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Postby Musikus » Mar 08, 2008 16:20

after viewing the situation of albion after the bracer fix i have to say that..

the staff made a great job making this server a 2 party game...

some of the most honored albion players left or lost interest of playing albion
kronos/sanasha (councilmember/dragonraidleader)
het/torham/cletus (developer/dragonraidleader)
riho/sitavikat (advisor/dragonraidleader)

3 of my guild changed to hibernia
5 of my guild changed to midgard

and i suppose a lot of other guilds did the same since in my ally where around 4 or 5 sides filled with players...and now?...my ally can be lucky to fill 1 side..see what i mean?

well staff say they try to keep balance..i say yes they do since its easier to balance 2 realms instead of 3 because albion is degraded to unimportance.

congratulation on this.

PS.:we all see that staff know such a harrasment like they did with bracer was wrong, or why dont they do the same with basalt/brimstone weapons/jewelery? because staff know this could be the final pierce to kill the server.
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Postby TheKrokodil » Mar 08, 2008 17:06

PS.:we all see that staff know such a harrasment like they did with bracer was wrong, or why dont they do the same with basalt/brimstone weapons/jewelery? because staff know this could be the final pierce to kill the server.

In fact there already is a issue in the tracker for that, but no one had the time to do it,...

But anyway, you now feel unconfortable as something was "taken" from you which you shouldn't even have. Ofcourse your point of making SC's useless can be understand. My personal opinion would probably be like yours. But in the end, it was a bug - and all Bugs are getting fixed.

Just for those who think Albion is always treated unfair: Albion first had useable Pets. Albions epic dragon zone is not yet updated duo to the 1.89 changes, making things easier. All StrCon charges of Midgard had been removed. ... - You could continue the list when you go a bit into the past.

Well, but thats not the point - I just think that taking 8% or 16% heat resi doesn't destroy your whole SC. You have the chance to redo your sc, and thereby to reassign your SC Points and correct some mistakes done in the past. Considering that 16% heat may be much, but if being replaced by something else with also heat on it, this isn't as bad as it was anymore. Ofcourse you wouldn't have a full cap sc, as you would have to leave another resi or such a thing a bit out, but after all you are only missing some points, which shouldn't kill anyone.

If people feel uncomfortable and leave to other realms, they should do. The realms with less players will be filled with new players, and so on. In the end, everything should be balanced, although it may need some time.

Those people, who remain loyal to the realm, may get awarded in events, as they get the same amount of respecs as all the other realms, but those are divided to less players.

Just see, what the future brings,...
Be nice. :)

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Postby DanGer666 » Mar 08, 2008 18:17

that may be right metty. i pers. dont kick the staff for fixing the bug, i wrote what i think and thought about it, and it got answered in the way i did prefer. it was a mistake,that there was no warning,in the future it wont be done again in this way, and we got the npcs. ok.

but.. on the part of what you have written about.. the loyal ones will be the lucky guys. image: realm x 50 ppl. realm y 50 ppl, realm Z 15 ppl. who wants do do a dragonraid and will be able to? 2 realms. who will get fgs that fit to kick legendary mobs like the shark-pussy and the worm in df? 2 realms. who can even get access to df? 2 realms. realm 3 cant do much in this time..and it will last a bit, so the 2 others,even while the items get splitted on more players,but they GET them. get stronger,but the last one will stick on his strength and thats it. i guess thats what ****** the most ppl. i dont think alb is that weak,even if some pus.. people left the best realm on uth.now we will run more often into "zerg-like-enemy-amounts" but who cares.. more enemys..more honour.

the staff cant do anything..and we all know it will be better again in future. we had this many times..underpop realm..also mids n hibs had that..and now the total playernumbers have been nearly the same some time.
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Postby Alandrian » Mar 08, 2008 18:42

First of all Metty 12 % less in the primary ressi that Hibcaster nuke and stun is a really big deal. Its more than the equivalent of MoM4 for the enemy. A SC that lacks 12% heat is imho trash. Not worth the money you put in.

Changing the new drops had to be done. But changing the old ones retroactiv was imho a misstake. At least how it happend. From one day to another. First this bracer was not overpowered. There are better bracers than the buggy version of it on uthgard. At the end an SC with the buggy one and with the one with right stats would usually just change some points in parry or something like that. But never the 12% heat actually.
Second if you look at the rp ranking you can easily see albion is still the weakes of the three realms in RvR. At least RP wise. If you waste time again to recraft your SC again, it is actually a point where you think twice whether you want to join the winning side.

Even the npc that wiped SC was not really a compensation. An overchanged SC cost about 1 platin of gems and takes 2-4 hours to craft. Yea last time it really took 4 hours till i had 99% gems at least. Mythic had good reasons never to change already dropped items.

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Postby TheKrokodil » Mar 08, 2008 18:45

First of all Metty 12 % less in the primary ressi that Hibcaster nuke and stun is a really big deal. Its more than the equivalent of MoM4 for the enemy. A SC that lacks 12% heat is imho trash. Not worth the money you put in.

Yes, it is - BUT you can switch some drops to get a result like 3% heat 3% cold and sth. else different - Doing that you aren't fully vulnurable against heat.
Be nice. :)

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Postby Alandrian » Mar 08, 2008 20:17

Metty wrote:
First of all Metty 12 % less in the primary ressi that Hibcaster nuke and stun is a really big deal. Its more than the equivalent of MoM4 for the enemy. A SC that lacks 12% heat is imho trash. Not worth the money you put in.

Yes, it is - BUT you can switch some drops to get a result like 3% heat 3% cold and sth. else different - Doing that you aren't fully vulnurable against heat.

Its hardly possibly to switch items in a capped sc as you will most certainly overcap some stats and really lose in others then. You can use epic armor then. At least its free...

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Postby grizz » Mar 08, 2008 21:43

a lot of positive bugfixes for albion were lost at the end of a long list... but if there are any negative things that must be fixed in albion, it goes very quick.
sure, all known bugs must be fixed, but the bugs with an advantage for albion too....
only negative bugfixing its the wrong way.

Yes, it is - BUT you can switch some drops to get a result like 3% heat 3% cold and sth. else different - Doing that you aren't fully vulnurable against heat.

thats not possible .... for a sc you must plan BEFORE and not after....
The result in the most cases is building a complete new sc....
And building a complete new sc is a very expensive and time intensive thing.

And its very hard for those, who have an overcharged sc..... u need an leg. spellcrafter again......
U need good Quality stones, that can be very expensive....
oh i forgot, there are thousands of leg.spellcrafter in albion.... all waiting for an order.....
all having time..... very nice.

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Postby monty » Mar 08, 2008 22:00

just look a the stats in the herald, there you can see the effect with your own eyes...

and we loose alb players every day, cause thzey can't even find a decent grp to rvr...

albion was a very delicate community, we did a lot of work to keep players in our ranks...

the first to leave are the ones having high chars in other realms.. i know of 3 or 4 active sc-ers in albion that are high enough to oc a lvl 51 armour, but i don't think a lot of them are eager to oc for a month in a row, so they refuse or play :anon atm...

i posted it as soon as the bracers where changed withouth warning, and i say it again... hope mids and hibs have fun fighting each other...

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Postby drizzor » Mar 08, 2008 22:37

Imho the Problem is, like i see in my own guild, u join the server make ur hard way to 50. Create a Crafter an finally reached the leg title after hours of crafting and farming for platins. U craft ur armor and ur weapons in hours of boring clicking. Then u try to get some ppl to farm juwellery which u still need to have acceptable Armor to have some fun in RvR. After hours of xping, farming, and waiting and killing for example moran u finally are ready to go to emain just to see that all ur time was "wasted" because there is no action. U always missing a class to get a grp which are able to kill another high rr grp of the other 2 realms. And if u finally have a grp with for example 2 lvl 50 clerics u cant find a enemy group or u only find a zerg. Now this player which are already frustrated about the rvr here get a kick in there ass because they can start over to build there sc just to notice again that rvr here is not that good like it should.

Imho the Staff should look and think about there actions and changes and what consequence could result of that. Plz dont take it as an offence..

just my 2 cents

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Postby Musikus » Mar 09, 2008 00:06

Metty wrote:
PS.:we all see that staff know such a harrasment like they did with bracer was wrong, or why dont they do the same with basalt/brimstone weapons/jewelery? because staff know this could be the final pierce to kill the server.

In fact there already is a issue in the tracker for that, but no one had the time to do it,...

But anyway, you now feel unconfortable as something was "taken" from you which you shouldn't even have. Ofcourse your point of making SC's useless can be understand. My personal opinion would probably be like yours. But in the end, it was a bug - and all Bugs are getting fixed,...

noone had the time to take out items of the database?
you had enough time to take out an item from albion
and now you wana tell me you had no time to take out an item which all realms could have (but midgard has most because at the time those things where dropped midgard ruled emain)...and this for over an year..

such action i call messure with 2 different scales.
bug must be fixed, yes no doubt....but when you do, than do it completly.
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Postby Luv » Mar 09, 2008 00:16

first of:
Metty wrote:Albions epic dragon zone is not yet updated duo to the 1.89 changes, making things easier.

Are you a comedian or something? Mids 'claim' they kill dragon with 2fg, 40 albs nearly failed last monday and usually need 30+ players to even stand a chance... and albs have it easy? that's ****** hillarious.

second, i'd like to quote a previous post i made:
Luv wrote:
Blue wrote:Remember. Uthgard is in constant development towards live compatibility @1.80. So changes to negative and positive sides are normal. Thats bugfixing. All that applies to items, drop rates, mob behavior, mob difficulty, you name it.

I've got a few comments on this
1) Eventhough you strive for a live-like server, uthgard is not a live server, the smaller community and the fact that players dont pay a monthly fee should be taken into consideration. on live servers the players deal generally deal with nerf since they spent a considerable amount of money on the game. the bigger community also tends to balance any nerfs. decreasing droprates on live has a smaller impact than here on uth.
2) Any changes usually affect the newer players more than the older ones, decreased droprates mean little to players who already have the item in question.
3) as i said earlier, live players have a higher tollerance towards changes, uth players (especially new ones) will abbandon the server a lot more quickly.
4) Uthgard is not the only free daoc server around, though one of the best, if you keep up these fixes and continue making the server more 'hardcore' a lot of players might move to an easymode server since most players tend to focus on rvr.
5) last but not least, i've noticed a pattern in most changes, correct me if i'm wrong, but the staff tends to focus on one realm at a time, making small or big changes to one realm for a period of time before moving on to an other realm. giving players the impression their realm is beeing focussed on while the other realms are being left alone to continue their 'exploits' and unbalanced classes/items. I've also noticed that certain issues are being solved by taking just one realm as a benchmark (yes i'm talking about dragons, if mids can kill it with 1fg while albs need at least 30+ players to even stand a chance, it doesnt take a rocketscientist to figure out the problem lies with the players/realm and not the dragons in general) All of this creates an Illusion (I sure hope it's an illusion, if it's not uthgard might as well shut down now) that certain realms are being protected from the others by 'devine' interventions. I'm not pointing any fingers here, but this uncomfortable feeling is causing a lot of unrest.

and to show i'm not kidding:
this is what i found on the albion alliance forum when i got home today.

I could go on for a while with quotes, it's not just the bracer thing, that's just the final drop for most players who leave.

I'm just warning you, members of the uthgard staff, the albs are pretty ****** right now, but just like pana, i'm kinda fed up with the whining, if not for the fact that most (if not all) of the complaints made by albs go unheard unless it comes to blaming/flaming/counter-whines (or is it the english community who gets the short end of the stick?)

justified anger or not, i'd call in the bombsquad, coz this powderkeg is about to blow.

topic in question: Here

sure a lot of stuff has been said since i made that post but i think the main idea behind it is still valid, it's not really wether or not the actions taken are justified, sure bugs must be fixed, but you should also consider the players point of view here and think about possible reaction from the affected players. If you strive for balance, then do so in every aspect of the server,'albion is the first realm with working pets' doesnt even begin to compromise changing something that affects 90% of a realm's lvl 50 population.

by now i know the rushjob on the kez bracer is a mistake, but we're still the ones picking up the pieces, sure new players will come, but at the same time we lost some of our best players. I for one am getting kinda tired of being a 'training' realm, we get the noobs, we train the noobs and we watch them leave for mid/hib or some other server.

justified or not, a lot of albion players (and former albion players) are still pretty ****** off and trying to patch ourselves back together. it doesnt take a rocket scientist to see analize the herald and see that albion is (still) nothing compared to mid and hib superpowers. checking top 50 players in any ranking the albs only make up about 1/5 of the listed players. the only ranking albs can match hibs and mids at is the dragonkills ranking and thats because some players put a lot of effort into organising realmwide raids twice a week. but that's getting harder as the same ppl who made this effort are giving up and either quit or move realms.

hibs and mids often cry about being the weaker realm for a week or 2 but overall albion is still the underdog and unless both gms and players take action it will always be like that or it might even get worse.

damn i hate ranting like this and all about 6% heat resist, stupid legendary weapons... hell i didn't even bother with spirit resist when legendary weapons got implemented, fixing 6% resist is a piece of cake. but that doesnt change the fact this change was a hard blow for albion while gms just roll their eyes and wait for it to heal itself. it's all about moderation (Moderation is the process of eliminating or lessening extremes.) and balance.

I hope future changes will be handled a bit more delicatly.

Albion's been through some rough times...
It's about time for some Albluv....

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Postby Demiurgo » Mar 09, 2008 01:06

It's ridicolous Musikus. Not only you ABUSED OF A BUG for long time, not only NONE REPORTED THIS BUG to the staff, not only the staff DIDN'T punish you for these things, not only the staff gave to all albs the possiblity to respellcraft and even gave you money back and you are doing such a post?

If those people which changed realm or left server did it really because of this bracer issue, then those people wanted just to play with bug (and maybe they discovered some bug they can use in other realms)

Actually I'm using in my lv 50 template these bracers http://camelot.allakhazam.com/item.html?citem=6439 with sucking imbue because to have better one I should farm for weeks dragon/legion.
Tell me why I should use sucking bracers and you should use buggy better bracers

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Postby panachier » Mar 09, 2008 01:09

i think staff took the good decision. we get frustrated, i lost heat resists on all my chars too... but that won't be the thing that makes you win or loose in rvr.

people that leave... yeah there are always been... 3 of my guild mates joined back recently and we get more and more new players on albs.

some will get frustrated when we'll change to agramon rvr "omg i got killed by a zerg of 2 stealthers at the door" and things like that... but that just cause you always played the same way and some change breaks the habbits and you need time to do with it.
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Postby Musikus » Mar 09, 2008 01:14

Demiurgo wrote:It's ridicolous Musikus. Not only you ABUSED OF A BUG for long time

well think what you want..i nevern built a template on THAT bracer...so shut up.
i can clearly say what i think because i never was affected buy the bugfix on the bracer.

dont blame me for YOUR unability or lack of patience to get better bracer like that...because there are better ones in midgard.
Last edited by Musikus on Mar 09, 2008 01:27, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Kronos » Mar 09, 2008 01:19

Demiurgo wrote:[...]

If those people which changed realm or left server did it really because of this bracer issue, then those people wanted just to play with bug (and maybe they discovered some bug they can use in other realms)

I give you ONE really good advice. Do not ever again accuse me or any other people named in this topic of deliberately using bugs.

Mind your own business. I think midgard had quite a lot in the last year...;) People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

If you have nothing else to say but to accuse people with ridiculous accusations, then just shut up and write somewhere else.

I have been keeping out of the whole discussion. The reasons are my own and will be my own in the future. But unless you have anything more to say but to randomly accuse people, you should better be quiet.



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