[19.05.2008] Oh horses, where art thou?

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Postby T-Man » May 21, 2008 21:57


Welcome to this week's news! :wink:

After a busy week with several bug fixes concerning realm abilities and the heal-aggro system (which didn't work for quite some time now) we'd like to present you some general news as well as a couple of answers regarding grab-bag questions.

First of all - some bad news: the implementation of the advanced horses will be delayed. Basically, the system is almost complete...but we also want to use this system to introduce a new (and easier) way of creating quests directly in-game. This system should enable our world-building GMs to easily and efficiently implement quests. So, we're asking for your forgiveness because this prolonged waiting time will bring some noticable improvement for the future.
In order to stimulate RvR in Agramon we are going to re-introduce an experience bonus for this zone. (Nayru already mentioned that in the forum.) However, since we want to link the bonus to the effective danger of different areas in Agramon we need to find some "code magic" which might take a little time.

Let's turn to your grab-bag questions. Please note that we combined some similar questions. (Side note: We're mainly working on the horse system with the corresponding quests. Additionally, there are the usual bug fixes going on.)

Question: What's the progress on the last Cabalists' and Enchanters' caster pets?
Answer: The pets will be implemented in time but our attention is currently the horse system..

Question: What's the status of the Classic zones and what are your plans regarding SI zones? When will they be available?
Answer: As far as drops/items are concerned the Classic zones are fully implemented. As you have already heard we are currently adding monster abilities and details to the atmosphere. SI will be the next step once our work on the Classic zones has been completed.

Question: Are you going to implement crafting and delivery tasks?
Answer: At the moment there are no plans in this field but it has been added to our to-do list with a low priority. This also applies to crafting quests.

Question: Do you have any plans for RvR dungeons?
Answer: No. Fact is that RvR dungeons besides Darkness Falls would pull players out of the main RvR area. There's no alternative solution, yet, but since this seems to be a common request we'll have to deal with it some time in the future.

Question: When are you going to do the next event for the whole community?
Answer: The problem with events for everyone (all levels and realms) is the level of difficulty. There are some rare exceptions like the snowball event. Currently, we are working on a Trollheim event. However, you'll probably need to be about level 40 to effectively take part in it.

Question: Are there any plans to change Agramon?
Answer: As already mentioned there will be an experience bonus for Agramon. There is some further development - but since it's only in the early stages we don't want to give you details, now.

Thanks to anyone reading the text this far. :P

Have fun in-game!

the staff

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Postby Tarnum » May 21, 2008 22:08

:cry: Oh my horsies...well, i hope when they come, do have craft adds (barding armor and saddlebags)
Bout the new quest dessign system is a great new! Good Job!

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Postby nixian » May 22, 2008 10:04

<3 already love the grab bag you guys put together :) useful info compared to mythic grab bags :D

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Postby massivmampfer » May 22, 2008 16:55

hm...what exactly is that trollheim event about? Or at least some hints like type of event and prices would be nice. I know fun is always more important then prices but im interested in both :)

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Postby Kuxi » May 22, 2008 17:02

massivmampfer wrote:hm...what exactly is that trollheim event about? Or at least some hints like type of event and prices would be nice. I know fun is always more important then prices but im interested in both :)

No, you will not get any kind of information, yet.

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Postby Luv » May 22, 2008 17:40

... pony ... :cry:

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Postby silenced » May 22, 2008 18:02

isn't it boring to know anything about an event before it even started ? just get surprised ... and yes ! insert a bunnypony for luv pls ... he needs that !

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