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Postby nates01 » Nov 17, 2008 00:16

Hi all, just rolled a Warrior here on Uthgard and I just have some questions.

1. SI zones are disabled correct? or are some still accessible.

2. Crafting. Are craft timers the same as live used to be, as in really really slow when you get higher up? Also, I read on live that any character can now have all tradeskills, is it the same here?

3. Any good english guilds that may be recruiting? I would like to have people to play with whenever I log in.

4. SI neck quest. Dont remember the actual name, but I remember that it was a must-have for any template, and my question is, is this quest available here since it was located in SI zones?

Anyways, hope to meet some of yall in game!

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Postby Maidrion » Nov 17, 2008 01:05

nates01 wrote:Hi all, just rolled a Warrior here on Uthgard and I just have some questions.

1. SI zones are disabled correct? or are some still accessible.

2. Crafting. Are craft timers the same as live used to be, as in really really slow when you get higher up? Also, I read on live that any character can now have all tradeskills, is it the same here?

3. Any good english guilds that may be recruiting? I would like to have people to play with whenever I log in.

4. SI neck quest. Dont remember the actual name, but I remember that it was a must-have for any template, and my question is, is this quest available here since it was located in SI zones?

Anyways, hope to meet some of yall in game!

1. Nope SI zones are not available at the moment. Maybe in the future this will change.

2. Crafting timers are live-like. So yes it gets really slow near the end. You can get a craft timer reduction of 5% though if u capture an enemy tower.

3. I don't know what realm u are planning on playing. The only ones I know are Mystical Knights, Dawn of Chaos(Hib) and Army of Immortals (Alb).

4. I presume u mean the 'Lost seed' quest with the Paidrean Necklace? Nope it's not available here nor any other SI quest.
[14:57] <akejoduuu> sad rune added if not i rare upir skall

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Postby nates01 » Nov 17, 2008 03:55

Lol, sry, Im playing Midgard, names Chronik

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Postby Maidrion » Nov 17, 2008 05:49

nates01 wrote:Lol, sry, Im playing Midgard, names Chronik

Hmm lol yea obviously since you posted this in the Midgard forum. My bad, heh.
[14:57] <akejoduuu> sad rune added if not i rare upir skall

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Postby nixian » Nov 17, 2008 08:42

still same deal ;)

no - no SI necklaces - no beaded resistening stone nor Paidrean necklace and no alb thingy (lol can't remember alb name)

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Postby Els » Nov 20, 2008 19:44

copper necklace or something like that...

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