[25.08.2008] Ungreedy Dwarves ...

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Postby Haldan » Aug 25, 2008 10:42


Ungreedy dwarves and general news including a statement of us based on an interesting topic in our forums in which the attempt was made to compare Mythic and Uthgard Staff. You are able to find the topic at the following location ...

http://uthgard.the-bart.org/modules.php ... pic&t=7930

We can only suggest to read it, because our P&O Admin Presto is also explaining what it means to work on a freeshard. The original topic was mostly about communicaton between a community and the developing team.


Back in late 2001 when DAoC was released Mythic used to have it's own forums for community-communications. These forums did not even last half a year due to the several flame-topics and childish "want to have" topics including major insults. Do you see a possible analogy? Actually yes! As a staffmember of Uthgard your daily job is to bear on an interesting number of insults, to play sheriff within our forums in order to contain the flames and nonsense in addition to the casual staffmembers works ... that indeed was not content of the job description, but hell we love it!

The difference between Mythic and Uthgard is that our staff does bear all of our communities flames. We listen in most of the topics and react in 99% of the time in a way that makes our community a little step more happy. But sometimes we have to carry out one of these lasting 1% decisions in which we cannot dare to listen to your calls, because most of your calls would be determined on what you as a person want most and not on what would be best for the server. Of course one could said. but why don't you just hand out recompensations just as Mythic does? It is plain simple, because we are not Mythic and we do not want to feed you bric-a-brac (bauble). You deserve more and that is our staff members passion for DAoC that helps Uthgard to evolve into a better Freeshard than ever before!

The Future and the Big Plan

In the last sentence we instanced the phrase "to evolve into a better shard". Hell, what does that mean!? And again, it is quite simple. Due to the fact that we have got the most organised staff within DAoCs freeshard-scene we are able to use by far more advanced techniques such as our instance system or the TA system. Ok, sometimes we run into some errors due to unforeseen happenings, but let me assure you. We do our best!
We have created a roadmap for the next few months. Thx to Presto for the coordination. This roadmaps contains most of the "to evolve" things we have mentioned. Uthgard-own quests for most level ranges, the implementation of Elite Monsters to make classic zones more interesting, the final work on the last pet-classes, finalisation of the new horse system and many more to come.


So, what's on the menu? First of all we are working on adjustments to the BP-Merchants. The costs of the offered items will undergo a drastic cut to prices that have been worked out with the help of some community members. We are pretty sure that you will love these new prices. The "black sunday" for our greedy dwarves also known as BP-merchants will arrive in the night from monday to tuesday.

Agramon Teleport System

As it was wished we changed the mechanics of the teleport to Agramon. In order to prevent spawn camping we have created small encampments at the spawn locations. Note that these NPCs are not undefeatable, but will try to defend you with their on lives! Currently we are working on a short rvr message in case one of these guys gets killed, so always keep an eye to your chat, because these messages are the only way to figure out if there could be a possible threat!

Darkness Falls

We know that you all can't wait for the implementation of the new Basalt and Brimstone weapons, but due to shortage of staff members we slightly delay the implementation until we did our final rebalancing to the dropping boss-monsters. An approximate date for the implamentation is the upcoming week-end.


So far we built a huge jungle with plateaus, a nice large plateau with a surprise on it, a volcano, a huge mountain bearing a vast mine and a temple. Soon you will find new screenshots in the Tajendi topic, but omg ... there is still a lot to do.

We hope you enjoyed the information, have fun in game

Your Staff

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Postby Zarkor » Aug 25, 2008 14:17

Thanks alot for this extremely informative news! :D

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Postby Luv » Aug 25, 2008 22:28

... Pony ... ?


I'm looking forward to what the future will bring here on uthgard ^^

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Postby CalvoHP » Aug 26, 2008 01:41

as usual: Thx for all ur hard work :)

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Postby Nethvaethor » Aug 26, 2008 03:23

That's a lot of info, and even some ETAs. Great stuff, and big thanks!

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Postby tonymo » Aug 26, 2008 13:15

Yeah - thanks for all your hard work

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Postby tazok » Aug 26, 2008 17:51

sounds like very hard work 8) But I really appreciate it.

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