kez bracer
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fixing the new bracers was a must be.
fixing the new ones wasn't for me but maybe it's necessary so why not. the NPC is nice... i think it's just a bit hard to get in face at the moment, when things are not fine on alb side... but that's not really a huge problem... we'll have to rebuild templates. casters template will maybe need 4 MP in place of 2. cleric maybe got 2 MP... some templates can use lyonnese bracers and maybe some will need megalodon or gatekeeper's bracers... but once the template will be done, everybody can use it ... it'll take maybe 4 hours to make 2 MP. 4 more hours to do the SC while watching TV... you'll do it when you have time... i think 6 or 12% resist won't make all the difference, you can still play in rvr at the moment. life go on guys smile. @monty i hope you'll go on playing daoc so if you already met the young girl give her my phone number ^^ if you didn't yet meet her, you can give it to your daughter :p <img src="">
I don't get it. If the whole SC template is so dependant on a single item I (personally) would make sure that it is correct before I start considering it at all. Sure, it's easier to blame others for their ignorance or unwillingness to put some effort in. (Unfortunately, it often shows that a lot of people have this kind of mentality to just take and take and take rather than give something back.) I'd say it is a well known fact that Uthgard uses Allakhazam as a reference for items and stats. So, everyone had (and still has) the chance to look up the correctness of their items. I just won't believe that not one single person who used this bracer for their templates didn't notice the wrong stats on the item. It would have taken only a meager report to have the item fixed ages ago - before hundreds of chars did create their template with it. (It might be hard to understand for some people but we are also counting on your help in making this server better! But this also includes reporting bugs that provide some unwanted advantages - not just yelling on every possible disadvantage...)
Uhm, you know that we advised everyone not to use this DB because it contained/contains a lot of bugged items? That's exactly the reason why we don't want it to be distributed openly... Happy hunting!
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@Tman if we have to check everything that seems buged or not.. should be on or not... you would have to take off lot of drop from your item list...
so we shouldn't use megalodon's item cause they are post 1.80? same things for lot of DF items? and when you have some item they still can be changed... i heard that HoT charges on moran's ring will be took off ![]() don't blame the players to don't know what will be changed or what won't be cause the decision of the staff are not everytime really logical... <img src="">
why after 4 years, and 10,000 kez bracer farmed was this done now?
admin know about this bracer they keep mamking it hafder to farm first thay increase zone wide agro range then they agroed the kezz mobs. yet peole still famred it so they added mobs all aruond it, so no mater wher you stand your get 3-6 adds to farm this guy. with all the effort to make kezz hard to do. you never once looked at waht we farm? now your make legil as hard ? he has the same type bracer with +30 con? place 50 mobs aruond him? i see kezz got way too much attention from admins just to now say, OH this bracer 100% of albs used for 4 years we dont like it anymore. your telling me you admin never used this bracer?? you never checked its stats? theer is NO way you can play albs and NOT use this bracer. i think admin dont play albs here. they say they do as a farce. 43 wiz??? common.. |
@Yyrd: Nobody made the hint that the item is wrong. Thats it. People mostly don't tell when they get advantages or just dont know whether its a bug. It wonders me that nobody reported that mistake before. If people would report such things earlier it would be fixed earlier. As to the difficulty we made Kez more live like thats all.
@Calin: The Str/Con charge was corrected and stats removed serverwide. Same story as here. No inconsistency. @monty:
Sorry monty but if we had a buggy +20% Heat item somewhere in the game its clear that you cant just replace it by another one after we fix it. Theres no excuse against correcting items. I don't know how you calculate your templates but with official sources you wouldnt build that bracer into your template. You even would find out the buggyness of the Uthgard item quickly. |
* - The first official source for a player on Uthgard is the staff Well I don´t know about Monty,but speaking for myself : I have no Live-Server-Experience... I just thank the Gods that my sc is still incomplete. Only one question remains for me...
Sure,everybody could have taken a look into allakhazam or whatever,but why should they,especially if they are quite unfamiliar with DAoC. |
ill be honest, i seen the stats in korts as not the same as our bracer so i looked it up. and yes stat dont match.
for all the things changed on uthgard. as popular as this bracer, i never think once there was a issue to report it as buggy. too many people used it fr everybody to be wrong. |
Yes, I never used it. No, I never checked it. (Can't speak for other GMs, though.) Guess there is: My heat resists e.g. are on cloak, gloves and weapon (latter two crafted).
Thanks for calling Nayru, Kuxi, ... liars. ![]() About staff people playing -- there might be a grain of truth: People have RL. There's a lot of work to do for the server. So, playing probably only comes third (if at all...). But from time to time we want to have fun, too, i.e. when we have a chance you might find us ingame. Do you really want to blame us? Happy hunting!
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t + yyrd.. keep cool. please.
as first,ive played with a large amount of gms in my time on this least all of them have been in the guild ive been in. and all of those gms had lv 50 chars, but never anyone checked that item. so u cant say.. blame the players blame the players.. if not even the ppl,who said "im willing to spend my free time to enrich the server" look into the stats of the bracer (and report the stats that seemed to be wrong,which noone knew afaic) its hard to get a good sc done,ive tried 2 weeks or so to get a good one for my scout. i was not using the data of moras,i was using the ones of korts and some item-page on the web,and no,it was not allakhazam. so now,i have to find a new sc, also a crafter that can redo sc.. and the only thing i really hope, is that this will get the albion-comm to stand together closer. i hope some will stop their whining about adds etc,and just fight the enemys as one realm,bc none of them deserves to share the world we live in with us. ![]() ah,and btw, i remember some worldbuild-gm telling me,that the wb was done so far,and now theres time for tajendi. why is the worldbuild for such a "questzone" done,when not all items are correct? wasnt there also the comment,that you only wait for the worldbuildgms to complete the si-zones,so we can go there and kill mobs? nothin happened yet. si would be usable by anyone. tajendi is not. si u dont need x hours of gameplay at one piece. si would be a normal zone. i just ask myself where the red line is, which the worldbuild follows. nothing against the fix of some bracer, but, cant u tell the people before,that the item is bugged,and give em some time to farm new stuff? just some thoughts for the future. ps: what about changing the old items which got no charge( or wrong stats,but there are none as it seems)? (for all realms).. that would be a nice gesture. Realm versus Realm means:
Everybody of some Realm, against everyone of the other Realms.. <img src=";Jelhenna;Mhaerion;Elkhas;Kheran;Geneva;Deheaeniera;Kaeron;Throgrus;Colibri;Khalinos;Rhelaine;Kheldan;He |
Tajendi was just done by me and Sethor; GM's "just" tested and fixed some bugs and such things in the last week before release. Last edited by TheKrokodil on Feb 27, 2008 10:03, edited 1 time in total.
Be nice. :)
There can always be bug items, even if a GM has re-checked a zone. Imagine how many items there are in each zone and you may understand, that there may be errors. We will not implement Shrouded Isles until we have finished Classic. Finishing Classic means more than only completing items. We also have to give the atmosphere a look. Our developers are currently working on a great new A.I. system which will allow us to make mobs and npcs much more dynamic, as they are currently. If this step is finished and all zones are updated, we are ready to go over to new zones. Tajendi was an experiment to build an own zone. It was done by Metty and Sethor, who aren't Worldbuild Gamemasters. The rest of us "only" helped with stuff like equipment for the npcs. On top of that, isn't it our decision what we're working on in our free time? Please excuse that we also wanted to bring some alternative fun into the world you're playing in. Tajendi was an event with ToA atmosphere. Again: Most of the work in that zone has not been done by GM. |
You cant really expect that GM's check every single item at every single mob. We need player feedback in such cases. Also GM's do errors from time to time when they implement stuff, thats human nature but we dont constantly scan all existing items for errors that would be insane. Tajendi and SI zone are >completely< different things in regard to worldbuild. Tajendi is based on own ideas and drops without relation to Mythic live servers where SI is not. SI is a huge area with thousands of mobs and drop lists that have to fit the live servers. This (and the workload appended to it) can in no way be compared to Tajendi.
We will consider that the next time such issue pops up. |
staff knows i reported a lot of items, some i did via PM when a bunch of ingame Reports where ignored (i dont know why but it happend).
I never checked this bracer, i simply took it as it is. but i can understand why some ppl dont reported it, even if they looked it up and saw different bonus...on uthgard it would not be the first item that is changed by the staff for what reason ever. want exsamples? here you are: every weapon in every realm with lifeleech proc has wrong proc levelrequirement if you look it up (should be 50 but staff decided to give it to us at level 47) same goes for healproc some pom charges...meant to be 48 or 49 but staff give it to us at 50. so staff...dont blame albion to took advantage of a bug..they might took it as a change of you since you played around with procs and charges in the past. lucky me can view all from a neutral side since i suppose to be the only one who is not affected at any char of me. one more thing... and as far as i know albion lost his council member of this issuse..think of a new one by time. i miss my Lady....
A transition stage would have been best imho. Not just gimp nearly every templated albion player out in emain, by removing 12% of the resistence hib caster stund and nuke. There is a good reason why mythic never changed items retroactive. But even if you consider this items overpowered because the stats do not match the ones in allakhazam, you could have changed the new ones and mark the old ones as depricated. Tell the people that they have time to make new temps and all depricated items will be deleted/changed in the future.
What statement is that? We never decided deviations from official sources in these cases. It just makes no sense. Just list the items with wrong level requirement and they will be fixed! Uthgards reference is Allakhazam Pre-TOA. |
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