GM - look to Yurif
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I ask GM to see if Yurif is spying in Midgard, where players are leveling up, logging and then killing them. Of course, it is pathetic to get to RP, but perhaps he has forgotten what the rules are. This should be corrected.
So your only proof is that he kills you when you are xp, and no other context?
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game is 20 years old, and so are lvl-spots
I'm a little suspicious tbh.
I've been around all day in the frontiers and not seen a spam, but he's already hitting 7.1k 450 rps can be deducted from Renaris. I don't believe 6.5k has come from Dodens - which I know he frequents a lot. |
Then get the proper video evidence etc. to send to GM and do it. Pandering to the court of public opinion is pretty disgusting.
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The data is evidence enough for me. Today there have been 5 Albs retaking keeps, and this has been their only source of RPs as there was no defenders, and no deathspam in the frontier until we killed them, to which they stopped after. Mirmyrl Whiterose Visna Calindra Yurif The rps earned from the 5-6 keeps the albs took, can be calculated based on an average of Mirmyrl , Whiterose, Visna (around 2.2k - 2.8k each). It appears the time between 9-11 was some pretty nice action for Yurif, pulling in 10.5k rps All data is visible here btw, You are welcome to make your own conclusions. |
My conclusion: Some solo kills and Fremster = Donald Trump
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Lol, please tell us, what exactly do you know about being solo? Do you know how many "solo" kills are required to hit 10.5k rp? With a population of 15 people at that hour, it's highly unlikely. If you were running your zerg, i'd say it was perfectly normal to hit 10k an hour #freerp |
My conclusion: Seeing you posting here means there's a Romu zerg tonight! Satiah | Tuthmes | Dendera | Khufu | Nefertete | Dahshur | Nebetah | Neterbaiu
solo kills do get much more realm points per kill, to get 10k solo could be 10 level 50 kills or something like 20 kills for lvl 35ish players. Nothing here move along, move along.
I don't think the proposed evidence will hold up in the court of Uthgard. Crimes reported to the Uthauthorities need to be investigated to show proof of guilt. It's not enough to say that someone looks to be botting, when they probably are; they get pulled into the UthJail and tested to see if 2 real people are playing. In the case of spying, the use of IP disguising techniques (or dual ISPs) create a situation where the authorities cannot easily convict the accused.
Unfortunately the OP should just go /anon when in the FZ like most people. The usual xp spots will still be checked by the diligent xp killers but /anon may win you some xp time if there are using spies. The better question is why does '/who all' show what zone players are in at all?? It's to bad some things can't be changed. Removing player zone location info from /who would mostly solve the #SpyCheats. |
If you were online in the FZ while those 7k RPS were earned, and you saw no kill spam for it while no keeps were taken. Then the logical conclusion is that they were earned in the lvl 48?-50 BG. Kills in BGs do not generate kill spam in the FZ. Its the ideal spot to setup arranged fights as you will not get the attention of other players looking to add. They are also a good spot to xp as the BGs are I think a 35% bonus to xp. But the OP was complaining about getting repeatedly killed, which implies that the time was put in by the accused to earn those rps. |
In the meantime, I have been contacted by players who have made similar observations to the person as I have. I don't know if a gamemaster can intervene here and that can be proven at all that he uses unauthorized means to get to Rp's. Ultimately, it's a matter of one's own character. I think the Knights' Code of Honour is important and appropriate here. Because here is probably the first priority: sincerity. Either I have the ambition to play honestly or I just have the desire to be high on the list at any cost. In any case, I think a victory is only honorable if you win it honestly and I think that in a game uses unclean means, it does so in real life!
My first suggestion is to always go anon when exping in the frontiers.
![]() "Whether your aim is to dominate enemies in the frontier, become a legendary crafter, or defeat dragons throughout the land, Uthgard has a place for you! So join us, rekindle the memories of old and let the adventures begin!" |
Do you know how the archery system is being exploited? Do you think there is enough information to create a bug report? It has something to do with volley, longshot and ground targeting? It's a bug that's hard to do by mistake right? It seems like there are many players that abuse it intentionally. Which is a bit sad in my opinion. A temporary quick fix from Abydos or someone else would be nice. Sorry for going a bit off the thread topic. ![]() |
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