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Gryphon Knight
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Postby Valfar » Nov 07, 2018 13:58

Satiah wrote:
Valfar wrote:So in other words, if Armsman/Warrior/Hero gets lucky on their absolute maximum crit, they can easily do 750 damage on a leather wearing class if that guy doesn't have an AF charge up and by using an anytime style.

Prove it.

Play more, cry less and you'll know it's possible. I remember you from uthgard1, you cried on forum all the time how high rr groups are too much and it's impossible to win, and you were losing fights to rr5 groups who used MCL and no RA dump was even done. Damn, adding a lot to my ignore list today...it's rough out there :D.
It is what it is.

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Postby Alcan » Nov 07, 2018 14:00

Read wrong sry
Last edited by Alcan on Nov 07, 2018 14:04, edited 1 time in total.

Gryphon Knight
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Postby Alcan » Nov 07, 2018 14:01

omg so you mean a hit for 500 anytime ! compares to a 1 hit kill for 1600? is your iq 40 or so cause i can do a math!

if im cleric i have a chance to reacto to 500 but cant if 1 shotted!

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Postby Satiah » Nov 07, 2018 14:02

Valfar wrote:
Satiah wrote:
Valfar wrote:So in other words, if Armsman/Warrior/Hero gets lucky on their absolute maximum crit, they can easily do 750 damage on a leather wearing class if that guy doesn't have an AF charge up and by using an anytime style.

Prove it.

Play more, cry less and you'll know it's possible. I remember you from uthgard1, you cried on forum all the time how high rr groups are too much and it's impossible to win, and you were losing fights to rr5 groups who used MCL and no RA dump was even done. Damn, adding a lot to my ignore list today...it's rough out there :D.

Besides Thidranki, I never RvR'd in a group on Uthgard1.

So when someone calls your bluff/thrashtalk, you refuse to come with proof and make personal insults instead. Well done.
Satiah | Tuthmes | Dendera | Khufu | Nefertete | Dahshur | Nebetah | Neterbaiu

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Postby pweet » Nov 07, 2018 14:02

Valfar wrote:Damn, adding a lot to my ignore list today...it's rough out there :D.

Can you please add me to that list and stop stalking me like a teenage fanboy?
Very much appreciated.

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Postby Valfar » Nov 07, 2018 14:06

Alcan wrote:omg so you mean a hit for 500 anytime ! compares to a 1 hit kill for 1600? is your iq 40 or so cause i can do a math!

if im cleric i have a chance to reacto to 500 but cant if 1 shotted!

First of all, I responded to Satiah, not to you. Learn to read, idiot. Second of all, I told you not to respond unless you can read English. Again...500+ damage on a leather wearing class translates to almost 800 with a maximum crit if you use a STYLE YOU CAN USE ANY ****** TIME AND CAN SPAM IT. So if you spend 10 RA points on an ability you can only use every 10 mins and it can get blocked etc., let's say that you can do 200 more damage to a CLOTH WEARING CASTER, which is 700-800. So if you get a maximum crit in vendo, that's max 1600. And you don't always get a maximum crit in vendo + you only get one chance, you can't spam Tundra.

Again, you seriously need to learn to read. Ignore again.
It is what it is.

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Postby Valfar » Nov 07, 2018 14:06

pweet wrote:
Valfar wrote:Damn, adding a lot to my ignore list today...it's rough out there :D.

Can you please add me to that list and stop stalking me like a teenage fanboy?
Very much appreciated.

Absolutely, say no more.
It is what it is.

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Postby Stasis » Nov 07, 2018 14:23

Food for thought:
If a tank hit a target for 500+ anytime styled, shouldnt a caster do more? or atleast equal

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Postby Alcan » Nov 07, 2018 14:32

Love your post so long after i edited mine so pfff nab

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Postby Torgo » Nov 07, 2018 16:30

Satiah wrote:
Valfar wrote:So in other words, if Armsman/Warrior/Hero gets lucky on their absolute maximum crit, they can easily do 750 damage on a leather wearing class if that guy doesn't have an AF charge up and by using an anytime style.

Prove it.

No point in arguing...it is more than Tundra... the Tundra exploit was actually fixed. Nothing can be proven. There is no 1.65 baseline out there to go test against. Just accept the bugs/cheats and enjoy what works. It is a free server after all... and just know when you fighting against mid groups they have an advantage and adjust your approach accordingly.

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Postby fremster » Nov 07, 2018 19:29

Woosh wrote:Thanks for the fight in Sursbrooke , Fremster ! you were worth 7800 rps ! :lol: 8 vs 37 :lol: :lol:

Credit where its due, you guys played well. Myself and Lerox put 2k´+ damage into some tank on the stairs and he just kept getting healed. Seriously have no idea what the other albs did... except stand around like lemons while your train pushed down 1by1.

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Postby fremster » Nov 07, 2018 19:33

Woosh wrote:
Stasis wrote:
Woosh wrote:Thanks for the fight in Sursbrooke , Fremster ! you were worth 7800 rps ! :lol: 8 vs 37 :lol: :lol:

I hope we manage to form an 8man to night, you willing to come as 8?

we slayed the alb zerg twice as a 8 man, why do you ask if i'm willing to come as a 8 when most of the time i find your cleric in the zerg ? do you actually think you will do better with a 8 instead of 35+ ? :lol: :lol: :lol: are you trying to make yourself not look like a zerglet ? :lol: :lol: yesterday we ran as a 6 and we still didnt lose one fight and people still talk about being zerged by 16 man here. i wonder if you guys say all that ****** just to wind people up or you literally can't tell the difference between a fg or more. also i find it super funny how the most vocal whiners around here (rofl, you know who you are, thanks for the rps) are always in the Romu zerg - and to no surprise, getting kicked in the teeth even when bringing triple or quadruple the numbers we have. how are you going to explain that ? its the relics ? is it the high rr ? its the tundra ? what else is left to blame ? i am very curious about the latest theories regarding the imbalance :lol: :lol: :lol:

As i said gj but lets face it, those 20 albs who are untemplated, afk, level 42 etc are more of a liability and cause more harm than good. 8v8 is a different game ^^

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Postby Icp » Nov 07, 2018 22:02

Valfar wrote:
Torgo wrote:Look, we all know something is jacked up with the server. Maybe it is mid style growth rates or some kind of formulae but Mid melee out DPSes everything else by a large margin. Nothing can be proved (short of the tundra exploit) so just have to accept it. BOHICA

Care to elaborate on the so called exploit? It's a 10 point RA and the only time it did massive massive damage was when combined with vendo(another ability on a timer) and you also needed a lucky crit. Nobody ever showed screenshots when a zerker got only a crit of 7-8 dmg and on top of that you should not be getting caught that often by a zerker on a patch level with no charge. It's still a style you can block, absorb with a bubble etc. The only evidence(afaik) of Tundra being broken is that they found some old comment on forums back in the day on how Tundra is a useless ability. So what, people back in the day also said Cabalist was a useless class and so on.

So you have to waste 10 points, you can only use it once every 10 mins and you have to combine it with vendo and get super lucky on a maximum crit with the slowest weapon you have and wow, you one shoted a caster...epic. Again, it can still get blocked and absorbed. I always run AF charge on my healer and back when I was aug I had almost 2k hp, I was often times 1 small hit away from death after 3 shots from an armsman and that's on a class with more hp and chain wearing + they're using regular styles and no RAs.

I repeat, only idiots and really, really bad players look for excuses in Tundra and the people who think Tundra and not PLAYING TIME got someone realm ranks are paranoid schizos and loonies of the worst kind.

only 1 question: if the 10 points are wasted...why should a good player spec this ability than?

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Postby wlf » Nov 07, 2018 22:04

Some third grades players acting like big dogs slaying romu zerg and bragging on the forum, those who were nowwhere to be found when decent players were still on the server playing.

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Postby Turt » Nov 08, 2018 01:23


This thread needs to be closed. Just people talking trash to each other.


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