Maybe RvR / Keep / Guard Task
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Hey everyone,
since there is not really rvr here at the moment, would it be possible to implement a few Tasks in the server? Guard / Keep / RvR task so that it is even possible to think of rvr with the small population ? On Uthgard 1 there were also tasks (group task / solo task) ![]() a small example would be if one were to make a rp classification according to RR, maybe like this RR1 = 1000 RR2 = 900 RR3 = 800 RR4 = 700 RR5 = 600 ....... RR1 = 750 RR2 = 675 RR3 = 600 RR4 = 525 RR5 = 450 ........ or something like this let's see what will happen ![]() Deadly |
Genjiro started those missions long time ago but I think all development in this server stopped, who knows if they will come back to work. Some literature about the topic: It's the thrill of the chase
and I'm coming after you. |
It would be great ! But its been stated not at this time. I believe it would go a long way to help retain players on this server! Also keep door upgrade/repair rps. Good luck Have Fun.
![]() "Whether your aim is to dominate enemies in the frontier, become a legendary crafter, or defeat dragons throughout the land, Uthgard has a place for you! So join us, rekindle the memories of old and let the adventures begin!" |
Or just formally turn this into a PvE Co-op server since most people only come here for the PvE anyway since there is absolutely no point in even trying to compete against the Hibs with all the base bullshit they get in addition to the already existent extreme high RR groups they have running.
Kayd stop trolling with ya run on sentence BS
![]() ![]() "Whether your aim is to dominate enemies in the frontier, become a legendary crafter, or defeat dragons throughout the land, Uthgard has a place for you! So join us, rekindle the memories of old and let the adventures begin!" |
Your sentence contains a non-sequitur logical fallacy. If all the "super good" people have already quit, then why not go full PvE mode?
Before you post, people like you need to take a moment to stop and actually think about what you are saying before you say it. |
I know. Sorry. Hopefully I can continue soon. News || Getting Started || Rules || Issue Tracker
Coloured text represents my personal opinion and is not associated with Uthgard Staff nor is it an official statement. |
O wow does this mean it is actually on the table , all hail genjiro master of the universe !! Thank youuuuuuu
![]() "Whether your aim is to dominate enemies in the frontier, become a legendary crafter, or defeat dragons throughout the land, Uthgard has a place for you! So join us, rekindle the memories of old and let the adventures begin!" |
This would be a nice addition sooner rather than later to give returning players a reason to stay in the frontier long enough to find fights. It seems that a decent number are back and leveling, but they'll probably find that even with the increased population, there are still very few 50s actively RvRing. Getting to 50 on a new toon and then hopping into RvR only to find that it's still pretty dead will probably be a big negative for many of them.
That said, I'm sure this takes a lot of (voluntary) time and effort that might go to waste anyway if it's not enough to entice people to stick around even after another freeshard opens, so I wouldn't blame Genjiro for not prioritizing this. |
Some of the most fun times I've had on any daoc server was when we had capturable objectives in Old Frontiers. It created hotspots to find fights and was just good for the game in my opinion. I believe one of the original ideas for the official Daoc Origins project included capturable objectives that encouraged players of all levels to venture into the frontier. Would love to see something like this on Uth.
Cheers! |
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