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Postby Shenyen » Oct 05, 2020 12:27

The game has become a farce and Hibernia is to blame.

Fights against Mids are still very enjoyable and a treat - because they are basically fair.
Sure, numbers might be a problem from time to time, but Albs can't send players away to make it more even.

Fights against Hibs on the other hand...
They are bug-using and exploiting the game like crazy, taking high-level Alb keeps with shrooms, standing on roofs where you're not supposed to be, hiding their relic in their border keep during a relic raid...

It's just sad, that a bunch of people who are frustrated because their aim-bots stopped working in CS:GO have to ruin the game for everyone else on the server.

It doesn't help that some of them (we all know who) behave like they have been rejected from 4chan for being too immature.

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Postby Shenyen » Oct 05, 2020 12:29

[board acting weird^^]
Last edited by Shenyen on Oct 07, 2020 09:52, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Malinus » Oct 05, 2020 17:08

Shenyen wrote:hiding their relic in their border keep during a relic raid...

You come 16 people take all high keep hib when they was nobody online...
We defended Ailline 3 v 16, then people log in and we was 5 v 18 at scath, fg at relik but you was 2.5 fg
What do you espect? that we drop the relik front ATK emain?

Why shroom your keep. Hib it's user to play 5 v 20, wipe 4 time in row but we come back to fight...

You guys wipe one time, or we kill 4/5 of you and you run away, switch realm taking mid level 1 keep with 22 people for 250 rps...
Strart to play the game! If you dye one time, it's ok it's part of game.

If you wipe 3 time in row ok we can understand that you dodge, but you are scared at first dye, it's why we shroom your keep (work like intended, they are no exploit here)...

Ball is on our camp, we stop shroom your keep if you come back to fight as we did all the time.

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Postby virulent- » Oct 06, 2020 00:08

Shenyen wrote:@Ilerget
The game has become a farce and Hibernia is to blame.

Fights against Mids are still very enjoyable and a treat - because they are basically fair.
Sure, numbers might be a problem from time to time, but Albs can't send players away to make it more even.

Fights against Hibs on the other hand...
They are bug-using and exploiting the game like crazy, taking high-level Alb keeps with shrooms, standing on roofs where you're not supposed to be, hiding their relic in their border keep during a relic raid...

It's just sad, that a bunch of people who are frustrated because their aim-bots stopped working in CS:GO have to ruin the game for everyone else on the server.

It doesn't help that some of them (we all know who) behave like they have been rejected from 4chan for being too immature.

u want to talk about playing fair? yet u try to ninja ailline at 4:30 am (my time) when no hibs are online...luckily i was still online and was able to defend it against ur alb force. u then come online 3 hours later to take scath and ailline (of course while i am not online). then u get mad because we ruined your 'relic raid' by u wiping at our str relic? it is not an exploit to hide the relic in our frontier. maybe u should not be so bad with 2-3fga at relic and wipe like u did? :gaga:

anyway, it's funny that u guys tried so hard to take our relics yesterday rvring for 12+ hours straight with more numbers than us and still failing. dont come on the forums and complain that u didnt succeed.

u also said that this game has become a farce. ur right, it has...with mids and albs dodging action and pve'ing keeps and keep trading with each other for pve rp's. that isn't the way the game was designed or intended to be played. in rvr frontiers, you are expected to pvp. u obviously dont want a challenge which is why u rather fight mids that u can kill with ur monitor off. the original developers of this game would be embarrassed to see ur display of pve and lack of pvp in the rvr frontiers.

lastly, u should be thanking the hibs for helping protect ur power relics from mid zerg on saturday NA time. what do u guys do in response? u zerg our keeps early the next morning when no hibs are online, but u dont see us complaining on the forums like u. have a nice day.
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Postby Pendalith » Oct 06, 2020 02:55

The game has become a farce and Hibernia is to blame.

Fights against Mids are still very enjoyable and a treat - because they are basically fair.
Sure, numbers might be a problem from time to time, but Albs can't send players away to make it more even.

Fights against Hibs on the other hand...
They are bug-using and exploiting the game like crazy, taking high-level Alb keeps with shrooms, standing on roofs where you're not supposed to be, hiding their relic in their border keep during a relic raid...

It's just sad, that a bunch of people who are frustrated because their aim-bots stopped working in CS:GO have to ruin the game for everyone else on the server.

It doesn't help that some of them (we all know who) behave like they have been rejected from 4chan for being too immature.
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Postby Malinus » Oct 06, 2020 08:32

Shenyen wrote:Fights against Mids are still very enjoyable and a treat - because they are basically fair.

Mid fair to wait you guy go to bed , cause i know they are always 6/10 player EU time, asked my guildi on discord how many online yesterday or lasts days, to take all keep, your/our keep when they are no defenser at all.
Fair to run 2fg at 4 AM to paint all map blue when 2 hib 2 alb online...

Fair to build 6 man to take your keep (avoiding all RvR to PvE keep) during you are 22 fighting hib on hib land...

I will not say we defended your relik saturday night, but resuslt is same, because 4 hib was online and huribury defending relik, they abort relik raid. And after Huribury log out, we was alone fighting mid and make them stop.

If today you have 3 power Relik anymore => Blame hib ofc, the dirty elves!
To reward next morning you come 16/20 zerg our frontier.

But it's seem Shenyen you are a cassual player, who come 3 day a week? play that game and think he can have any viewpoint on current stats of the RvR.

Just for say, shrooming keep or guard taking started only cause too many time albion prefer switch 1 hour + take mid level 1 keep than have some fight.
If you are nor looking for fight, maybe don't come take hib keep?
Last edited by Malinus on Oct 06, 2020 15:01, edited 2 times in total.

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Postby fiskgrodan » Oct 06, 2020 09:50

virulent- wrote:u also said that this game has become a farce. ur right, it has...with mids and albs dodging action and pve'ing keeps and keep trading with each other for pve rp's. that isn't the way the game was designed or intended to be played. in rvr frontiers, you are expected to pvp. u obviously dont want a challenge which is why u rather fight mids that u can kill with ur monitor off. the original developers of this game would be embarrassed to see ur display of pve and lack of pvp in the rvr frontiers.

Albion players are mostly casual players who play for the social aspects like hanging out with friends in game and helping each other etc. They are mostly clueless from a competitively perspective.

If you are truly serious about wanting challenging fights instead of farming casual players then you should split up your group of elitist players and do X vs X in a selected frontier zone or battleground.

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Postby Malinus » Oct 06, 2020 11:31

I had same trouble on mid, 2 years helping cassual, try to build team, but most people don't care about how to play (tactic/role in grp) use both instant heal on blue guard with no defender, what happen if some inc?
Or 6 man wipe themself at lord (level 1 keep) again no defender. That's why make me swicth realm , cause people don't want to learn, just afk stick.

Did it's fair to fight 24 v 3, cause some hib are frustated because we most of time don't have number, and just have to look our frontier burn winthout be abble to do anything.
But hib are not complainting to wipe 3/5, because it's the real rate, you win more fight than us cause outnumber, we win more rps cause we kill more ppl...

I would prefer 8v8 with player same range skill, we almost had one team alb abble to compete but some player like Lyriaela stoped game. Stopped cause of hib or more cause cassual unable to play semi properly any class?
I will amswer you, cassual make me leave mid...

Blame hib as much you can, you are responssible as much to this current stats.

fiskgrodan wrote:If you are truly serious about wanting challenging fights instead of farming casual players then you should split up your group of elitist players and do X vs X in a selected frontier zone or battleground.

When? Next century?

So what we are supposed to do? Hide Druim Ligen, let your zerg PvE quiet, took all relik and take back keep when you ended and no more people to fight? They are not more player to fight. If you go out, Be ready to fight, moreover if you hit hib high level keep, because Hibernia will not stop play cause cassual want keeptake quiet?

I understand cassual people can be less concerned by pvp and be frustrated, but just don't come complain on forum or you will find some troll to amswer you.
Last edited by Malinus on Oct 06, 2020 14:40, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Satiah » Oct 06, 2020 13:16

Pendalith wrote:Fights against Hibs on the other hand...
They are bug-using and exploiting the game like crazy, taking high-level Alb keeps with shrooms, standing on roofs where you're not supposed to be, hiding their relic in their border keep during a relic raid...

To take a high lvl keep with shrooms you need more then a couple of animist, but you're right, it's lame. The problem is Abydos kinda ruined it with the statement that what Mids where doing at the relic keep (jumping into the gatehouse) is legal. Well so are the ground targets. Guess it's another "feature" of the Albion keep design.

Also has todo with the fact the Lord is tethered to his room. But as nobody is working on this server anymore, I don't see this beeing fixed anytime soon.

Not sure what happend to the relic. Albs tried to pick it up and died?
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Postby Malinus » Oct 06, 2020 13:58

Relik was on ground first gate, i pick up the relik, and we hide her, As everyone would have done in our place knowing that they face 2.5 x more enemies.

Fair, don't fair, nothing have to do here, i don't care. What about take all keep 20 v 5, 20 v 8? you don't care aswell, why should we have more empathy?

We stoped mid taking your power relik last night, then on morning you come take our, fair not fair, again you don't care...

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Postby Malinus » Oct 07, 2020 00:06


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Postby Shenyen » Oct 07, 2020 09:51

@Malinus I can only speak for the the situations that I myself witnessed and I haven't seen those situations with Mid yet, but plenty of times with Hibs.

Last weekend, it was a Hib (too lazy to look up the name) standing on the Hib keep gatehouse roof while we were killing the lord.

And before that, it was a Hib that flipped Hib keeps in Albion back to Alb, using a kited border keep guard.

Hibs are taking high level Alb keeps without even touching the gates.

Oh - and we can't kill the ****** dragon because Hibs got them all removed.

Doing all those things and then later boasting in the forums how Hibs have superior skills is very very low.

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Postby tanara » Oct 07, 2020 13:11

As a wise man said in these forums "on uthgard your enemy is your best friend".
We all keep forgeting that and do whatever is in our power to make him mad or take advantage of him.
We must all stop being shelfish and egoists and try our actions not to offend or get other players angry.
Only this way and by being focused on having a decent and honest server which respects all the players we have a chance to increase pop and enjoy 100% the game again

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Postby Glacier » Oct 11, 2020 03:03

Hibs triple ramming mid keep doors? What's that have to do mids exploiting/lag jumping etc.

Quick answer nothing.

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Postby Malinus » Oct 11, 2020 05:54

@Shenyen look your realm, pet hide into structure, keep complainting for the 15% action you see here or there, and we will keep laughting at you.
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Messagepar Rajnish » Mai 17, 2018 14:13
Pets found to be beyond the zone wall attacking mobs or players WILL be considered bug abusing. And depending on the tree models being used by player and enemy a barrier wall is around tree models. is a point of view issue due to models used by player and enemy. With that being said, is no excuse to place un-targetable and un-killable pets inside of terrain, from trees, rocks, buildings, structures and other terrain. These un-targetable, un-reachable and un-killable pets will be considered bug abusing.

If you are in doubt "or if know" your pet placement creates a un-targetable,un-reachable and un-killable pet, do NOT do it. As for fnf turrents, video evidence is best. Pm a gm on forums with your private youtube link or via irc. remember most fnf turrents last only 2 minutes unless a main turrent is cast and left behind or other kinds of pets from other classes. 2 minutes is not always enough time for us to react to investigate. either we are busy, or player died before reporting and the shrooms or any pets are gone by time we look "usually the case". Video evidence is best, but still report the issues and /loc, player via appeal.
Last edited by Malinus on Oct 11, 2020 06:00, edited 1 time in total.


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