where is my caracter
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when I connect with my email address of my account, I am offered to create a new account. but i had a cleric lvl41 named mifli in 2017 when i was playing. where did he go? how can i get it back please. Thank you for your answers |
Your Char ist still there, you can find him in the herald. Guess you are using a wrong E-Mail, are you sure you use your Open-ID E-Mail which you created your account? It may be different from your Forum Account.
How i can log m'y accourt without openID?
I have my username and password. But when i log with my email, il must creat à New account. |
I'm pretty sure, u have been using a different email address. Please try your other emal addresses. Maybe u have used Login via Facebook?
To staff: Is it possible for u to find the according email address and send a notification to it? Something like a reinvitation? |
Staff, can help me to regain my clercs 41 mifli please
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