Where are all the scouts?
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I have asked several other players about how many scouts they have seen and they laugh. Is there something wrong with this class on this server? From what I remember after SI they were pretty good, so why is this?
bugged block
bugged bow dmg --> bugged class ![]() maybe when both things gets fixed we will see more scouts ![]() |
well, true...VERY very less scouts we have in albion. but there are still some fools like me who keep the class in game.
some may call me gimp but i like my scout. i miss my Lady....
Is this a trend across all the realms (archery damage bugged so no archers)? It would be kinda nice not having to worry about being interrupted so much as on live servers.
Very true. Bow damage sucks. Bummer Scout and Hunter are so gimp even melee spec for them isnt that great. Now Ranger on the other hand....pure melee spec are monsters. Can out melee alot of classes. Oh I forget. Dont they usually fix/give the advantages to Hibs anyway? Seems to me they fix or implement all Hib stuff first. Or is it just me that sees this?
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if you joined the server last few months you can have this sight of hiblove from the staff..
hibs got chanter pets (2 of the 5) hibs got druid pets (all) hibs got animists.. but hey...be fair to the staff befor hibs got those 3 big changes albs got Theurg pets (all) albs got caba pets (2 of the 5) mids got Sipritmaster pets (all, first 3 months with bugged intercept which is fixed now) so the last changes were just fair for hibs.. also i think now mids or albs should get next. i miss my Lady....
i donno how come u say bow dmg sux when robine did 600 dmg hits with his crit shot
Intercept isn't fixed yet, or is it natural that PA can be intercepted?
Topic: I play a very little scout myself, I like it ![]() |
its normal that PA can intercepted from pet.. but its not normal that pet gets bleedings and poisons from intercepted hits... so if the pet intercept PA and your poison launch then the SM has to get the poison but right now it isnt same goes for the bleeding of the PA and any other bleeding style. @runis.. robine had Aug Dex5 and always used D/Q-charge + Dex-Potion and was a Sara scout with +15 dex....sure a full buffed sara does nice damage. but still its not OK because too less...if you like it or not..its a fact. i miss my Lady....
intercept just like bubble should have no effect on pa. everything is like it should. if somethings wrong, then the left axe dmg output from sbs
![]() to the scout topic: scouts might be gimped atm, but with decent mos you will find a group, both stealthers and roamers. so just earn some rp and cross fingers for fast fix ![]() |
are you sure about that...? <img src="http://www.fallenearth.fr/daoc/daoc2.php?player=Panachou">
In pre TOA live DAoC i was hit by scouts for more than 1100 max crit damage.
As a R5 Ranger i could break 1000 damage on a critshot. That was of course on Casters with their shields down mostly, but it still happened and it wont happen here. |
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