams aren't balanced with similar players, does it even matter whether or not the game is balanced?

Midgard dominates the server during EU prime time (which seems to be the only time the forum warriors here care about) but since some of us moved from Mid to Alb, Alb is dominating NA prime time. IMO, the imbalance is caused by too few players. Staff should focus on what they can do to increase the active player base. Players should also focus on bringing back their friends and guildmates who have stopped logging in.
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Postby Woosh » Nov 05, 2018 12:54

Gil wrote: since some of us moved from Mid to Alb, Alb is dominating

Lay off the crack pipe old man, you guys can't even dominate a cliff beetle. I know you feel the need to defend your straw-man arguments since youre engaged with these dimwits.
For example, lets take a look at this amazing player, 4L4 with 598 kills. All his guild has similar stats. I don't know if there is anything more pathetic. Like Valfar said it many times, you guys only need and want a keep taking simulator - and whenever you get your ****** pushed in you start creating theories on the forum about how unfair the game is towards you. Have repeatedly seen the 3 group alb zerg run away from a mid 8 man. You ain't dominating ******. Keep dreaming. Ask for more changes, more wipes, cry about how unbalanced the game is, how its the relics fault, how its the high RR at fault, every excuse you can find. This is beyond autism, in all honesty.
Enjoy your keep-taking sandbox whenever theres nobody online, because thats all you guys are good for :lol:
autism.JPG (24.32 KiB) Viewed 2489 times

"This city's afraid of me. I've seen its true face. The streets are extended gutters and the gutters are full of blood. And when the drains finally scab over, all the vermin will drown."

fremster wrote:we ran on buffpotions because cleric couldnt buff

Hasbulat wrote:As soon we come with a bit better organized random group all those Flamps and Holsteins just running away as soon they see us.

Alcan wrote:why do you call me a Moron when all i do is ask ppl if they are happy?

Cyba wrote:Albion = Israel :D

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Postby Alcan » Nov 05, 2018 14:26

And Mids do same when no alb/hib online nice to see Rip doing it too!

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Postby Gil » Nov 05, 2018 14:35

Woosh wrote:
Gil wrote: since some of us moved from Mid to Alb, Alb is dominating

Lay off the crack pipe old man, you guys can't even dominate a cliff beetle. I know you feel the need to defend your straw-man arguments since youre engaged with these dimwits.
For example, lets take a look at this amazing player, 4L4 with 598 kills. All his guild has similar stats. I don't know if there is anything more pathetic. Like Valfar said it many times, you guys only need and want a keep taking simulator - and whenever you get your ****** pushed in you start creating theories on the forum about how unfair the game is towards you. Have repeatedly seen the 3 group alb zerg run away from a mid 8 man. You ain't dominating ******. Keep dreaming. Ask for more changes, more wipes, cry about how unbalanced the game is, how its the relics fault, how its the high RR at fault, every excuse you can find. This is beyond autism, in all honesty.
Enjoy your keep-taking sandbox whenever theres nobody online, because thats all you guys are good for :lol:

So what do you think Ripbroski SHOULD be doing instead of taking keeps? There are almost zero Mids or Hibs in the frontier during his prime time.
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Postby kinthos » Nov 05, 2018 14:38

Woosh wrote:
Gil wrote: since some of us moved from Mid to Alb, Alb is dominating

Lay off the crack pipe old man, you guys can't even dominate a cliff beetle. I know you feel the need to defend your straw-man arguments since youre engaged with these dimwits.
For example, lets take a look at this amazing player, 4L4 with 598 kills. All his guild has similar stats. I don't know if there is anything more pathetic. Like Valfar said it many times, you guys only need and want a keep taking simulator - and whenever you get your ****** pushed in you start creating theories on the forum about how unfair the game is towards you. Have repeatedly seen the 3 group alb zerg run away from a mid 8 man. You ain't dominating ******. Keep dreaming. Ask for more changes, more wipes, cry about how unbalanced the game is, how its the relics fault, how its the high RR at fault, every excuse you can find. This is beyond autism, in all honesty.
Enjoy your keep-taking sandbox whenever theres nobody online, because thats all you guys are good for :lol:

Read his whole post you'll see he said Mid dominate at EU peak time. Also who do you expect RipBro to kill when no-one else is going out in his playtime (NA peak)? Enemy online have an opportunity to go out and fight him and stop his keep takes? What the hell do you have against him anyway? Whats wrong with him taking keeps. Who's to say you playing like you do makes you a rockstar and him not.

Also I see how you named your screenshot...you keep insulting people and now you aren't even brave enough to be direct about it. Going for passive aggressive instead. Ignorant and spineless too now.
- Inqy/Spymistress/Sly -
GM of "eXPedient demise" | Slave of "Crows of Winter"


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