Sir Romu

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Postby Filters » Feb 25, 2022 22:16

What about stop avoiding fight ? I mean we already ultra low population .... is this really necessary ? Even if u outnumber us ?
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Postby fiskgrodan » Feb 25, 2022 23:03

Why don't you guys split up into different realms and fight each other?

Then you can do as much XvX as you want without relying on chasing and killing casual noob keep takers.

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Postby Ilerget » Feb 26, 2022 09:42

Filters wrote:What about stop avoiding fight ? I mean we already ultra low population .... is this really necessary ? Even if u outnumber us ?

seems you don't know Albion, big numbers is not the same as being competitive
It's the thrill of the chase
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Postby Rudra » Feb 26, 2022 12:04

Good Morning,
I think the RVR situation is rather unsatisfactory for everyone at the moment. Midgard doesn't have enough opponents, Albion is only very strong numerically and active on certain days and Hibernia has hardly any players left at the moment. There is a very strong imbalance on the server, which is reinforced by the low number of players. An improvement can only be achieved by increasing the number of players.
The only question is how do I reach a larger number of new and old players?
Uthgard has been around for a very long time and there is a lot of routine in all and not much new to discover.
Improving RvR is what Genjiro is working on. But he will not be able to do everything alone or implement it quickly.
Si would again attract a larger number of players, but I guess that's off the table.
We just have to see what we players can do to change/improve the situation.


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Postby Valfar » Feb 26, 2022 13:54

Rudra wrote:Good Morning,
I think the RVR situation is rather unsatisfactory for everyone at the moment. Midgard doesn't have enough opponents, Albion is only very strong numerically and active on certain days and Hibernia has hardly any players left at the moment. There is a very strong imbalance on the server, which is reinforced by the low number of players. An improvement can only be achieved by increasing the number of players.
The only question is how do I reach a larger number of new and old players?
Uthgard has been around for a very long time and there is a lot of routine in all and not much new to discover.
Improving RvR is what Genjiro is working on. But he will not be able to do everything alone or implement it quickly.
Si would again attract a larger number of players, but I guess that's off the table.
We just have to see what we players can do to change/improve the situation.


Gonna be rough to change anything, sadly. All of the shards have pathing and lag free high population potential, so Uthgard is no longer unique. As it seems, Genjiro is the only active GM and he seems to work in cycles....he gets motivated, tries to fix 50 things at once on his own, gets burned out, disappears for a while etc. Can't blame the guy, anyone would get tired. It also seems the other servers will give any type of QoL to people just to keep them around, even if it's free RPS...and well, many people are content with that. It's kinda pointless to try to explain to the staff that 1.65 + old RAs just don't work. It's imbalanced for solo, 8v8 and zerg/casual play alike. Again, it's Blue's server and his vision, so I guess he got what he wanted.

SI and similar content may attract people short-term, but it's not gonna keep them around. I honestly can't think of one server in the history of DAOC that had no real solo game going on at AMG or anywhere else for years. Even these bonus RP zones don't attract people to create some action. Seems people are very content with roaming xp spots to farm xpers, trading keeps (preferably with no inc), camping keeps and so on. Can't really blame the players, the freedom that this game offers makes it great, but it can also create an environment where there is no real dynamic or fun for anyone. Unless all the other shards just magically go away, I don't see a bright future for this server. It is what it is, can't be helped I guess.
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Postby Romu » Feb 26, 2022 16:20

Filters wrote:What about stop avoiding fight ? I mean we already ultra low population .... is this really necessary ? Even if u outnumber us ?

Maybe you should do a reality check. You outnumbered us yesterday, we startet with 16 people while you had 3 full groups. You have more relics, your people have higher realm rank and better groups. I even had to play cleric yesterday, and i am a very bad cleric. You raid all keeps every night, so we dont have any keeps where we had a little chance to fight your groups. But still all you do is waiting for Albs to attack somewhere and assjam them. We are always the ones who take the risk to attack keeps when there are defenders out. If we see that we cant win at a level 8 keep, we fight at lower keeps. We always do fights if we see a chance to win a fight. Very often we loose such fights, but thats part of the game. Remember that you have to loose every second fight so that everyone has the same fun.

So yesterday you had so many people that we could not win a fight at a mid keep. We tried a fight at mmg, which was a fight that we choosed to do. It did not work as expected, but we still tried. We would love to fight you at any Alb Keep, but you never attack an Alb Keep if you are not 100% sure that you win. If you want fights against Albs then it is up to you to actively start fights where there is a risk that you could loose. But dont blame the Albs for avoiding fights if you just passively wait to assjam.

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Postby Valfar » Feb 26, 2022 19:00

Romu wrote:
Filters wrote:What about stop avoiding fight ? I mean we already ultra low population .... is this really necessary ? Even if u outnumber us ?

Maybe you should do a reality check. You outnumbered us yesterday, we startet with 16 people while you had 3 full groups. You have more relics, your people have higher realm rank and better groups. I even had to play cleric yesterday, and i am a very bad cleric. You raid all keeps every night, so we dont have any keeps where we had a little chance to fight your groups. But still all you do is waiting for Albs to attack somewhere and assjam them. We are always the ones who take the risk to attack keeps when there are defenders out. If we see that we cant win at a level 8 keep, we fight at lower keeps. We always do fights if we see a chance to win a fight. Very often we loose such fights, but thats part of the game. Remember that you have to loose every second fight so that everyone has the same fun.

So yesterday you had so many people that we could not win a fight at a mid keep. We tried a fight at mmg, which was a fight that we choosed to do. It did not work as expected, but we still tried. We would love to fight you at any Alb Keep, but you never attack an Alb Keep if you are not 100% sure that you win. If you want fights against Albs then it is up to you to actively start fights where there is a risk that you could loose. But dont blame the Albs for avoiding fights if you just passively wait to assjam.

Man, we were 15 on Monday and our 2nd group was really bad and we still gave u inc, knowing it's 95% chance of loss. Because well, it's better to come out and die 5 times in a row than take low lvl keeps and wait for 40 mins between incs. We were not 3fg yesterday, we were 2 groups of 7 + a half group sidecar. And the hmmm "chance of winning a fight" is super relative, cause that's anyone's rough estimate and can be what everyone thinks it is. Albion is insanely strong on this patch level and BOF and SOS are literally broken abilities, dunno if u need more than that to fight. But I mean ok, if u had some low lvls and people who were not temped, ok. Ranks don't mean ****** on Midgard btw, Ichor is the only good RA on this patch level :D.

As for attacking an Alb keep, nobody here minds keep fights but attacking a keep means u need to have like double the numbers than the defenders lol, and how are we supposed to have that against a zerg? U also have tons of pets and better casters. If you are talking even numbers, that's unrealistic on a keep or at least if you preach it, then try it yourself. We'll put 3fg in a keep, you attack with 4fg and see what happens. I mean, it is what it is. DAOC gives u freedom so I don't care about someone's playstyle and it's stupid to argue but you'd prolly get more RPS if u just came out 10 times in a row and fought in open field. Even if you lose every fight, you will kill a few and RPS will accumulate + it's less boring than swapping zones, suiciding, waiting inside keeps for 20 mins etc. But like I've said, it's fine. I understand you have some people who are not 50 and so on. Anyway, it's Uthgard2 so I don't really expect anything that remotely resembles DAOC anyway.
It is what it is.

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Postby Satiah » Feb 27, 2022 03:20

Valfar wrote:stuffs

Russian ****** detected.
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Postby LarryDavid1 » Feb 27, 2022 16:47

62 people playing on uthgard right now
you guys should learn to play nice and get along. community is too small to have bad blood
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Postby Filters » Feb 28, 2022 14:29

LarryDavid1 wrote:62 people playing on uthgard right now
you guys should learn to play nice and get along. community is too small to have bad blood

Thats why i made the post ! ofc i was a bit sarcastic but the real purpose was to get along and have night fight and fun thats all.
People here know that i like to joke a lot and have fun
Sry if i let u understand different stuffs ( im not russian :D )
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Postby Teri » Mar 01, 2022 19:23

Valfar wrote: but you'd prolly get more RPS if u just came out 10 times in a row and fought in open field. Even if you lose every fight, you will kill a few and RPS will accumulate + it's less boring than swapping zones, suiciding, waiting inside keeps for 20 mins etc. But like I've said, it's fine. I understand you have some people who are not 50 and so on. Anyway, it's Uthgard2 so I don't really expect anything that remotely resembles DAOC anyway.

Yesterday I came an hour later, because the patch server was down.
I joined Romu's group for about 2 hours (3 fights with MIds, I think it were)
I got about 1.4 k RP fro m the keep we took - 0 RP from Mid kills.

It is more boring to get 0 RP after 3 fights than taking a keep and get some RP

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Postby Valfar » Mar 02, 2022 04:41

Teri wrote:
Valfar wrote: but you'd prolly get more RPS if u just came out 10 times in a row and fought in open field. Even if you lose every fight, you will kill a few and RPS will accumulate + it's less boring than swapping zones, suiciding, waiting inside keeps for 20 mins etc. But like I've said, it's fine. I understand you have some people who are not 50 and so on. Anyway, it's Uthgard2 so I don't really expect anything that remotely resembles DAOC anyway.

Yesterday I came an hour later, because the patch server was down.
I joined Romu's group for about 2 hours (3 fights with MIds, I think it were)
I got about 1.4 k RP fro m the keep we took - 0 RP from Mid kills.

It is more boring to get 0 RP after 3 fights than taking a keep and get some RP

Yeah, surprisingly albs were roughly the same numbers as us. Usually that's not the case. I think they may have lost some people when homepage was down, so they called it a night before they even started. I was not talking about this specific situation. Many times we've defended as only 1fg and fed rps to albs all evening in the keeps cause they were 3-4 fg. Especially if they have scouts volley assisting, it gets ultra nasty. Doesn't help that 1-2 mids out of group show themselves in the window and give targets for aoe spells xD.

Last Monday we fed RPS to albs too, we were only 15 and our 2nd group was really bad. We knew we had no chance cause of the numbers and the composition of the 2nd group + ofc alb RAs, but we fed rps anyway and had no problem with it, better that than switching zones all the time, trying to go for keeps while there is inc out. Also, if you just play for RPS, you'll never learn how to play a single class. Naturally, that's a personal choice and I'm fine with anyone making one or the other. However, it's very difficult for me when someone uses phrases like "casual keep taking noobs". There is nothing casual about taking thousands of keeps and lot of people there are rank 5+, some 6-7 and well, one 9 xD. In our "main group" last few weeks we started off with Tschuserker (the guy literally played daoc the first time 2 months ago or so) who was 2L something, Filtron was 4L on his warrior, Labomba was 3L on his SM and skalds varied from 3L to 5L. Not that we have any RAs to dump anyway on this patch level, where albion has million of pets, SOS+BOF. Other group sometimes had even lower average RR. Saffira/Canutelongsword/Benikage(Benialch) and some others are all in rr4 range. We also have some communication issues cause people can't fix their discord, others have connection problems and so on.

I am well aware of alb zerg having some new players, but you also have a lot of players who have been playing together for 2-5 years so It's really your choice on how you wanna play the game. I understand some people bring their 45+ toons to the zerg, hoping to get MCL or something for their farm chars or what not, but there are also decently ranked good players there. I mean, Respek is always lurking around with a small group that seems well coordinated, that's all you need to tip the fight in your favor when u have the numbers. On the other hand, keep take zerg can be fun 1-2x a week, the problem is that this is like the only action there is. Well ok, hibs try to build sometimes if they have the right people on and I have to say Zuster and Duriel do build groups and come out to fight on other days so that's nice. My point is, if you want some fun with the zerg that's cool. On the other hand, try doing at least 1-2 runs a week and look for fights with even numbers, you might enjoy it more, even if you lose.

If certain people play ONLY for RPS, then their best bet is just to gather some money, have someone setup an old DoL server for them, make keeps lvl 10 by default, reset them twice a day so people from all timezones can take them and they can enjoy an inc free keep take simulator.

Anyhow, have fun and see you in the frontiers. Might and glory, Sir :D!
It is what it is.

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Postby Nakja » Mar 03, 2022 06:46

Think after a few years leading Albion BGs Romu knows the possibility of his BG very well...

And the mid groups i meet are most very usually built. Absolut no comparison with Alb(zerg) or what is currently possible as Hib (class and player skill). Thats no fights. Feels more like slaughtering. So enjoy your happy days on mid and dont upset the rps.
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Postby Valfar » Mar 03, 2022 07:46

Nakja wrote:Think after a few years leading Albion BGs Romu knows the possibility of his BG very well...

And the mid groups i meet are most very usually built. Absolut no comparison with Alb(zerg) or what is currently possible as Hib (class and player skill). Thats no fights. Feels more like slaughtering. So enjoy your happy days on mid and dont upset the rps.

That's beside the point. We went out 15 vs 3fg when we had super ****** setup in 2nd group. And we're heavily outnumbered 90% of the time. I don't mind their playstyle. Daoc offers freedom so as much as certain aspects of the game can be frustrating, other aspects make it great. I am just saying that considering the numbers and the amount of people there who have been playing together for a while, they could have already fought other players thousands of times. Even that day when we were only 15, there were 44 mids on...we were spamming like crazy, they all rerolled their 20th alt and just pved :D. We still went out, knowing we had no chance.

As far as hibernia goes, the potential there is good. I have played a bit and they seem well organized, they have characters in each other's guilds so people can claim keeps if others are offline etc., and they are pretty strong when they build a group. One thing I have noticed on hib is that they often say they have no bards or they miss another good druid etc., meanwhile nobody wants to reroll those classes and a few people only want to play one class. That's all fine and I respect people's personal choice, but long-term it can't be good for the server. They got decent players, just kinda stubborn in group building (some of them, not all ofc).

I mean, server won't last anyway so who cares, but we could have more action even with this population. It is what it is, can't be helped :D.
It is what it is.

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Postby Rudra » Mar 03, 2022 16:21

Hi there,
the situation on the server is not rosy, there is a very strong imbalance. I've seen something like this here before, when the bird was born from the ashes.
It's not good for all sides, brings a lot of unrest to the realms and to the forum.
15:10 Population 7/34 just about enough to kill water bugs at Ardee(sarcasm).
I've only been to Midgard for a short time, I thought it was very nice there and something was done (love to all) RvR and PvE.
I know something like that from Hibernia, but that's not possible at the moment.
Many are taking a break or have switched to other realms, some have stopped altogether, others are afk in keeps and playing other games on the side.
Many are out of breath (including me at the moment).
Fundamental changes to the server cannot be made for 1 or 2 Gm's, but these would be urgently needed.
I hope for everyone that the server recovers and we can all have fun with it for a long time.

PS: I want to be able to get Alb Keeps again with animists :)



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