A normal Friday night on Uthgard!
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That was mentioned before, "Hurhur, Us Hibs no need RPs from keepses, we only want RPs from glorious fights against trashcan Albs, hurhur" - but "I only exploited and bugabused for teh lulz" is not the excuse you think it is!
EDIT: But it's nice that we finally left the "I never did that" phase behind us and entered the "Well, and if I did it, what's your problem with it?!" phase. (And I never said that you flipped keeps Hib-Alb-Hib-Alb as I had mentioned as an example how that could be used to farm RPs - but you flipped them from Hib to Alb and that's obviously not the way it's meant to be played as a Hib. And if you were part of the group taking the Alb keeps back, the next day or the day after, and got RPs for that's it's also now RP-farming.) Shenyen
Sihunjan Corvette Others |
Ok...who had Rudra on the 'he cheated video' sweepstakes last night? There were a few....come forward ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Yeah, pretty sad state of affairs. Seeing that many Hibs trying to shroomtrap/hill dive 1,5fg of Albs while always complaining about no 8vs8. Satiah | Tuthmes | Dendera | Khufu | Nefertete | Dahshur | Nebetah | Neterbaiu
From the timestamp 00:54 - 01:00 you can see all the albs at once. Thats a effin big 1,5groups! ![]() |
O yeah, now I see it. It's a bloody zerg of atleast 32 high realm rank Albs. I needed to put on the glasses they handed me out in Midgard. ![]() Satiah | Tuthmes | Dendera | Khufu | Nefertete | Dahshur | Nebetah | Neterbaiu
The funniest part of it is that they stopped recording just before they ran away.
![]() |
Well to be fair and looking through my blue glasses they were only 1fg. You can clearly notice this as they could only carry one ram. Satiah | Tuthmes | Dendera | Khufu | Nefertete | Dahshur | Nebetah | Neterbaiu
I'm seeing more action, this past week, which is nice if it's true
![]() Could use some extra players, and preferably going Mid ![]() Albion and having fun
3 to 1
Good morning, Before voices get loud again, unfortunately the video where you won is missing, it happened too quickly for me and I was totally surprised. Sarcasm on: Put your money together and buy Shenyen some shoes so he can run away faster when his people die. Sarcasm from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EgRPaEmuSjg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Zuqa326ZYw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UtO5oE6ujSA |
Serious question, but do you honestly record every RVR night? that's pretty sad..... |
To be completely honest, 2 fights are missing, 1x the one where the Albs totally surprised me and we died so quickly that I couldn't press the record button so quickly and the last fight with Ailinne which was the result of the other 3 fights.
Why am I recording? There was a discussion by Albseite that the animists put their shrooms in trees, so I decided to record the RvR evenings. Yes, I will do that more often now. |
Step away from the computer, go outside. For your own good. |
I think it is great that he and others record fights and share the videos. It can be useful to watch and learn from your own mistakes when you watch your videos. It can be entertaining to watch for others and himself. (And can bring back memories when he watches it some years from now in the future.)
A friendly suggestion would be to learn to use qbinds instead of clicking icons. And to use mouse turn instead of keyboard turning etc. This can make you more time efficient and give you a better overview and better target selection in hectic fights. Here is a nerdy guide on some daoc fundamentals if anyone is interested: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mG_k83Yiy1A ![]() |
Not really sure when it became bad to record stuff from your favorite game
![]() Filthy hib, but keep recording stuff, always fun to watch ![]() Albion and having fun
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