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Postby Kayd » Sep 28, 2021 10:20

After the full month-long evaluation, this is a move in the right direction; however, you need to consider your audience. Most people who decide to play here only drop in for 5-10 hours per week max. The key to retaining these players and possibly convincing them to stay and play more is the concept of MEANINGFUL PROGRESS. Casual players want to be able to log in on their 50 toons and make meaningful progress on their characters on their own terms even if it is a small gain. The classic assassination tasks at the classic locations were a good example of this. Only have an hour to play? You can run a few Assassination tasks at 350RP each and make meaningful progress. Don't like the task you are given? Just log out and back in to get a new one.

The Invaders are a step in the right direction but wandering around for an hour to not find one of them is not conducive to meaningful progress. The gains need to be semi-guaranteed. If you wish to entice the casual players who really want to play here but don't have much time to play, the key to tempting them is to guarantee a certain level of MEANINGFUL PROGRESS. This can be done through tasks, keeps, or a certain number of RPs (~10K) every time you fill out your XP bar at level 50. The player base has changed; if we are serious about increasing population here, then we need to adapt to the incoming players and make them want to continue playing here. Failure to do so and the server will continue to stagnate.

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Postby joshisanonymous » Sep 28, 2021 17:52

Having played with this event for a bit now, I have two suggestions for improving it if you decide to make this a permanent feature of the RvR here.
  1. Make the invaders wander around the map. It took very little time for people to map out where they spawn, which has counteracts some of the potential benefits of the event. For instance, having to hunt invaders down without knowing where they are would mean that people are wandering the frontiers for longer amounts of time which increases the chances of having regular RvR encounters with other people who are doing the same. However, knowing exactly where the invaders will be means people can just go do a single loop, kill the ones that are up, and then go back to doing something else or logging off, all in short order.
  2. Split the RP reward up in the same way that you would for killing an enemy player (e.g., a solo kill gets the max RPs, but if more people were involved in the kill, each gets fewer RPs). Since everyone in the group that does the most damage gets the same exact amount of RPs, the optimal way to hunt invaders is with a full group.
    1. If you happen to be out with more than a full group, then you're actually competing with your realmmates to get the most damage so that you get the RPs and they get nothing.
    2. If you're out with less than a full group, then if you're lucky enough to have an RvR encounter with enemy players who are also hunting invaders, there's a greater chance that you'll be outnumbered.
    Because of (a) and (b), the invader event is more of an 8v8 event than anything, which is bad because it's uncommon for multiple realms to be able to field full groups at the same time currently, so the result is that any RvR encounters that do occur (despite (1)) will likely be lopsided. If RPs were distributed based on the number of attackers, the event would better promote groups of all sizes to go hunt invaders, from solos to zergs.
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Postby Nerthos » Sep 30, 2021 00:13

Broadcast a kill message to all players in rvr zones when a doppelganger gets killed, with killer's name and zone.

This would help create rvr encounters

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Postby Tool999 » Oct 01, 2021 15:29

can we have this event now permanent plz :D

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Postby chtiema » Oct 01, 2021 20:43

@Genjiro - this was an excellent option to progress character WHEN rvr action is non existent. A group of 8 of us (old friends) rerolled Uthgard in August from lvl 0, lvld crafting to LGM, made templates and now ready for RVR... however, there is none. This event provided a directive to achieve given low population. Please bring back and consider making permanent.

Thanks for all your consideration and effort.

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Postby Rakjsh » Oct 02, 2021 19:58

Nerthos wrote:Broadcast a kill message to all players in rvr zones when a doppelganger gets killed, with killer's name and zone.

This would help create rvr encounters

:hammer: THIS...

Is the best fewkin idea I have read about this event alltogether.

Well thought.

Love the suggestion.

Also the idea of having mobs that give no or low rps, but do spam like an rvr kill is good way to pull some people out of their dens.

Honestly. Love it.



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