Looking for exp spots

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Gryphon Knight
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Postby ana » Apr 10, 2009 10:30

Hi everyone,

my group and me are slowly (rather not according to other players) approaching level 40. We're using a cabbalist pet to focus pull mobs and a wizard to finish them off since it's a lot easier to exp that way than with poorly equipped tanks.

We've been all over Lyonesse recently which was very good exp but now the exp was been decreasing steadily, not even the pygmy goblins provide decent exp, let alone other mobs like the Danoians etc.

So we decided to take a look at the new Dartmoor and.. well.. it's horrible. We never really found a decent spot and there were adds all over the place.

We also tried HW but there were no spots at all so we went to Agramon. Found those snakes near that albion supply camp which would've been perfect but it's obviously not possible to exp there, thanks to some hibs looking for real competition. :?

Next up was DF since we luckily had it at that time. Naburite drinkers would've been best to exp on but since there are hardly any on our side of DF, we went to the hib side, where there's a nice spot for them. Got run over by a group of hibs and DF closed.

Now with SI not being implemented, where do people exp on Uthgard?

I never played alb before SI was released which is why I don't know at all, I always went to Avalon City when I leveled my first alb back in the days. The cabbalist recently hit level 38, the perfect mobs for us would be tons of level 48 to 52 I guess.

Thanks in advance for any replies,


Gryphon Knight
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Postby Amisch » Apr 10, 2009 11:31

In Dartmoor are some spots able for focus pull, but youre right, dartmoor isnt that good for exping. Did you treid the Undead Priests in Lyonesse near Caileach Ugudaigh ? or Witherwoods ( Trees).
Otherwise go for Thidranki, there are some nice spots and not that over powered Enemeys. ( max lvl 49).

Gryphon Knight
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Postby ana » Apr 10, 2009 12:05

Wasn't 44 the minimum level for thidranki? And yes, we did try those but the trees hit like hell, they're level 57 according to Kirstena's maps which is a little too high.

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Postby Lenithiel » Apr 10, 2009 13:10

Tons of 48 to 52.. mmh

You can try deep in Stonehenge Barrows, at the Lichs, but it's hell there, loads of aggro in that room.

Hehe without SI it's not that easy errrr... Perhaps there's some good spot in Dartmoor with grouped giants, but I really don't know. I'd say Lyonesse too...

Llyn Barfog has diamondback toads, goargers... perhaps can try there..

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Postby panachier » Apr 10, 2009 14:27

try dartmoor stone crusher camp, they are around level 50 i think. or you hide in agramon when not to many people, or df when your realm own it ( like now) or find some spot in new frontier (there are , but dont know where) or with a mass kill group, stoneage can be nice... plenty of solution
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Gryphon Knight
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Postby ana » Apr 13, 2009 23:04

We tried all of the above but they were all more or less useless. This messed up exp system simply won't let us gain decent exp when in a group of eight, no matter which mobs we encounter or where we try. The total lack of quests and especially kill tasks makes it even worse.

But is there really no way for a non random group to get any decent exp at all? I mean I seriously don't want to reach level 50 with purple con pulls that give me 0.07 bubbles each. Or is it simply meant to be this way?

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Postby BlackCougar » Apr 14, 2009 00:43

aehm you talk about 2 players here?
you and a woz? both 38-40?

wth you want with lvl 48+ mobs??

2 players many yellow orange
3 ora red
4 depending on level ora purple
as long as you close to cap per mob the fastest way was and is as many of close to cap mobs at once as fast as possible.

btt, i agree, i have a hard time leveling in albion too.
there are many spots which could be good, just with too few mobs or ridicoulos spawn rates.

its a general problem, mobs takeing 5-10 minutes to spawn, thats slow enough that where a 8 man group should be able to level relaxed without moving a good soloclass can keep it empty and still have to wait for spawn.

brought that up a couple times, but "the spawnrates are fine".

guess you have to look for a place where many so lala spots are in close vicinity and just do rounds - thats what we do. or beg for bonus exp like everyone else does.

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Postby panachier » Apr 14, 2009 07:01

hmmm i got level 50 in 11 days in bombing group and always got enough mobs... but you are right, it was on mid, and gm hate alb :D
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Phoenix Knight
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Postby silenced » Apr 14, 2009 10:14

in classic albion before si, you had several spots to level with 40

most famous were the goblins in lyonesse (4 spots - rotation for the camp-bonus)

then you can go stonehenge and do the tomb keepers and other creeps down there (move between keepers - sepulchure warriors - they're close to each other)

- so far until around 45/46

then there's always the option: llyn barfog -> fenzy feeders & needle tooth thingies, but i'm not sure how the spots are on uthgard,

and last but not least: witherwoode + witherworm in lyonesse

and of course: spend rp while trying to level in the frontier zone, just guess how most here made their rp ;)

Gryphon Knight
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Postby ana » Apr 14, 2009 10:51

I appreciate the fact that you're trying to help but all of these have been mentioned before. :(

silenced wrote:and of course: spend rp while trying to level in the frontier zone, just guess how most here made their rp

Already did to some pathetic hibs who even felt the urge to spam emotes after one-bombing a group of greens when we first got there. I just don't see the point in paying the piper in an attempt to artificially invigorate RvR.

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