Mid Imbalance = Low Uthgard Pop
All he does is camping keeps with his scout, nice dude but out of touch with reality. Uth1 had the perfect setting and a ton of diversity in 8v8 and solo. Old RAs are the dumbest thing ever in DAOC, it is what it is. It is what it is.
Do you believe the stuff you write or are you 100% trolling? Ramiye does do a lot of keep defense but that far from the only things he does. I know. I'm in his guild and we do lots of RvR together. Gil DaTroll - Merlin Zerker | MacDeath - Uth1 Armsman | Gil - Uth2 Zerker | Macdeath - Uth2 Armsman
Dude, you're a keep taking bot with no clue on how to play even the simplest classes. Are you his lawyer or are you two funny with each other in the sauna? Lol at "far from the only things he does", you make it sound like he's James Bond or something. Dude is camping keeps like 85% of the time and only an inexperienced player would think old RAs are better. I know because I did a lot of 8v8 and solo against all classes and I know most of the 8v8 and solo community that tried both uth1 and uth2. Even if that weren't the case, it's just common sense. Look, I know you're like 80 years old or something so I won't go into a discussion but give it a rest, it's one thing to have an opinion but you really have no clue about DAOC when it comes to any aspect of the game that requires anything else other than being a part of a mindless zerg. When it comes to keep taking zergs, it doesn't really matter if you have old or new RAs are and you depend on way too many people to do or not to do the right thing, so it's extremely difficult to have any feeling of accomplishment because win or lose who the hell knows how much you've contributed. Also, any sane person loses brain cells after grouping with the Romu zerg a few times, it is what it is. I haven't exactly seen Ramiye fighting a wide variety of classes 1v1 and whenever anyone is retaking keeps, he's there to defend. If I wanted an opinion from a scout player about fighting dozens/hundreds of fights against all classes 1v1 on pros/cons of old and new RAs, I'd ask Bistravoda and not some keep camper. It's common sense, in theory and practice old RAs are imbalanced and make many classes either ****** or a must have for a group, which is not the case with new RAs. Someone was 100% right, every time you post on the forum, the world does indeed get dumber. Another one for the ignore list. It is what it is.
Whatever ![]() Old RAs are fine. Thx staff for the fun I had the last 2years and still have on Uthgard ![]()
But it is fun, to push his buttons, so he writes another wall of text. ![]() wwg1wga
More arguments in this posting than in all walls of tears Valfgar ever posted. Valfgar did not make any RPs for month now and before he was running with DG/TA zerg to kill keep raiders. That does not work any more, so he is kind of frustrated. Not sure if he is still playing, but i heard he switched to Albion the day Midgard lost the 6 Relics. So he is just trolling and insulting, no need to argue with this kind of people. Same level like Woosh. |
Trolol noob, we killed you 6v30 every day ![]() Fact of the matter is, you're the one who never tried to fight with even roughly equal numbers or to learn to play any of your classes properly. Now, there is nothing wrong with role playing, keep taking or zerging because it's part of the freedom this game allows. However, if that's the only thing that's out there, then most people either quit or can't wait to jump to another server where there is a possibility of any different kind of action. How on earth would someone like you even understand what makes a certain patch level good or bad or whether old RAs are superior to new ones or not, when you never played 8v8, solo or even smallman consistently. All you do is run with 30+ people, usually die first on inc because you don't pan the camera and even after running with same 30 lemmings for months, you still have zero communication and tactics. So yeah, I have nothing against your playing style or you as a person, but people like you shouldn't be discussing the setting or pros and cons of old RAs, because it's all the same for you anyway, you stick something until it dies or you die...ridiculous. Once you actually try to challenge yourself and consistently try to fight equal numbers(Rps or no Rps, it's not about the skill but about trying to get better), then you might add something constructive to the discussion. Ignore list, bye. It is what it is.
Oh dude, you are still on your propaganda trip, trying to convince the staff to implement new RAs (the saviour of Uthgard2), so you can roflstomp anything out there with your elitist high RR grp?
Either you have no clue or you are just an biased/ignorant guy who is trying to get advantage over other players. Reading through some of you posts made me think, yeah this guy came up with some decent stuff here, but then you keep going with this endless crying about old RAs, so im sure the second is the case here.
And still there is hope, since you actually seem to know it better, maybe someday you will stop trying.
It indeed does matter if you engage the zerg running god- and roflstomp-mode by just pushing some OP buttons (AM3, DI3, Charge3, AotG3), or if you actually have to take care not getting killed in action.
There is no common sense, there is just your opinion and the opinion of others. Guess you are talking about the useless Skald you have to carry just for speed. So true, he would be so much better with Ameliorating Melodies 3 and Anger of the Gods 3. The 30 dps dmg add and 400 HP steady group heals with 3s tick rate for 30 seconds will fit much better into any high RR elitist squad. And don't worry about balance, other realms got access too, so the casuals can just put one of those RR8+ minstrels/bards in each grp and they will be set.
Congrats, so you killed an unorganized zerg with alot of untemplated sub-50s and suboptimal group setups by using a chokepoint inside a keep to your advantage? Well done, then i guess you won't even need that new RAs, you seem to be strong enough to beat anyone without having access to those.
Glad to have those social players arround and good to see you think they should make relics less attractive, so they will only be relevant in your upcoming social events.
There was a reason why we have seen alot of solo and smallman action on Uthgard1, but i am sure it was not about the RA setup. It was a mix of QoL stuff like multiple pot charges, easy access to item charges in every realm and the most important thing by far, the players themselve tolerating each other. So you had the chance to run solo and most groups would just pass you without attacking. With the launch of Uthgard2 there were above 4k players online and you can't expect something like that to happen with that ammount of realmpoint hungry players. So it probably drove alot of those visible solos into frustration and they just gave up or rolled a stealther. Well enough of that quotes, didn't read through all of your post anyway, you are just another guy at the forum crying even louder about the current RA setup than any of those "please improve exp"-guys you are pointing your finger at ever did. |
Cant you just go away plz Valfar noone like your whining insulting novels that tries to make you a god!!!!
While I really have more important things to do in my life atm than to read this walls of text... old RA was just a first shot by mythic and crap, there can't be 2 opionions about this. So many RAs totally useless or way too expensive or too long timers, others way op etc.
So far I agree with Valfar (although I just read every first paragraph of his posts). And the setting from uth1, with all the lowered dmg and extra healing with new RA, without the increased dmg by artifacts, extra stats and ML, was just the holy grail of daoc. Sadly not worshiped enough on uthgard 1 it seems. Most fun by far in the close to 18 years I play daoc! But whatever, I play with whatever we are given. Thats just my opionion, I can accept everyone who has a different. And the setting doesn't bother me so much /shrug |
I saw your long posts and hoped to find someone that really wants to contribute to a discussion .... but all your accusations and insults make this impossible.
If you could take feedback & comments from this thread, it might be valuable and pose big learning for your RL problems you obviously have ... |
You're a ridiculous person. I'm no elitist and I never pretended to be one, but I like the challenge and a more balanced setting. I'm not particularly religious but if you really thing the solo game on uth1 was good due to QoL and charges and not because of RAs, God help you because nobody else can. I never ran with a super high RR group on uthgard1, but I've fought lot of them with pugs. Stop with the high RR myth, there is way more crying about high RRs on uth2 than it was on uth1 and uth1 had way more high RR groups out there. Many groups had great success beating high RR groups on uthgard1 and in spite of the charge3 being OP, somehow strongest groups were caster groups like BTL and Prime. Also, read with understanding, for a lemming like Romu it's the same if we have no RAs at all because he has no clue what's going on anyway. Really, dude plays with same 30-50 people almost every day for months and months and they still suck as bad as first time we've faced them. Uth1 setting was tremendous and even a few groups who came from live stuck around until the very end, where as most people who enjoy any kind of balanced fights quit uth2 because old RAs are ridiculous. In solo you're limited to a very few classes that get strong early and only get stronger later on, where as some other classes need a bunch of prerequisite abilities just to compete and even then 90% of the fights they rely on 30 min re-use abilities. In 8v8 it's a nightmare, you're forced to run certain classes and setups are very specific and on top of that because of no charge, casters don't even need to prekite and the worst part is that fights come down to A) who has which op 30 min RA up and B) who gets the better inc. If you're a tank group, you loop around the hills 20 million times before you get an inc where you can land on top of them and if you're a caster group, you've basically won the fight if you get a frontal inc and everyone knows what they're doing. I'm not trying to advocate new RAs, I'm fine with old RAs as long as people come out and fight, which they're not doing. Romu, Ripbro and people like that would be perfectly fine with a server with no inc, where keep ownership resets every 6 hours and they can retake them endlessly, if that's not a form of mental illness, I don't know what is. The other reason why I don't even care which RAs we have is because I see the composition of the population and it's not RvR oriented, it's quasi elitists in 8v8 who jumped to the other server and we have trash from Genesis who came here to take their keeps. Most of the solo players are gone forever and it's the same with most pugs and groups from uth1. If you really think RA dumping wins fights, then you clearly have no clue about this game and you're oversimplifying it. You do understand that BTL and Prime obliterated absolutely everything at rr4-5, including set groups. And yes, while Albion casters have better synergy than Mid ones and you could make a case for BTL, Prime was also extremely successful and even high rr set groups had maybe 30% win rate against them at best. They didn't even run a skald on top of that. Now obviously, they're a skilled group but after that many more Mid pugs started swapping zerkers for casters and making caster/hybrid groups and they've had success as well. Really, LoL at thinking people just dumped AM 3 and hardly anyone had DI3 because most third level active abilities were not as good considering the points spent. When I see people talking about aotg3, DI3, etc. I know I'm dealing with someone who has no clue what they're talking about. Another one for the ignore list, since I see you deal in paper daoc. I've played a lot of 8v8 and solo on uth1 and I've played uth2 8v8 enough to know what's better. Also, majority of the RvR active population who doesn't deal in keep taking only(AKA esoteric Daoc) agrees with me. Give it a rest, only a moron would ever think old RAs are balanced or fun with all the dumb prerequisites and some classes being OP while others are boring and can't really compete. Anyway it's uth2...it is what it is, a bunch of people who never did RvR having an opinion on everything and living in fear of RA dumping and high RRs haunting them in their dreams. It is what it is.
can you please explain in detail which setup you are comparing to getting to this verdict? |
How does "like the challenge" and "more balanced setting" play together? The challenge is to beat the enemy, especially when the odds are against you. That's a true challenge to accept. Perfect balance would be: any number of realms, only one class in every realm, everyone got the exact same abilities and spec. The one who wins in this perfect balance = really knows what to do. Albion Forever!
I never said it shoud be perfect. Challenge is a matter of playing style, or in other words trying to fight roughly equal numbers. And a more balanced setting would be one where more classes were viable for 8v8 and solo. Sure, you can make any setup and win against noobs but we're assuming you're fighting decent people and a more balanced setting would allow you to build multiple types of groups, where as for example on Mid skald is an absolute must have because so many fights depend only on inc you get. Choosing a challenging play style doesn't mean you have to go some full hardcore mode, picking the ****** class and proving someone wrong. However, on uth1 even medium skill groups had lots of success playing a wide variety of setups and same goes for solos as well. I mean, most of the solos on uth2 are either skalds, minstrels or assassins. There are other classes but not nearly as many players are choosing to play them. I mean, I love playing a hunter but damn assassins get everything, including superior detection(which is the dumbest part, really). Anyway, it is what it is. Let's just say that my opinion is that uth2 is a very strange server. Could be better, could be worse. Setting is not ideal but I'd play a lot more if there were groups out to fight, but most groups quit even before the other server. I'm sure this is a paradise for keep takers but some people actually want to fight players ![]() ![]() It is what it is.
I lost many fights, but i lost never ever a fight 6vs30 against you. Was not even possible to meet you with 6 people as you always run with the flump zerg. Take a look at viewtopic.php?f=86&t=47242 , it shows what rvr looked a few month ago. You are in the middle of the mid zerg nearly every fight. If you killed us 6vs30 every day then you have surely a video of it? There were lots of 8vs8 fights going on that time, GPA, Black Ghosts and many more were running every day. So there was enough action for you if you want competition, but you wanted easy RPs. Too bad that the fishes eat the sharks now. I like that fight in Hadrians Wall in the video. That day Ripbro took back the Str Relics, we met the Flump Zerg and killed them easily open field with equal numbers. Things changed with the relics, the next weeks Mids often camped in Beno with 3-4 groups and whined in Forum if we did not attack such keeps. You stopped playing Midgard because you won fights too easily? So you joined the dominating realm with 6 relics because you looked for a challenge? You are busy with RL Stuff, but have the time to post walls of whine every day for month now? Never read a bigger bullshit. ![]() |
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