Oops no more keeps to take with your animist

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Postby kinthos » Jun 18, 2020 19:51


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Postby virulent- » Jun 18, 2020 20:26

Lyriaela wrote:I think it is very sad. Since you have always complained that the albs only appear in the zerg, we thought we would form a group and challenge you to fight. what came out of it? we ran against 12 men ... and these 12 men also had to hide in keeps and bypassed open field fights.

lol, only reason why u got any rp's last week is cus i came to alb for 2 days ...otherwise, dont qq cus u are getting dumpstered by 7 v 25+ . also, u cant beat our group 8v8 even with u guys being higher rank average player wise. also, tell sprintender to learn how to play minstrel. ur only decent player on that 8man alb group is huriburi, the rest are trashcans. no one cares if u are going on strike for losing in the frontiers in a 20 year old elf simulator. grow some balls or plz uninstall. :hammer: :lol:
Last edited by virulent- on Jun 18, 2020 20:51, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby virulent- » Jun 18, 2020 20:39

Drusillaz wrote:I do think that Hibs with their awsome defence abilities are doing great in a high lvl keep with fg+ plus rangers: practically impossible for albs to take, at least without huge losses: so even if the end might sometimes be getting zerged down, a lot of realm points are distributed from picking out defenders with GT, Volley etc: Hibs assist like a boss, albs don't always.
/ Jutlandia

fg+ defender? no, we had 7. 1 bard, 1 druid, 5 rangers...and 1 of the rangers didn't even have volley yet. gg tho
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Postby Shenyen » Jun 20, 2020 01:39

It's nice of you to help us Albs to retake our keeps, but isn't what you've been doing until 30min ago against the rules?

Since 75 minutes ago, in the time span of about 30 minutes, 4 keeps in the Alb frontier have been taken by the forces of Albion, including 2 keeps (Berk and Surs) in just 3 minutes, BUT: Albion didn't have anyone in the frontier zones, not even anons (/who all and /who displayed the same numbers and nobody was in Forest Sauvage or Pennine Mountains).

So I wanted to see who was taking our keeps and what did I see?

I arrived at Boldiam just in time to witness a purple Man at Arms (a border keep guard of Albion, iirc) running around Boldiam and occasionally hitting Maglan https://daoc.scheffel.it/char/Maglan.
A few moments later Caer Boldiam was taken by "The Forces of Albion", but I am absolutely certain that I was the only Alb nearby at the time, with at least the outer door of Boldiam being closed.
And as a reminder: There were not enough Albs online in that zone, not even anon, to take that keep.

So what I believe: Maglan pulled border keep guards from either Snowdonia Keep or Forest Sauvage Keep through the Alb frontier, pulled it close enough to the Hibernian (!) Keep Lord and waited until the very strong guard killed a keep lord of HIS OWN REALM.

Why he did that?
There are many possible reasons:
1. Hibs didn't have any more Alb keeps to take and maybe don't want to take Mid keeps, so by (ab)using this tactic, they have more keeps to take this night.
2. Hibs don't want to give Albs the possibility to reraid our own keeps for RPs
3. He may be an :gaga: :gaga: :gaga:

If it's 1., I am very certain that this violates rule 6 and also kinda 8 of the "Access to the game server and in game behaviour":
Rule 6. "Abuse of bugs, exploits and obvious game errors is forbidden. If you are not sure whether something is a bug or an error then please ask the Uthgard staff for help and clarification. Bugs have to be reported."
Rule 8. "Intentional cooperation of players between different realms is not allowed. This includes arranged duels and realm point farming."

The game designers and also the devs of Uthgard never designed the keep take mechanics in a way that a realm can give up their own keep and give it back to the original owner of said keep, so this is obviously an exploit and if you use it to retake the keep later (actually any time later, as long as the Mids didn't take it in the meantime) for RP gain, you actually farmed RPs.

Maglan Keeptake.PNG

Oh, it started again..., now Eras was taken...


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Postby Cirath » Jun 20, 2020 02:20

#3 is correct. Golani does wierd things when he gets bored. As hard as it is for the Alb mind to comprehend, Hibs really could care less about keeptake rps.

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Postby Shenyen » Jun 20, 2020 03:03

It doesn't matter if he likes to do weird things, as soon as those things interfere with Realm vs Realm combat the behaviour has to be within the rules of Uthgard.

Hibs raiding Alb keeps: Perfectly fine, unless the keeptake mechanics are exploited in a way that isn't intended by the designers of the game and this server.
So I think taking Alb keeps with a single animist is exploiting and I don't ****** care if you care about keeptake rps or not - you get RPs for the keep and THAT'S IT!
The crime happend and nobody cares if you were happy when you got 450rps or not - you got ****** 450rps for that keep.

And what happened an hour ago is the same:
Hibs can't just pull Albion guards to a Hib keep so that the guards take the keep for Albion.

That's a weird way of crossrealming and is using game mechanics (border keep guards killing players AND NPCs from other realms) in an inproper way.

There's a realm switch timer to prevent Player A from logging to his Alb A to take a Hib Keep, logging back to Hib A to take it back, logging back to Alb A to ta.... and so on.

Rule 7. "Switching to other realms is strictly limited to prevent cross realming. Bypassing the restrictions in place is forbidden."

Now that you're taking keeps with a single animist AND returning it to the Albs via border keep guard kiting, what's there to stop a single Hib from taking a keep with his animist, flipping it back via his bard and border keep guard, taking it back with his animist and so on...?

By kiting an Albion guard to the keep, he's certainly bypassing the realm switch restriction to crossrealm in a weird way.

You guys already ruined dragon raids for all of us, now you're ruining RvR.

I wonder if anyone of you ever stops and thinks "Am I being a dick right now or is it acceptable behavior?"?

But hey, now you got Drastic, who answers this question with every single move he makes.
I guess he'll fit right in.

PS: My "Breton Warder" minstrel was one of the "trashcans" who killed his group at HMG in Hadrians.

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Postby Ithiggi » Jun 20, 2020 03:38

450 rps ? not! If they took the gates down ya but for just killing the lord its would be 150 rps

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Postby kinthos » Jun 20, 2020 05:05

- Inqy/Spymistress/Sly -
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Postby fremster » Jun 20, 2020 07:37

Shenyen wrote:You guys already ruined dragon raids for all of us, now you're ruining RvR.

This is funny. Dragons were removed because the GM did not want them being killed with less than 26 people, NOT because of an abuse in mechanics.

It's funny how the SI mob in ALB can still be farmed with 1 person and that hasn't been removed. I am not sure the initial intention was that a lvl 60+ mob with 12 purp aggros could be solo'd. Why hasn't that been removed long ago?

I'll answer it for you.
Because that is alb and not hib.

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Postby Shenyen » Jun 20, 2020 10:00

Hey kinthos, didn't you pick the wrong realm if all you're good for in a discussion is being a Troll?

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Postby kinthos » Jun 20, 2020 12:39

Shenyen wrote:Hey kinthos, didn't you pick the wrong realm if all you're good for in a discussion is being a Troll?

I can't find a meme for this so you can have some words...

I think you'll find my images are precisely on point and capture the essence of the original poster and the following discussions.

Thank you for your query.
- Inqy/Spymistress/Sly -
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Postby m0e » Jun 20, 2020 13:24

fremster wrote:It's funny how the SI mob in ALB can still be farmed with 1 person and that hasn't been removed. I am not sure the initial intention was that a lvl 60+ mob with 12 purp aggros could be solo'd. Why hasn't that been removed long ago?

I'll answer it for you.
Because that is alb and not hib.

This is also the case for the Hib SI mob, you can easy kite kill him on your ranger - just sayin :-P

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Postby Romu » Jun 20, 2020 20:06

Shenyen wrote:Hey kinthos, didn't you pick the wrong realm if all you're good for in a discussion is being a Troll?

What do you expect from the Guild Master of the Guild where all the people of all recent exploits are from? He is most likely involved in everything.

Thanks for the investigation, everything is reported to the Uthgard Staff and we will see if they react.

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Postby virulent- » Jun 20, 2020 21:37

only way albs can top the weekly rp charts is if im playing on alb OR the albs somehow get hibs banned...pick ur poison
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Postby Cirath » Jun 20, 2020 21:49

Romu wrote:
Shenyen wrote:Hey kinthos, didn't you pick the wrong realm if all you're good for in a discussion is being a Troll?

What do you expect from the Guild Master of the Guild where all the people of all recent exploits are from? He is most likely involved in everything.

Thanks for the investigation, everything is reported to the Uthgard Staff and we will see if they react.


Spare us the dramatics Romu.

Just because you don't like an animist taking keeps doesn't make it an exploit. The shrooms are placed using 100% legit ground targets in 100% legit locations. Can be easily targeted, killed, mezzed, etc. The animist is also extremely vulnerable while doing this. Just because Albs go on a Holy Crusade of outrage, shouting Exploit! Exploit! from the rooftops doesn't make it so. If some of these forum warriors would put half as much effort into RvR, and you know, go defend their keeps, they wouldn't be taken.

Frem has already explained the dragon situation. Don't be upset at hibs for working with what they have ( And NOT exploiting by the way), be angry that for some reason the staff decided to "fix" the hib dragon being killed by fewer players than intended by removing dragons from all realms.

I know you are just really upset that your days of logging in an Alb BG of 30+ twice a week and steamrolling any and all opposition on your way to easy PvE realmpoints are over. Sorry, not sorry.


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