Oops no more keeps to take with your animist
You guys should be nicer to each other. You’re literally the only ones who play this game
Dragon Situation is that Abydos told me it was an Exploit. Fremster explained nothing, he said it was no Exploit, but he does not say how he killed it. If it was no Exploit it should be no problem to tell everyone how you killed it. |
Right there. Hib was told, after the fact, that Dragon was "meant to be killed by 24+ players." That was all the clarification I have seen. Apparently Hibs Crime is not having enough players. Get off your high horse. You stood on the throats of Hib and Mid for months with your population imbalance. Noone in Hib or Mid feels bad for Albion. |
So why don't you explain how the dragon was killed? They're disabled now, so no harm will be done by sharing the secret. And don't act like you know anything about what Romu (and Albs in general) is thinking about the current RvR (and thanks to the Hibs also PvE-) situation. Alb RvR evenings feel like everybody just wants to have a fun and relaxed evening, with some success but also without wanting to demoralize the enemy. Sure, sometimes we have more than 24 people while your numbers are lower and we also don't LOVE do die to an army of shrooms or rangers, but many of us have a mindset that's way, WAY less competetive than what I see from Hibs. I can't speak of all Albs, but I don't think there are (m)any using and abusing the games systems as much as I see or hear about Hibs doing it. Taking keeps with a single animist without breaking any doors, killing your own keep lords with enemy border keep guards, killing the dragon with who knows how many/few players. Standing on the roof of Alb keeps on top of the walls, out of the range of melees (as far as I know - one rarely has time to test that assumption while being nuked by DDs and shrooms), placing rams in a lord room to make it impossible for people (except necromancers) to target anyone inside without being killed by the shrooms behind the rams... How often to you see Albs doing things that are as... questionable as those? Well, there's one Alb who might have done those things - but he's now playing in Hibernia and calling Albs trashcans... You can keep him, we don't want him back... By the way: I guess we now have an explanation why the teleport NPCs in the ATK in Emain have moved to weird places for at least three times in the last few months, with one Elementalist currently even standing on top of the AMG! Is that also a Hib experiment? Kiting those guards to flip keeps in the Hib frontier? Trying to pull the main teleport NPC out of the keep to unexpected or exposed places, so that Albs can't port home? Shenyen
Sihunjan Corvette Others |
Thanks guys - I knew I could rely on you to put it back on track...
![]() - Inqy/Spymistress/Sly -
GM of "eXPedient demise" | Slave of "Crows of Winter" |
lol u get denied by one nightshade at scath with ur 11 players trying to pve keeps while no one is online to defend...trashcans indeed. thx for the free rp. ![]() Drastic / Blademistaire / Kardashian
<Ravensworn> of Hibernia, Palomides 2001 - 2002 *** <Triggered> of Albion, Uthgard2 2017 - 2021 |
Which shade are you talking about? I just have seen one shade on the floor... we killed all 4 hib defenders before we went to the lord. You didn't contribute at all defending that keep, the wipe was caused by some epic pve fails inside the lord room. We engaged the purple guard and the lord at the same time, ppl split the dps between both and noone taunted the purple guard. So the purple guard killed both clerics, in the end the lord was at 4% hp. At this point no hibs were interfering, since all of you died. Guess you were still on the way back to the keep, did you even made it back in time to leech the def RPs? Go on, tell us more of your strange stories, at least at the forum you can shine. ![]() |
The dragon was tethered to his lair. So "we" simply focus pulled it while keeping max distance. This requires a chanter with mcl2 and rp atleast (although you can try to switch pets with another chanter) aswell as a ment for pom and HoT''s and a druid for buffs ofcourse. That's all there was too it.
What Abydos has told me is that the dragon shouldn't be killable with less then 24 players and that any raid/tactic that bypasses that currently is an exploit. Which basically means only the Albs will have access to dragon loot (which they hade for 2 years). Secondly attacking mobs at the edge of a tether, while they can't reach you, shouldn't be possible. It is in rare cases and is an exploit according to Abydos. I believe this is they way Albs pull the SI mob. Lord Gildas is another example and I'm sure there are a lot more beeing "pulled" this way. Notice that keep lords reacted differently after the dragons where taken out. This has prolly something todo with the tether mechanics, but I could be imagining things. It's rather ironic that albs complain that they cannot do any dragon raids, yet when only they can do it, it is fine. The same can be said about the RvR situation. It's fine when you zerg everything down with 2-4fg, while the other realms cannot even fill 1fg. 3 rams on every door, including inners and actively avoid ANY engagements with the enemy. Including adjusting raid times. Yet when someone solo's/smallmens a couple of keeps, it must be an exploit. Hope that this is enough information for you @Romu. Satiah | Tuthmes | Dendera | Khufu | Nefertete | Dahshur | Nebetah | Neterbaiu
Two days since Satiah posted his dragon info and nothing but crickets from noble Albion. Shocking. Hypocrits.
What do you want to hear? You completely bypassed all mechanics from the fight, no one was in the lair while everyone was in a safe spot where the dragon can not reach you. In my opinion a perfect example for an exploit, nothing more to say. You could only exploit the fight more if you find a way to kill him instantly. Abydos also confirmed that it was an exploit. Feel free to have a different opinion. Any more posts will only lead to flames and insults.
Thanks for your opinion. However it was objected purely based on the number of players participating. If Hib had another couple groups knocking around in the BG tossing some heals and looking pretty - it would all have been fine. Gordan can summarise... ![]() - Inqy/Spymistress/Sly -
GM of "eXPedient demise" | Slave of "Crows of Winter" |
No if there were 100 people exploiting the tether I would have taken the same action.
Don't abuse things. |
Can you reimplement dragons and adjust them to the current population, or find another simple but good idea how to get respeccs into game again? Thx for being the last one active on Uthgard btw! ![]() |
You can kite a lot of mobs by just running away and wait for deaggro. Those mobs cannot reach you either. Nevermind the other mobs/bosses that are being pulled exactly the same way. Should we just stand in the lair to get hit? Is it ok to nuke from outside the lair as a caster? Shrooms outside the lair (which is the way to kill it instantly btw)? Edit: And if it is such an exploit, why not just reintroduce the dragons and ban people that abuse it? Why are dragons disabled for so long? It's simply using game mechanics, like everyone else does. Perhaps make a sign at the entrance of the lair, saying: "please fight fair". Satiah | Tuthmes | Dendera | Khufu | Nefertete | Dahshur | Nebetah | Neterbaiu
"Why can't I go 400km/h on the road? Why not put a sign telling people not to!"
There is a sign. And there is enforcement. This is the government limiting motors to a max of 140km/h while we fix the road |
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