disappointment midgard and done invade by idiots??????
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Hi I am an Italian that plays from few months to this game
would I like to simply know how to know how ago a group of 6 belonging people all to the German guild in midgard "die **** ****" (not remember well) with a certain rune ruckzuck of around 28 lv not to answer me and to ignore a simple question " need runes? " even if a little before we were playing all together with the RvR with all partypeople then I wonder me they are only of the exploiters bad-babyes ![]() ![]() And moreover I am also threatened that they make me ban after I have[/size] done him some obvius gesture because they have us their friends between those that count HAHHAAHAH ![]() then I don't have any friend in game and then that I should say... but we know it that the world turns so with the kicks in ass you arrive aloft anything else other than work and to sweat him that that him and earned you you are alone of the it licks ass of those strong I will talk badly of you to everybody because you deserve it to you and a great ****** to that idiot of ruckzuck to pretend the excuses would be too much him commands and bring the threads of all people in the midgard ![]() STUPID now i know why midgard is so losing country in rvr... there are this idiotz big-man who commands i go to try othermore happy game to make they happiness i not want play with this idiotz ps:,, if i return i return like as albion enemy only for see midgard in ruin |
wow.. made it half way through..
ouch middies.. u are bad boys apparently |
maybe could you change server in place of changing realm..
with such way of acting and thinking, you won't find your place on alb anyway... maybe on hib, i dont know ^^ maybe they didn't want to answer you cause if they grouped with you few times ago you upseted them. i know such post won't be tolerate on forum and it will be close as soon a GM wake up and have a look at the forum. but just to help you, if some people don't answer you in game, that's maybe they are not front of the computer, of they are rvring and even not see your /send or they never read the chat cause on TS... they are lot of reasons that could explain that smdy doesn't enswer you, but i see no reason to post such crap and act as you do. some people don't reply so all the mids are bastards... maybe you could say that's just kobold ( if he was a kobold) that are just assholes and /rude them everytime you see one. in short: i think you have a problem and i wouldn't welcom you on albion if you keep your mind like that. <img src="http://www.fallenearth.fr/daoc/daoc2.php?player=Panachou">
Hello i think u r Aiasha in game^^
We played several times Together (Blackbeaty my SB). And i give u an answer if u ask everytime. I know the situation u discribe because u ask me for grp 1 min before at Plateds. We are on TS 98% of day some it could be possible that no one has read the chat some ppl have Say massages off. Have u send direct Ruckzuck or anything else ? If he ignores u I#m sry normal we grp with everyone if its helps for exp. But why u say my Guild are **** cause only one has a bad day or whtever ![]() My english is not good enough to explain what i want to say -.-. If he say anything wrong to u, tell it to me and it will have consequences for him because I dont tolerate this. I have some nice hrs of exping with u and it makes me sadly if u leave Uth cause of Such a situation. As a Leader of "Die Erben Thors" i apologize me for all what going wrong to u Hope to see u ingame Mfg Hardnuke (Blackbeauty) Immer für die Gilde da
<img src="http://www.covod.org/uth_daoc_sig/SigV2.php?chars=Trivia;Blackbeauty;Swingcut;Majorhealer;Demenzia;Beatrix"> |
Phew,hope you leave Midgard and change to WoW.We don´t need kiddies like you on Uthgard
![]() Greetz, Player of Islana <img src="http://sigtool.covod.org/getImage.php?user=Islana&key=DHKZgbkxJYFMlL">
write the guild in their forum or pm them, but why do you cry here?!?!
you say that all midgards are all idiots because of ONE who didnt answer you? maybe he /ignore d you because YOU were the one who was disturbing him?!... THINK before you FLAME. ![]() |
Sry xxoOdHAll but its really really hard to follow you in this thread
![]() More sentence marks and maybe use Enter more often => I would understand u much better ![]() But in fact u are right. Its not nice. But why do u blame whole MIdgard the rude behavior of one single guild? For example normally I answer everyone. But sometimes my message spam is so digusting, that I do not see all the messages even those from my boyfriend^^ And most of the Midgard players are nice, pleasant and willing to group with new ppl ![]() But nobody is perfect... as Panachou said - we all dont sit and wait in front of our PC's, fixating the chat, just waiting for somebody asking something. |
i try with my bad english to definish the situation
5 min before of this mine attack action (aa) (ahahahah) are in broemar fighting in group with them... then disband group and all gone to dagerfall inside find Blackbeaty and other people and i tryed to join there was a group and no akf or other .... i try to '''''''''''say'''''''' for jion to that group and noenyone responce i not like people that ignore the other pg as they wish what it would need to interpret in the uthgard daoc ambientation that they are enemy and I have done well then to do this way becouse i never do this and not taste fun also becouse 5 min before play togheter in party and the simple answer is minimum for humanizze the game imao i not go to albion or other country i spent time for other think u can trust what u want ahahahahha but never know how i'm ahahhaha and respect is over otherwise |
is realy no all are so ....
but i not like abuse of power ![]() """ ... oohh now i call my powers friendss and make ur ass ggghhh...bblllll."""" like a snob gay ![]() ![]() and so i had write this aa and this is all ![]() |
wow what did he write...it was so chopped up i couldn't understand his point
If you cover your ass....with the same old song....you might as well be farting with a walkman on.<br>
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