kez bracer

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Postby Musikus » Feb 27, 2008 18:09

Blue wrote: We never decided deviations from official sources in these cases. It just makes no sense.

after /callgm i got an different answer from an GM. since i dont remember name i dont blame a spezific one

Blue wrote: Just list the items with wrong level requirement and they will be fixed! Uthgards reference is Allakhazam Pre-TOA.

list done per PM.
i am not sure but i dont think charges and proc requirements were changed with ToA.
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Postby Blue » Feb 27, 2008 19:02

Thanks for the list! We look into it and will fix that.

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Postby Riho » Feb 27, 2008 19:42

T-Man wrote:
malle wrote:But hm .. most of the albs didnt know them that tey shouldnt have +8% heat resist..

I don't get it. If the whole SC template is so dependant on a single item I (personally) would make sure that it is correct before I start considering it at all. Sure, it's easier to blame others for their ignorance or unwillingness to put some effort in. (Unfortunately, it often shows that a lot of people have this kind of mentality to just take and take and take rather than give something back.)

I'd say it is a well known fact that Uthgard uses Allakhazam as a reference for items and stats. So, everyone had (and still has) the chance to look up the correctness of their items. I just won't believe that not one single person who used this bracer for their templates didn't notice the wrong stats on the item. It would have taken only a meager report to have the item fixed ages ago - before hundreds of chars did create their template with it. (It might be hard to understand for some people but we are also counting on your help in making this server better! But this also includes reporting bugs that provide some unwanted advantages - not just yelling on every possible disadvantage...)

malle wrote: they used the Uthgard moras db to craft the sc

Uhm, you know that we advised everyone not to use this DB because it contained/contains a lot of bugged items? That's exactly the reason why we don't want it to be distributed openly...

After other bracer fix near Kez i asked from several GM's about kez bracer aswell because it had different stats then allakhazam.
They assured me that stats are the 1.80 and are correct and they will not be changed.
But yet we have now nice result how to make alb players not to show up in emain or not able to go any major events.
I hate to see this server end up like purga - Empty, but thats where it leads.

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Postby monty » Feb 27, 2008 20:01

ok, let's talk for real...
i don't blame gm's for removing the resists, if it's wrong it has to be done...

the way i reacted was only because of the way it happened, allmost every char in albion uses this bracer, and to answer the question: i use corts but i don't use any database, i just loook at the stuff i have and type the stats into corts.. so don't tell me i should have known it's bugged, also the way worldbuilders made Kez harder and harder to farm made me think the bracer was ok, because all the other drops from Kez are bugged, you can't salvage none of them..

why not post the change and give players a month to adjust? this moment is know abouth at least 5 or 6 players leaving because they are disgusted abouth the way gm's did it.. and as a result of this the whome albion dr thing comes to an end, rvr will be close to zero for weeks at alb side, ...

i think this had to be changed in a subtile way, announce thze change, place the npc, give people some time to farm other items and change their template, not taking away the resist withouth any warning...

we posted a list of bugged drops for a very long time, some of us even spent weeks of free time to farm mobs and to make that list... nothing changed at all, not even a comment from worldbuilders, but a bracer that has been bugged for ever gets priority on a very harsh way...

Kez drops loads of stuff, most is't good to salvage, it won't salvage or just gives 1 arc bar... we reported it over and over again, but noone cared, same with other hard to get mobs in dartmoore, lyonese: same story, the priests drop weapons with necro stats, most of them can't be salvaged, the cloth drops are for necro, if you salvage them you get just a few silksteel cloth squares...

6 months ago i could solo moran, most of the time he dropped nothing, if he dropped weapons or chain, it was not salvageble, i know i killed him for two weeks every afternoon to get the cloak, all the other drops sold for 1.5Gold or so, and none could be salvaged..

now we need to find at least 3 or 4 friends to go kill moran, but the droprate got lower and the cloak is allmost impossible to get, but all the other drops are still bugged...

sorry if we reacted not the way you tought, but we get the feeling noone cares abouth us and gm's just react if hibs or mids complain...

the game gets harder bit by bit, mobs change from lvl 50 to oj+ from one day to another, change from neutral to highly aggro, even cornwall drakes got changed and they hitted twice as fast as before, but their drops are just the way they where, bugged...

so sorry if we sound bitter, if a lot of us think this is the final drop..; just the way it has been done is not fair imho...

i talked to a lot of players, and most say gm's have crossed the line this time, we loose way to mutch dear friends with this action... just makes me bitter...

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Postby Blue » Feb 27, 2008 20:04

I really doubt a GM told you that the heat resist on that bracer was correct even when Allakhazam shows other stats. It would be the longest time he was here.

We have to fix items when GM's made mistakes. There is no way around. And the server will be made live like in several iterations.

Next time you can be sure that we take more care about the situation and give you time and solutions. But the fix will take place nonetheless.

We do no change that is not live like. If a mob really changed the level then it has a reason but I never heard of such occurrence. Compare Uthgards Moran with live's Moran. You will see he is a hell more difficult on live. Also compare live drop rate with ours. If you see a bug in droprate, report or /call. There are sources like mindkayak or telaran in the net where live droprates are visible and logged. The reason why some of the staff ignore things is when it comes in a "whine" style.

Please dont tell the game gets harder. Its most propably that Uthgard was too buggy and too easy to cheat around the difficulty of the real game. So the game gets more live like. Live was difficult in classic times, there was no easy mode or such like today. Your right is to show us differences between live and Uthgard and we will happily put things straight to match live.

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Postby panachier » Feb 27, 2008 23:30

if everybody got this bracer, that s the proof he was overpowered and he has to be fixed cause it was unfair for others realms
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Postby monty » Feb 27, 2008 23:52

@blue: plz don't go the: we do everything we can" way
what i was talking abouth is: some of us spent weeks to build a bugreport abouth bugged drops, we just get the feeling mobody cares, no gm posted a reaction, and all bugged drops are still bugged....

no use to go dart or lyonese cause 99% of the drops are bugged, we posted a very nice bugreport, we spent weeks of our free time to get the info and nobody seemed to care, and nobody fixed the drops...

so just look at it albion way: we ask for fixes, we don't get them, but on the other hand, gm's have time to ****** up allmost every albion chars template because the easy mode relms think we have no right on a bugged bracer??

and as i sayd before, you could at least prevent this realm abouth it and give us time to adjust our templates...

why not just say to albs to delete our chars.. if you see how many are leaving, ......

this is not the first blow albion takes, just hope it's not the final one...

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Postby Nayru » Feb 28, 2008 00:20

monty wrote:we just get the feeling mobody cares, no gm posted a reaction, and all bugged drops are still bugged....

The major problem is, that until today nobody was really responsible for that. Since Presto has been inactive, nearly all important decisions have been discussed a couple of times by Blue, me and others. That means a lot of tasks could not be solved, because of staffinternal confusions and long discussions. Exactly the same problem occured with the bugfix of the Bracer of Graceful Adroitness: There was noone who coordinated it.
Blue's job is to take care of the technical development and, until today, mine was "only" to coordinate the worldbuild and support. I had no legitimation/right to just decide how to deal with threads like the bracer bugfix or the items, that are not salvageable (I assume you're talking about those reports).

Now that I am in the position to make decisions, I'm sure we're able to work faster in such cases. :)

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Postby DanGer666 » Feb 28, 2008 06:52

and blue allready stated that they will try to perform better if theres such a major change in future.
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Everybody of some Realm, against everyone of the other Realms..
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Postby cloug » Feb 28, 2008 12:39

I would like know how many time this npc will stay ?

Cause i need time to recalculate all my scs , farm items and some other players too .

@ alan: +1 a transition period would be nice.
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Postby Nayru » Feb 28, 2008 12:57

The NPC will stay for a long period of time, maybe even forever. It is only usable with the bracers that dropped until now, so there is no need to remove it.

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Postby malle » Feb 28, 2008 17:30

hmm now a bit cooled down ^.^ my opinion about that ...

At first i think it was the only right decision to fix that Bracer via removing the +6% heat resist.

But the way, hm many people used the Uthgard Moras DB to create their template .. so they didnt know that there could be a bug, like me too( or either hm ^^) .. then their Templates got destroyed in 1 day .. the NPC was a good decision but still... for most of the people its not the problem to make a decent Template with the Bracer of gracefull Adroitness for alb its still one of the better Bracer..., but the main problem is that all need to build their SC again... not the armors themselves but the gems .. and thats what really sucks.. even with 350gold for new enchanting them.. mostly the prices for a complete enchanting is even higher than 1p.. BUt even that is not the biggest thing.. in my opinion the thing whats ****** us up is that we need to Craft the gems again .. and to overcharge a complete armor u will need more than 2 hours in a row... Thats the point ...

Maybe the NPC should be able to build up a SC.. so that u can enchant it without Craft for 3-4 Hours ...

Maybe let the NPC scan the old grade of overcharging . and make him able to overcharge ur armor for that imbue points again? That will finally take a time to.. but its not wasted like sitting in front of your monitor and click all 5-15 secs one button..

my 2 cents about the bracer himself


The staff needs to have a look on the albion point of view.. so i know 1 or 2 times that the Albion Dragonraid was ****** up because a gm/dev/admin (dont know who it was) loaded some updates.. so there was a big lag and The raid wiped...

Than the thing with the bugged DM / Lyo drops.. there people really made a nice Bug report to get the items fixed, but nothing happen, dont know why but nothing happened.

Many albs are fustraterd because the reaver was very low then it was uba, then it got fixed but many albs thought it would be a nerf.. i know it was a fix.. but still The debuff aura`s dont work fine.. there were about 3-4 BUgreports in the forum, but nothing happened and they still seem to not work...

There are even more points but those just was in my mind atm .. would need to take bit to get em all .. hehe ..

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Postby Blue » Feb 28, 2008 17:45

malle: There are other things that dont work in other realms too. Dont try to project everything on Albion. Thats the main mistake. Other realms have to wait for their fixes too. Items are normally another category in /report and are fixed faster by GM's. Why that didnt happen I have no idea about. Normally such things are fixed quite quickly.

Remember to /report buggy items in the worldbuild category. GM's work with these reports.

And to all Albion-get-always-the-nerf whiner I remember to Theurg/Caba-Pets, Savage fixes, DamageAdd fix, Siabra spot droprate fix, Str/Con 75 charge remove.

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Postby malle » Feb 28, 2008 18:43

that post was just to show that for some people it seems like i said.. i played all 3 realms and sometimes I play them now and all players think that:

their realm is the weakest
their realm got no support
the other realms are cheaters ^^

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Postby Riho » Feb 29, 2008 15:50

it might be true that bracer was bugged.
But i still do not agree with staff's decision to remove them within one day since they knew how popular it was, some did not knew that it was bugged, many did look from allakhazam's but still there is "new" stats, how many of us supose to know the 1.80 correct stats.
Anyway this has been discussed over and over, long talk short

It is clear, staff is not capable to deal all the problems what can occure with drops, bugs, etc.
Hire some players, drop the "must be german speaking", grow the staff team bigger, find some ways to make this server more playable.

Uthgarg became dear to me, hell i played quite long in live, so its big thing to freeshard became to allmost same level.
We have many players who know allmost everything about daoc, who has many years live experience, why not to ask them to help.
Think of that a little bit!

Best wishes to all of you, i had nice time, and great fights!


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