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There is a difference between deliberately abusing bugs and unwittingly abusing bugs. Maybe 2-5% of the affected players knew of the stats missmatch. Calling all of them liars is not correct and unfair. |
I dont think the first thing you do after getting a drop is to check allakhazam to check if the stats are correct, the 6% heat resist didn't actually stand out that much, unlike 17.0dps weapons (which dont actually do anything ingame) or other obviously bugged items if there are any. the only way for a player to actually find out the item was bugged would've been to check allakhazam. so sorry, i didn't check...
it's not like the bracer made albs overpowered, having that extra heat resist meant they could some extra spellcraft points in hits or power or maybe overcraft one less item. personally i dont see what the big deal is, the only thing that really came from this is a corrected item and a whole lot of annoyed albs. I actually think the staff were on to the problem a while back, maybe they didn't know the exact bug, but over time a lot has changed to make the farming of Kez a lot more difficult, at first it was possible to do it solo, now you need a group to do it. some of these changes were zone related, but some seemed to focus on Kez (just like moran). this bracer wasnt just some easy to get item, some players farmed for days on end to get it. and tbh, it's still a pretty good bracer. I sure am glad i'm not playing mid, with those bracers, it must be so very hard to do anything, how can you guys survive? Demiurgo, get this into your head once and for all, albs are not ****** because they lost the 6% heat resist, they're annoyed they have to restart doing something they thought they got out of the way a long time ago. sc is boring, long and sometimes frustrating to do. having to do it all over again is what made some albs leave, not because they we're caught 'bug abusing'. I really hope something like this happens to hibs and mids at some point, maybe then they'll understand why albs are reacting this way. .... have a nice day .... |
oeh.... i dont even know where to start with.
When the first hits were taken after the u know what thing, i think i was one of the few people that wasnt that mad or upset,nor worried really. why? @ first i guess the idea of lessening alb rvr and bg population sounded nice,since we albs are known to like ze bg exp more then ye mids and hibs. Mby goz of simply the geografical situation of albs realm ( as in lyo and dm beeing so far away ) or whatever the reason,ive allwayz felt BG-s overpopulated. But @ some point i got worried, since we didnt lose the,hmm how to but this,the less fortunate players conserning skill,but the skilled,emaining rvring community helping people. My despare if u can call it like that went deeper after not getting enough people on dr-s and failing a time or 2. I tryed to adjust,been 2ing it sofar,actively reqruiting on different forums in Estonia and abroad,trying to explain the alb situation to some mid hib players who might help us out. Ofc that last point has turned out 0,as u can see from the clueless and for me tottaly offensive post from our mid friend up there. Il b fair with you,i havent been so patriotic in the past,after i FINALY got my silly AT reaver to 50 way back and played it for a week,til the levi fix came,i allso rolled mid out of anger. But i returned. Oddly enough,tho beeing a lifelong hibbeh on Live,Alb is my Homerealm and nuffing will change that. But getting back to the current situation,albs still having some resistance in bg-s. Imho simply goz mids hibs regulary have DF and are known to b more friendly to the insiderealm xp-ing then albs. Emain on the otherhand,well,whats there to say. Theres the german alliance,that posts its so called uber,and only alb rvr grp basicly,and they dont invite randoms mostly, not that im saying they should. Then theres FB and the rest in my eyes. Its hard or close to impossible to get a proper emain grp rolling. And proper u must get simply goz the mids and hibs post such skilled/high rr players. P.s on another note, mids hibs, wth do u do with ur kids,as in the players tat are low rr and level to 50,dammit i never see any random lowerthen rr6 grps in emain lately,or well,never. Wha u got a "must b rr6 to port to emain rule there ?" Anyway,enough of the so called bad humor. Lets face teh facts,albs on its last breath,but getting better,thid has lots of newcomers and such for emain. But does this improve the situation ? NO We will just have more low rr,mostly newcomers to daoc, getting hacked away in emain. Im not saying the Admins or mids or hibs are to blame,no! I guess no1 is. But u remember from live days,the servers that had one realm on the weakside got certan benefits ( insta lvl 30 on pryd hibside once if i remember correct) presented to them. YES i know it wont happen here, goz of the admins stiffness on beeing absolutely bias to such matters. Nor is any advantage or disadvantage to one side possible on a freeshard really. What im trying to point out is that,admins keep telling us how ALB gets all stuff first etc. But think of whats gonna go on when mids and hibs get there stuff implemented to there full extent aswell... AND NO im not saying DONT give mids and hbis this,its bad enough. YES it is bad enough and so on,but somethings has to b done here. The biggest issue is in my eyes ( and im somewhat stupid and blind ) that the set/high rr grps overrun any randomgrps/low rr grps attemts on fun,which beats the fun outta alb even more. Allso a direct reason of that action is the albs high population in BG-s. But thats an old known subject. It was the same on live yes,but there u just had Such a high population that even when loosing to a set high rr grp,u were bound to find a similar enemy to ur lets say random low rr grp and battle it out with em,and even loosing or not,u still had more fun. I prolly get flamed for this text,and mby i should b. I usualy dont write much on forums,mby goz im lazy or usualy i just dont see much of a point to open my mouth. p.s.s yes my grammar is so mad and i dont use Capital letters ever etc. etc. sorry for that. Any backfeed is welcome here,sorry that it came out so long. <img src="http://herald.uthgard-server.net/daoc/sig.php?name=Paha&s=4">
the situation you discribe was few times ago... now i don't see often uber group on hib/mid side. maybe one or 2 high rank that can play well... yes there are high rank often but till they can only play with instants and RA, you can kill them with some skill even with low random group. sure it's not with level 46 guys and some 50 in epic that are even not able to play versius mobs that you'll win. but so often when i run around with my stealther i see some groups that are very low and would be killable with a small group of 5 or 6 players. i think if you get 1 or 2 good players in a group and a good sorcerer like nest yuke or druss in your group ( and if you get the 3 of them you rock the babies) the rest of the group can be random group. but the problem is that's even hard to find players to do a group when you found the base of the group... <img src="http://www.fallenearth.fr/daoc/daoc2.php?player=Panachou">
@ Musikus: The only thing because I'm sorry it's because I said you after Musikus, that "you" wasn't refered to you but to albs which used this bracer AND now whine because it was nerfed.
I know there are many better bracers in midgard, but you have to kill at least Yar (purple mob with many links) instead for bracer of adroitness you have to kill a lv 52-53 mob. @ Kronos: Some albs used a bugged item, is it correct? Then it's not a "ridiculous accusation" but a fact. Most of people didn't know it and I agree with the staff decision (to help you for this bug). But after the help you had some people says (not only musikus): "after viewing the situation of albion after the bracer fix i have to say that.. the staff made a great job making this server a 2 party game... " @ Luv: Albs had their spellcraft armor back and money refund, it shouldn't be so hard to put 24 on 3 resist to raise heat of that 6% And if it's true that people changed realm for this fix don't tell me it's because they don't want to make again a template, because you need much more time and patience to make 50 levels+template than make a new template |
Say what you want, but the fact is, you called some people buguser without the slightes proof. Is everyone in midgard a buguser because of the events that took part in the last year? Hmm? Are you a buguser?
You see? The item was in the albion droplists from the beginning. It was there for years! And one thing: I am really surprised that all people are so 100% certain the item was never reported before by anyone in albion... Well, thinking about the effectiveness of the /report function in the past, i would not bet even a single copper piece on the theory that no one ever reported the item. It took me three reports on an albion dragondrop (that had +8 Skill, but should have only +3 Skill - was a real advantage for alb) to realize that the report just got ignored over and over again. Then i had to talk to a GM in person in the IRC to get the item fixed (a disadvantage for albion). That is one example of many. Yes, of many...! The whole thing does of course not proove that the item was reported by anyone in alb til some weeks ago, but at least you all should be VERY careful with accusing anyone in alb. I am really getting tired. And @staff, do me one favor. Do not always tell everyone how good the /report function worked in the past. It's just not right. I had lots of situations where my report got ignored, and i am one person alone. And i know how to write a useful /report. I know, there is much work to be done and sometimes, things get lost. Thats fully understandable But then adhere to the fact, that the /report function never worked 100% right. And do not put the blame only on the community... Thats it for now... Kronos |
the most groups in emain are very low, thats why the wannabe sgs are successful ^^ and farming rps the easy way. u right, generally this low enemies are very easy to beat with random grp. but first u must build a random grp, thats not easy..... And WHEN u get a setup , and one time all die, all logging... the 2nd thing is: one make a group with crap setup e..g. without cleri... without sorc .. then all die , and all whining :"we need more people". No mates, we dont need more people, we need a good setup. We dont need a zerg for 1 inc grp that has a good setup. |
I have thought about my answer to this for some days and still don't know where to start. We are harassing because of fixing bugs? You should not talk about issues you don't even know half of the facts. There is no Brimstone/Basalt jewelry and never has been. Those few weapons do no longer drop since months and are on our to-do list. The major problem with this is: Only Blue can remove items from playerinventories and he has to do way too many other tasks that are much more important than ~30 weapons that are not even used in more than ~5 cases. Final pierce to kill the server? I won't reply to that. ![]() This thread is off the topic and everything is said. Closed |
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