can anyone help me level?
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PLVL anyone ? i can pay
most likely not
PLing isnt working very well on uthgard - try find a lvl grp instead |
you would most certainly level faster if you would solo blue mobs then get dragged by highs.
are there xp bonusses anyway?
yes when holding towers, in NF, in agra, in DF
what class are you?
i just started here on this server and rolled an inf...i definitely forgot how slow and boring solo daoc leveling is. |
even as infi you should find a group, if u re not european thats another issue
![]() maybe u should ask some alchi's to make u some buff/heal bottles instead of ask for PLVL . |
I can give you guys a small hint, the PL thing not working on uthgard is only a Myth... i have tested it abit, and found that it is possible to PL.
You Ask How ? Well im not goint to tell you, i let you figuer it out urself :p |
Sure you can Pl, just find a fg taking u with them and let them bomb everything in their way ^^
some classes can powerlevel if skilled right (realm abilities)
but .....i dont think the staff likes the idea of ppl paying money for such a service anyway a general rule on this server is that you may not level afk the whole time (if a gm sends you and asks you something you have to reply in the next 5 minits if you log in 2 accounts at once from the same IP you need to prove that you are 2 different ppl) |
actually, you cant.
the fastest spawn ive seen yet is 5 minutes. you cant powerlevel. not even normal. doesnt make much difference how you group is set up, the bare minimum to cope is a healer and a tank. any more just supports the group and speeds up the killtime, the exp per hour on the other hand will most likely not improve much or even go down. |
^ you do know that the fin camp in cursed forest is insta repop and near cap all the way to 50? its just when you get 1-2 48's in a 42-45grp it starts showing below cap tho.
this can not be true.. i go afk all times there is no rule against afk.. so just stop there. |
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