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Postby Antiks » Nov 12, 2020 18:37

Albs weren't even claiming keeps until I came back bc hardly any one defending them. Now that there has been an actual defense, lately those keeps don't get taken anymore after the BG when all the action has died.

Midgard is in the same boat Albs were in, asking themselves why would they claim a keep when no one is going to stay on or come defend it?

If we are going to bring up numbers now. The longest keep Alb has had claimed is 13 days ( Ren ) currently, and along with Hurb which has been held now 11 days. hmm something odd about that timeframe, oh yeah it's during the time I have been here. However, oh look at pretty lvl 9 Nged that has been held now for 38 days, hmm and what about Aili, oh its been held for only a modest 21 days. If it wasn't for some late night assaults the other hib keeps would still be 6 or higher. I'm just mirroring the meta you all created, sorry if you don't think its fun anymore, yet I am open and willing to change but I won't be the first one to do so.

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Postby Ebbie » Nov 12, 2020 23:08

Satiah wrote:
Ebbie wrote:Unfortunately this server is not getting anything fixed anymore. Play it in its current state or don't. There are many bugs that should get fixed, appeals made for abusing them and nothing happens. Except the dragons getting removed ofc.

I guess we as Hibs should just go back to shrooming keeplords from the outside in Albion again...

I am of the opinion that it is not a bug, however I have never done so as an Animist so I can't say if one needs to do 'funny stuff' to get the shrooms in the lord window. Elevation changes do weird things on this server. I do think it was poor design to place the Albion lords at a height lower than that of MId or Hib Lords, they should have been placed on the Roof level at the top of the stairs, then this wouldn't have been an issue. Personally I don't understand the point of shrooming the keeplord from a window, you bypass a bunch of RPs for taking down doors. Maybe if Albion had all the relics and Hibs had trouble taking Alb keeps then maybe, but that isn't a problem for Hibs at the moment.

There have been some players who stopped playing on the server or at least stopped taking/claiming keeps in Alb for this reason, but keeps are still getting taken and claimed in Alb... Maybe we will see an influx of Light Ments and Mind Sorcs with these pets... Maybe some players will stop playing (or going to MIdgard) due to getting chain stunned, but like I said, play here the way it is or don't, that's up to each individual.

I'm not telling anyone how to play this game. I am not a GM, nor do I have any influence on what motivates players to play here or the play styles they choose to use. I just brought up that nothing is getting changed.

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Postby Pendalith » Nov 17, 2020 07:46

Just put the lord on the top , problem solved :hammer:
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Postby Ithiggi » Nov 17, 2020 19:32

Ya seems time to move on, game breaking bugs, no fixes. No point in playing while player base continues to seek the bugs and abuse them as much as possible.

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Postby Satiah » Nov 17, 2020 20:48

Ithiggi wrote:Ya seems time to move on, game breaking bugs, no fixes. No point in playing while player base continues to seek the bugs and abuse them as much as possible.

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Postby Gilded » Nov 17, 2020 21:57

Ithiggi wrote:Ya seems time to move on, game breaking bugs, no fixes. No point in playing while player base continues to seek the bugs and abuse them as much as possible.

Yep fast approaching this also.

I appreciate the work that went into the server, but for too long now there have been 1-2 bulls loose in the china shop and the storekeeper watches doing nothing.

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Postby Grahmdal » Nov 17, 2020 22:52

Ithiggi wrote:Ya seems time to move on, game breaking bugs, no fixes. No point in playing while player base continues to seek the bugs and abuse them as much as possible.

Well said.
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Postby Antiks » Nov 18, 2020 02:45

:bored: :bored: :bored: :bored: :bored: :bored: :bored: :bored: :bored: :bored: :bored: :bored: :bored: :bored: :bored:
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Postby fiskgrodan » Nov 18, 2020 11:57

Mentalists often pick root casting pets in midgard because they already have a cast stun and the root complements their class toolkit.

Sorceresses often pick stun casting pets because it complements the toolkit they have.

I think it's unfair to expect sorcs to gimp themselves with bad sorc pets. It should be the game devs responsibility to fix bugs.

If it's too hard, or if there is no time, or no ambition or energy to fix bugs then maybe they can open source the code base and let the community help with it.

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Postby Satiah » Nov 18, 2020 20:36

fiskgrodan wrote:Mentalists often pick root casting pets in midgard because they already have a cast stun and the root complements their class toolkit.

Sorceresses often pick stun casting pets because it complements the toolkit they have.

I think it's unfair to expect sorcs to gimp themselves with bad sorc pets. It should be the game devs responsibility to fix bugs.

If it's too hard, or if there is no time, or no ambition or energy to fix bugs then maybe they can open source the code base and let the community help with it.

That a pet stuns is fine. But there are more stunning pets with the same behavier currently (no stun immunity). Which are beeing abused. In any case, if a server isn't beeing maintainted, bugs will get abused. It's like every (asian) server, once the cheats/bugs get discovered by the kids they will abused it to death and it's pretty quickly downhill from there and you are left with a ******/dead server.

Pretty sure Abydos rolled back to a certain state, after he took out the dragons. Either way (if or if not), it's hurting the server. Seeing that no GM/Dev are working on this, this server will be ****** instead of "the classic" experiance.

The whole archery line needs a fix aswell. You can followup on critshots. What the hell. Critshots are suppose to be done from stealth (like PA). You can "double tab" critshots from way beyond range aswell with the use of setting a groundtarget. Fixing this is way overdue aswell.

P.s. Could mention a certain theur using speedhax, but after checking his weekly realmpoints and the fact that it's no use appealing anyways, I decided against it. Could have been some expert windowdragging, but I seriously doubt it.
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Postby Ebbie » Nov 18, 2020 21:15

Satiah wrote:Pretty sure Abydos rolled back to a certain state, after he took out the dragons. Either way (if or if not), it's hurting the server. Seeing that no GM/Dev are working on this, this server will be ****** instead of "the classic" experiance.

I believe this to be the case as well and that Abydos is still around working on things as he can.

I think we were better off with broken dragons over the current state. Please bring back the dragons in their broken form. Who cares if HIb can 3man Focus pet it and get Stones... Mid can too... Albs can't cuz Friar HOts are junk, but they actually have a population that does it correctly.

Here's a couple ways to mitigate dragon abuse, if brought back:
1. Change to be a weekly/bi-monthy spawn timer, so at max they can only be killed 2-4x a month.
2. Only remove from realms that abuse it.
3. Change how credit/loot is rewarded for Tether mobs because they are all broken: IF tether range is reached no loot / credit is awarded. If mob walks back to home point and regens back to 100% it will award loot/credit again.

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Postby Satiah » Nov 18, 2020 21:24

Ebbie wrote:
Satiah wrote:Pretty sure Abydos rolled back to a certain state, after he took out the dragons. Either way (if or if not), it's hurting the server. Seeing that no GM/Dev are working on this, this server will be ****** instead of "the classic" experiance.

I believe this to be the case as well and that Abydos is still around working on things as he can.

I think we were better off with broken dragons over the current state. Please bring back the dragons in their broken form. Who cares if HIb can 3man Focus pet it and get Stones... Mid can too... Albs can't cuz Friar HOts are junk, but they actually have a population that does it correctly.

It's pretty clear that certain players (on Albion) didn't like the fact that we where killing the dragon. Some called it an exploit, but we never did exploit anything. There's some hidden rule (and some game mechanics that go with this) that the dragon shouldn't be doable with less then 24 players (ie. you need 3fg inside the lair). We went without respec stones for over 2 year (hibs and mids). Once we found out we could focus pull the dragon it got "fixed" within days. Yet bugs and fixes go without a fix for month's and years.

Pretty sure if Abydos left it like it was, Albs still would be killing it more often then the other 2 realms combined...

Because it took atleast a high rr chanter, bard, ment and druid. The odds of having those and willing where/are less then albs having 3fg rdy at a certain night.
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Postby fremster » Nov 19, 2020 14:28

For info, Hibs have not taken keeps with animists in a long time, nor is there really a desire to do so with the players currently on hib.

I would support moving the lord up to the top floor if Abydos ever asked for feedback to quick fix such a matter, but even the smallest change such as this would have consequences. For example, it would potentially be harder to take the keep against defenders, as the new camp position would be at the top with the lord.

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Postby Pendalith » Dec 05, 2020 21:00

To me the reason " For example, it would potentially be harder to take the keep against defenders, as the new camp position would be at the top with the lord." Is much less important compared other issues, granted hibs might not do it. Lets say albs manage to break the hib defense and get some relics back. Albs manage to upgrade and claim all their keeps, hibs can take then all back without time for defense ( if there would even be any ) at a whim , negating higher level keeps. No rams , not going through doors, on non stealther keeps is not working as intended, and is bypassing/exploiting mechanics of the game. At the time of writing this i havent seen hibs do it recently, but the temptation is there for certain _ _ _ _ _ players if they ever dont like what is going on. The relic bonuses plus keep damage bonuses longshot doubletap + volley exploit crutch is real. 8O
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Postby fremster » Dec 06, 2020 15:03

That is true Penda. However, Albs can always palintone the relics doors, then steal the relics with 2x sos, 2xbof in NA time, just like last week - while hibs had 4 lvl 8+ purple guards.

Not sure what the moral is exactly. ****** encourages ******?


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