Developing the Frontiers (Part I)
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some things have been announced, when they will come is unfortunately in the stars. There are also no statements from the Gm's neither in the Discord nor here in the forum. The server suffers a lot from this, many Hibs take a break or are otherwise active. Geetings later more We urgently need changes to make the gameplay more attractive again and the information flow between GM's and players should work better. |
Good luck, this is the main reason people leaved this server. |
Actually, the conversation was also continued on the Discord server, and the consensus seems to be that the "main reason" for lack of engagement is... due to player lack of engagement. The implication being that the GMs need to somehow incentivize the players to play, and by the players playing, then more players will play. You'll notice a cyclical repetition there because it is indeed a cyclical thing. As mentioned there, the Dragon issue does need resolving (as it is an important end-game loot and respec source); however, it seems like the "main problem" could be resolved completely by the players themselves simply stepping up and engaging on the server to provide the critical mass needed for the game to be interesting. The Network effect. So... we know what the main problem is, we know what the solution is, and all it takes is for everyone to simply step up and solve the problem collectively -- an observant reader will note this this is pretty much a panacea for most of the problems that mankind faces in the world... although it is a big mouthful to chew on things like global poverty, food insecurity, purpose in life, et. al., we might not be able to solve those overnight. whereas having 4-6 groups of people roaming is pretty much instantly solvable. No? |
We know what the main problem is, somebody doesn't. The main reason reported has some backdraws in GMs lack of interest in developing the server the way it gets more involving for players to play it. Without talking about the last problems, this server was born to give players the real 1.65 experience, but today after 5+ years we still wait SI to be implemented and those by word of Abydos were ready long time ago. |
True, also many good ideas have been brought by player council too, but there is no intention/manpower staff sided to implement them. Before something will go in the right direction, staff needs some manpower and motivation to get things done. The lack of SI is the best fact to show ppl the state of Uthgard. |
Any update on this topic?
Satas Hakx - various artists
Bump this thread.
Would love to see the Frontier Tasks/quests added! I believe it would supplement the existing game meta which focuses on RP gain for Keep takes / Keep defense. Players would be allowed another avenue for small RP gains while providing incentives to traveling the frontiers and upping doors which then gives more incentive to take keeps due to higher RP gain. This gives players who want to defend, more opportunities to defend those higher RP keeps from attackers. The cycle should lead to overall more player engagement and satisfaction. I humbly disagree, in advance, to arguments by the RP purists who will say only give RP for player kills. This was the original way the server existed for quite a long time, much like many other servers, which all failed. They may point out reasons for this failure but it seems quite obvious to me that the classic RP award mechanic, and inherent issues with the strong get stronger meta, is flawed, leading to a greater part of the player base getting disengaged. This server has been a casual RPs for all server since 2019 or there abouts, no reason to try going back to hardcore and expect more player engagement. Also the Doppelganger event would be nice to have on a regular schedule. I think a random 1 day per week would be great, so that it is a weekly surprise and not something that takes over the attention of players for a full week. Or make it always occur but only 1-3 doppels in total at any given time, or over a 1-4 hour window, so there are no doppel RP loops to run, but spots will be checked. |
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