Group for Tajendi (english/deutsh/français/español/italiano)

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Postby Rufus_The_Hermit » Jun 21, 2008 22:02

I bet everybody has done Tajendi by now, maybe some new players have not... anyway... Rufus The One Recently Returned From Exile In Real Life has not done Tajendi yet.

So, I need at least 4 more doods with at least level 30. Any class. Any language.

I think this is a good chance for those few players that have not done Tajendi yet, it is probably more er... maybe... er... exciting... if er... you know... if everybody is new there. But that does not mean venterans not wanted, no! Having a level 50 near sure is good. It is just a special invitation for who has not been in Tajendi yet. Lets all be surprised :D


Ich gehen Tajendi, Ich brauchen gruppe, alle klasse alle sprache (lvl30+).
Gruppe gehen Tajendi am Sonntag 29 Juni 17h GMT 0

Moi aller Tajendi, moi avoir besoin groupe, tous classe tous langue (lvl30+).
Grupe aller Tajendi dimanche 29 juin 17h GMT 0

Yo ir Tajendi, yo necesitar grupo, todos classe todos lengua (lvl30+).
Grupo ir Tajendi domingo 29 junio 17h GMT 0

Io andare Tajendi, io necessità gruppo, tutto classe tutto lingua (lvl30+).
Grupo andare Tajendi domenica 29 giugno 17h GMT 0
Last edited by Rufus_The_Hermit on Jun 28, 2008 04:55, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Amisch » Jun 22, 2008 00:02

for Tajendi i recommend a FG lvl 40+ minimum. U dont get it with chars arround lvl 30.

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Postby Musikus » Jun 22, 2008 01:58

however..i give it a shot with my sorcerer

level 42
mind spec

when this will take place?
sure i was there for over 40 times...but dont worry..i stay back and left all yourself..i just fullfill my job there to get the cloak for master.
and if nessesery (or wanted) i can give you hints to make it a bit easier.
i miss my Lady....

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Postby DanGer666 » Jun 22, 2008 07:01

i would like to take part as well, and u can decide urself,with what kinda char.
lv 50 scout or reaver
lv 49.5 cabalist(matter)
lv 44 mincer
lv 42 infi
lv 40 : Friar, Wiz (earth), Cleri or Infi

but we need a fix time. how long will it take (with a bit of help,not everything)?
Realm versus Realm means:
Everybody of some Realm, against everyone of the other Realms..
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Postby Luv » Jun 22, 2008 10:20

i havent done it yet as well, so let me know if you got use for a lvl 50 merc

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Postby monty » Jun 22, 2008 13:30

same thing here... didn't try it yet

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Postby Rufus_The_Hermit » Jun 23, 2008 05:35

GOOD! GOOD! GOOD! (/looks very happy)

So, for now we have the 5 minimum people to make the group:
-Wizard 42
-Matter cabalist 49/50 reaver, scout
-Merc 50
-Friar 50
-Scout 44

More are welcome to join and probably will. But lets suppose that we will do the quest with our current 5. We have damage dealers (Luv, DanGer and me) and Healers/buffers/debuffers (Monty and Musikus). My suggestion of char for DanGer is the cabalist, but only if Luv has tauting styles to take mob aggro away from him. Just a guess.

Anyway... that all we can arrange on the gathering before setting out. The thing now is: when will it be? How about... er... next saturday, June 28th? I think saturday at GMT 0 is best choice because it would be either friday night or saturday itslef, depending on where every player is :arrow: so no worry with work/school early in the next day and planty of time to finish the quest (it is said to take hours).

But it will be difficult to get to a proper hour to start. It would be good if we know until tursday 26th who of us is the most eastern and who is the most weastern so we decide on a good time to start.

I myself can start at any time, really... I do not have a life :roll: As long as it is after saturday 1h at GMT 0 it is fine for me. Monty and Luv are at GMT +1, right? DanGer? Musikus? How about you?

This part may be a bit boring/annoying but... aw well... we have to schedule it with care to fit as many party members as possible.

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Postby DanGer666 » Jun 23, 2008 06:01

same as monty.
Realm versus Realm means:
Everybody of some Realm, against everyone of the other Realms..
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Postby Myx » Jun 23, 2008 08:34

if u gonna do that during the night i can give it a try with a cler lvl41

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Postby Tarnum » Jun 23, 2008 12:10

Count with Tarnum Lv50 Scout.
I finished tajendi 3 times, as experienced 'explorer of Tajendi'...
We need:
-1 Cleric 46+ MUST HAVE
-1 Minstrel would be very very good (lv 40+ is ok)
-1 Friar 46+ is very good idea
-1 Paladin 45+
-1 Magus or Scout 48+
All others could be tanks (scouts are very good for the hardest step)
This quest is LONG, depending on lv grp would take from 2 to 6 hours.

Is highly recommendable get as much lv50 chars as we can.
I can:
Afternoon (16:00h~22:00 GMT+1): Monday 23, Tuesday 24, Thursday 26
Any hour: Saturday 28, sunday 29.

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Postby Musikus » Jun 23, 2008 15:49

i am GMT+1, but i am sorcerer..not wizzard.
i am available from 4pm to 10pm.

and tajendi record for me (the HOLE quest) was see this can be done fast..but i also saw a quest with over 5 hours.

if tanks know whats their bussiness is even a solo level 43 smiter is eanough to keep group alive...(i was the smiter so i know what i am talking about).
i miss my Lady....

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Postby Rufus_The_Hermit » Jun 23, 2008 21:07

Fine, we are seven now, most of same time zone and no conflicting availabilty so far. I already thought of a good starting hour (supposing it will be on saturday), but lets wait for different GMTs to join until we start the guesses. I am sure WE WILL BE ABLE TO FIT ALL TIME ZONES.

Just a correction about my own availabilty... I said after saturday 1h GMT 0, no, it can be before that too, any time after friday 18h GMT 0 will be fine.

Tursday should be a good day for us to decide on the day/hour to start, anyone that would like to join would probably already have done so by then.
Last edited by Rufus_The_Hermit on Jun 23, 2008 21:16, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby DanGer666 » Jun 23, 2008 21:14

hmhm..friday after 5 pm and whole sat. my gf does not need to work..first free days then..

me pers. would like to do it in below 3 hours ;) if possible..
Realm versus Realm means:
Everybody of some Realm, against everyone of the other Realms..
<img src=";Jelhenna;Mhaerion;Elkhas;Kheran;Geneva;Deheaeniera;Kaeron;Throgrus;Colibri;Khalinos;Rhelaine;Kheldan;He

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Postby Musikus » Jun 23, 2008 22:41

i prefer a date AFTER the upcomming Weekend, because i have state-mastership for firefighters thisweekend (from friday to sunday).
i miss my Lady....

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Postby Rufus_The_Hermit » Jun 27, 2008 07:07

So, this is friday already and is good time to decide on a day and hour to start.

Musikus, when you say you prefere after the weekend is it because it gets just better for you or there is no possibility at all to be on weekend? Can it still be from 16h to 22h on saturday like you said before?

So far restrictions seem to be:
-Myx, must be at night
-Musikus, must be from 16h to 22h and possibly only next weekend
-Rufus, after 18h GMT 0 of friday 27 (today)

My suggestion is 18h GMT 0 at saturday 28. It is inside the 16h-22h range (Musikus) and seems to be night enought (Myx, if in GMT +1). Since nobody else gave restrictions I suppose this time should fit for everyone as it is not late in the night or early in the morning.

How about that? 18h GMT 0 at saturday? We can also do the quest on business day, but if the quest takes too long (4+ hours) i doubt we would be able to finish it in the same day.

We can do Tajendi many times, really. If Musikus or Myx can not go this weekend, we can go with smaller group anyway and then with full group on next weekend too.

What does our intrepid party say?


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