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Postby Nayru » Jun 03, 2008 02:22

We're starting the new week with some manifold changes.
At first I want to thank Nevrast, who left us during the past week due to a lack of time, for his work in the project. We wish you all the best for your future!
We have 2 new staff members: Wally and Keaz. They are both in their trial phase and will focus on support and worldbuilding. I hope for a nice teamwork! ;)


We succeeded in disarming lagstrafers. It won't be a problem to hit your enemy any longer, while he is in your field of view. Fights should again be more fair.

Some players complained about receiving wrong material from salvaging. Both Midgard and Hibernia players received material from Albion. We have solved this problem, too.

Another pretty nice change is the bugfix of the so called "wallhits". It is no longer possible to attack enemies without a line of sight.

As some of you may have noticed, we're working on the range for melee fights. There was one problem coming up after the first change of the formular: The z-axis was also calculated, what caused huge range differences while running through Agramon for example. Hills were often the reason for players unable to attack the enemy. We adjusted the formula again and hope to have it correct now.

Rule changes

We have edited the rules again. To make the gameplay friendlier for the community, we established limits (caps) for the effects of all buffs and spells. This includes amongst other things damage shields, heal over time spells and health regen buffs. They improve the character only marginally more than those of supporters of your own level.

Thus we could remove the old rule §2.9 (powerleveling and buffing/healing prohibition). It is now allowed to help other players leveling in every manner. For example a level 1 supporter is now allowed to level with a level 50 fighter. Of course this is only allowed, if each character is controlled by a different player.

Due to the wallhit bugfix the old rule §5.4 became dispensable. It is now allowed to attack any enemy through all walls and windows, as long as the game engine enables it.

Furthermore, I wish you a lot fun on our server!


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Postby CalvoHP » Jun 03, 2008 05:41

i think theese changes will be very helpful to our comunity, now wont be a problem to help newcomers being afraid of breaking a rule :)

also i believe theese changes will give more time to the staff/GMs to focus in developing instead of taking care of cheaters.

good changes, keep the pace on !!

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Postby Nammoth » Jun 03, 2008 10:02

Thus we could remove the old rule §2.9 (powerleveling and buffing/healing prohibition). It is now allowed to help other players leveling in every manner. For example a level 1 supporter is now allowed to level with a level 50 fighter. Of course this is only allowed, if each character is controlled by one single player.

Maybe you should also add that players shouldnt be grouped (or thats basically powerleveling). Bcuz if it's no longer prohibited to powerlevel other 2 guildies will log their ench/menta and they will level me from 1-50 in 3-4 days.

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Postby Nayru » Jun 03, 2008 10:05

Nammoth wrote:they will level me from 1-50 in 3-4 days.

I don't really believe that. :wink:

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Postby Rent » Jun 03, 2008 10:34

And here again.^^

Welcome Wally and Keaz^^
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<Blood Feud> Hibernia - paused

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Postby Blue » Jun 03, 2008 12:50

Nammoth wrote:Maybe you should also add that players shouldnt be grouped (or thats basically powerleveling). Bcuz if it's no longer prohibited to powerlevel other 2 guildies will log their ench/menta and they will level me from 1-50 in 3-4 days.

Presto confirmed this technic and we will see what can be done to prevent that from engine level.
It's done when it's done. Thanks for your patience.
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Postby Nammoth » Jun 03, 2008 13:52

Blue wrote:
Nammoth wrote:Maybe you should also add that players shouldnt be grouped (or thats basically powerleveling). Bcuz if it's no longer prohibited to powerlevel other 2 guildies will log their ench/menta and they will level me from 1-50 in 3-4 days.

Presto confirmed this technic and we will see what can be done to prevent that from engine level.

Can you confirm please, is powerleveling now allowed: yes or no ? If you really want to do something about this, although i DON'T think this is a good idea, maybe yuo should introduce that - for example - if a player is 10 levels lower then highest level player in a group, he will not recieve any expirience.

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Postby Amisch » Jun 03, 2008 17:00

Well. First of all its fact that Uthgard needs more Players. Its Fact that the RvR zones are mostly underpopulated.

Also a another fact is that levlin on Uthgard needs realy a lot of time. So many people dont waste time for that and play on Instant50. So we keep our Server clean of Kiddi Lamer uber Roxxor 1337..

But i think that Powerlevling is a good thing because i think the Uthgard Community is that grown-up and dont Push any Broadcasting Player who send a /b LF POWERLEVLING or /b is there someone who can push me to lvl 40 ...

But its a Good think for Uthgard Guilds to bring theyre Active but Lower Players faster to RvR. Maybe some of u can bring some new friends to uthgard because NOW u can lvl them faster then bevore.

I think THAT RULE lies in the Hands of the Community.. do u Push any yelling Player, or only Friends and Active Guild Members to Prevent them for 50s RvR.

Also we overjump that BG Twinking. There are Many Guilds who log to a BG if there is no inc in 50 RvR. Well if that Guild push theyre Active Players fast to 50. there will be more RvR players soon.

So whats in your mind ? Keep the Current RvR Situation or Help to change that in Pushing your FRIENDS & GUILDMATES and bring them to Endgame RvR..

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Postby Nammoth » Jun 03, 2008 17:14

No actually its going to suck ass badly, bcuz everyone is whining how 'Agramon sux' so everyone will roll a new character when they reach 49. Almost everyone is doing it now, its just going to be alot easier to level it to 49.

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Postby Maidrion » Jun 03, 2008 17:39

Amisch wrote:But i think that Powerlevling is a good thing because i think the Uthgard Community is that grown-up and dont Push any Broadcasting Player who send a /b LF POWERLEVLING or /b is there someone who can push me to lvl 40 ...

Exactly it's this behaviour that ruined the live servers for newcomers some years back.

Exp grps are already not that easy to find/build with the low population on Uthgard. If Guilds start to PL their lower guildmembers there will be even fewer exp groups and thus newcomers won't stay around.

Maybe PL would get some more people in Agra and so on but the thing is that without new players Uthgard will die.
[14:57] <akejoduuu> sad rune added if not i rare upir skall

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Postby monty » Jun 03, 2008 18:26

we get new players every day, we just can't hold on to them...
people get boored way too easy these day's, i'v seen loads of newcommers playing 24/7 leveling not one, but sometimes 2 or 3 chars up to 50, making crafters... and then stop playing...

be hounest, most agra rvr atm is done by "elders" who are loyal to the server, who have chars in all bg, and most of them change realm as fast as they change underwear, cause they have high lvl rvr chars on 2 or maybe 3 realms...

what keeps new guy's here? i'm not sure, but i guess i can give a hint..

they could stay cause they got a good guild, having loads of fun with the guildies and stay cause they see them as friends..

they stay cause they have fun in rvr.. bg or agra...

why they leave??

they are told to go away if they ask for invite in rvr grp....
poeple telling them to grow up, if they want to go agra at lvl 50 and wear epic..

the stop playing cause most active members of the guild go to other realm and play their chars over there for a few weeks..

even the problems with the dragon raids made a few players go away...

tons of reasons to stop playing, not that many reasons to stay...

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Postby Blue » Jun 03, 2008 18:40

Nammoth wrote:Can you confirm please, is powerleveling now allowed: yes or no ? If you really want to do something about this, although i DON'T think this is a good idea, maybe yuo should introduce that - for example - if a player is 10 levels lower then highest level player in a group, he will not recieve any expirience.

We will not ban powerleveler if they find a way to do so, but we will closely monitor the technic they use to powerlevel and set further limits in the server. Your mentioned 10 levels difference will definitely come, cause of the Ench/Menta power level technic. Maybe its 15 level difference at first, we'll see. The reason why we try to allow that is that we want to come away from all that micromanagement we have to do currently. Also we cant check all players at once. Setting the right limits in the engine to make it less worth to do such things is the right way to go.
It's done when it's done. Thanks for your patience.
Every bug gets fixed. Sooner or later.

"It is an inescapable law of nature that the amount of satisfaction one gains from achieving something
is related to how hard it is and easy things can only elicit a fleeting superficial sort of pleasure."

Blue says, "you used macro tools or macro keyboard"
Pala says, "i am disabled. and i have a mechanic left hand that can be programed. its hard to play woith one hand"

[Appeal] Bxxxxxxxx: "why is RA first aid cann man i stealth use and not unstealth cann man ra if man use unstealth ?????????"
BannedUser: "i was not using automate game action my hand was fall on keyboard during i was sleep .... i was completly fall on keyboard ..."

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Postby Nammoth » Jun 03, 2008 19:57

Blue wrote:
Nammoth wrote:Can you confirm please, is powerleveling now allowed: yes or no ? If you really want to do something about this, although i DON'T think this is a good idea, maybe yuo should introduce that - for example - if a player is 10 levels lower then highest level player in a group, he will not recieve any expirience.

We will not ban powerleveler if they find a way to do so, but we will closely monitor the technic they use to powerlevel and set further limits in the server. Your mentioned 10 levels difference will definitely come, cause of the Ench/Menta power level technic. Maybe its 15 level difference at first, we'll see. The reason why we try to allow that is that we want to come away from all that micromanagement we have to do currently. Also we cant check all players at once. Setting the right limits in the engine to make it less worth to do such things is the right way to go.

Well, you should do what you think is the best for the server. But i'll say again - i don't think this is a good change. It's not good to radically change game engine because you're transforming it into entirely different game. People play DAOC because umm... it is DAOC. Because there is stuff they dont like in, for example, WOW or Anarchy Online or LOTRO or [put name of some other mmorpg here]. In my opinion radical changes will push this game (server?) to look more like above-mentioned mmorpgs.

Maybe you should post a poll to get everyones opinion on powerleveling or maybe even allow powerleveling for one-two month just to see the difference. If it produces positive results (more newcomers, more attractive gameplay, overall player happiness, etc.) keep it. If it doesn't well just make the above mentioned changes.

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Postby Salidor » Jun 04, 2008 02:16

Xping has always been very boring and when it takes 20-25 played days its even worse.

I like the Idea of PLing it would have kepted alot of guildies in MK alot longer if they reached lv 50. most gave up after reaching lv 45 and went some where else. do it how hard it is here.

I would like to suggest. every class gets a Max XP they can get. But maybe make the XP better if a person lv's with the same group lv as him self so say if lv difference is only 10 lvs they would get alot more XP that way then say if some one was 11+ lvs difference.

Dont nerf XP we already had that ^^... just make it alittle better when people of the same lv work together.

dont make it a Insta 50 server. make them work for it. But dont make it so hard that it scares people away :( already lost alot of people becuase of that :(

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Postby Nayru » Jun 04, 2008 05:08

I really like these comments. Why do you all assume that there will only powerleveling in the future?
Rule §2.9 has been changed in order to allow leveling on all ranges. A known problem of our leveling is a lack of supporters of some levelranges. This change allows a level 48 armsman to group with a level 26 paladin, if necessary and wanted. But to be honest, the advantages are not outbalancing the disadvantages. The armsman will suffer a lack of experience gain and will have to kill mobs, that are at least orange to him. He has almost no support, but he has a better endurance regen, a healchant and the best: He is not alone! ;)

However we changed the rule not especially for powerlevelers.
Leveling from 1 to 50 in 3-4 days? That's way too quick. In my honest opinion you are overestimating the experiencegain.


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