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Postby Trishin » Apr 26, 2016 12:46

Dear players.

As we make our way closer to the BETA testing we would like to take this time to inform you of some of the many changes to the frontiers. Our vision for Uthgard is to provide the most authentic Dark Age of Camelot experience possible within our chosen patch level. We hope by detailing this information we can make you aware of the many possibilities that are available to you all. And to encourage players of all styles to discover the importance of fighting in the frontiers and the importance of fighting for your realm! The frontiers are a vast realm of their own, they allow space for players of all styles and we want this to be encouraged moving forward. We are a community of different styles and tastes and thus we accept people’s different ways of playing the game. However, within these vast landscapes special bonuses can be found…

The importance of keeps

The reward for taking keeps (outside of relics) were quite minimal on Uthgard 1.0. However, due to our target patch level and the time we've been able to invest in our RvR system we have been able to bring back the bonuses/motivational factors that added great importance to keep warfare back in 1.65 (many of which players at the time may not have been aware of)! We hope these bonuses will motivate players of all play styles to fight for their realm, defend your keeps and fight for new ones, for it will offer great rewards. Many keeps also contain merchants and offer the ability for players to craft although crafting is limited to the lathe and the forge.

Bonuses for possession of keeps:

There are bonuses to PvP in conjunction with the possession of keeps. These bonuses only affect PvP specifically in relation to damage dealt, realm points and bounty points. The bonuses are outlined as follows:

    + 1% for the keeps conquered by your realm in an enemy realm.

    + 2% x Difficulty (1 to 5) if your guild owns a keep.

    + 3% x Difficulty (1 to 5) if you are defending (IE: in the proximity of the keep) a keep that your alliance guild is possessing.

To elaborate further, if your realm has won five outposts in other realms, you will always receive a bonus of 5% (RP, BP and DMG) no matter where you are. Plus, if you are in a guild that possesses a keep of difficulty level 3, you will get an additional 6% (for a total of 11%) bonuses, wherever you are. Also, if you’re fighting in the region of your keep you will get an additional 9% (for a total of 20%) RP, BP and DMG bonuses. This picture will display to you the difficulty levels represented:


Albion Keeps:
Caer Hurbury: Albion=1, Midgard=5, Hibernia=5
Caer Renaris: Albion=1, Midgard=5, Hibernia=5
Caer Boldiam: Albion=1, Midgard=4, Hibernia=4
Caer Berkstead: Albion=1, Midgard=4, Hibernia=4
Caer Erasleigh: Albion=1, Midgard=3, Hibernia=3
Caer Sursbrooke: Albion=1, Midgard=3, Hibernia=3
Caer Benowyc: Albion=2, Midgard=2, Hibernia=2

Midgard Keeps:
Fensalir Faste: Midgard=1, Albion=5, Hibernia=5
Arvakr Faste: Midgard=1, Albion=5, Hibernia=5
Hlidskialf Faste: Midgard=1, Albion=4, Hibernia=4
Glenlock Faste: Midgard=1, Albion=4, Hibernia=4
Nottmoor Faste: Midgard=1 Albion=3, Hibernia=3
Blendrake Faste: Midgard=1, Albion=3, Hibernia=3
BLedmeer Faste: Midgard=2, Albion=2, Hibernia=2

Hibernia Keeps:
Dun Scathaig: Hibernia=1, Albion=5, Midgard=5
Dun Ailinne: Hibernia=1, Albion=5, Midgard=5
Dun Da Behnn: Hibernia=1, Albion=4, Midgard=4
Dun na nGed: Hibernia=1, Albion=4, Midgard=4
Dun Bolg: Hibernia=1, Albion=3, Midgard=3
Dun Crimthainn: Hibernia=1, Albion=3, Midgard=3
Dun Crauchon: Hibernia=2, Albion=2, Midgard=2

As well as bonuses for PvP you will gain additional bonuses for PvE when levelling by your guilds claimed keep. The experience bonus gained by fighting near your guilds keep matches that of dungeons, which means you get an increased amount of camp bonus as well as a direct xp bonus.

Please remember that the amount of keeps owned will determine who controls Darkness Falls. A valuable asset to any realm who has access!

We hope these changes will make you all very excited to fight for glory in your respective realms, whether through solo play, group, 8v8 or zerg!

We will be releasing new information to you all soon, we don’t want to give too much away and would like our players to discover and explore the game. Look out for future notes on the relic/keep system we can’t wait to see you all competing for these precious keep and relic bonuses.

Until then, keep checking for updates and we look forward to seeing you all soon!

Your Uthgard Staff.
Got any questions? Submit them to me and I will try to get them answered in our grab bag !
Rajnish wrote:Why didn't someone warn me that being GM means lots of boring research, logging, testing and organizing data....
I thought it was all about looking cool....

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Postby Xalara » Apr 26, 2016 12:47

Great post! Thanks for the news! Really looking forward to the Beta and also the Launch!

Keep up the good work!

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Postby pweet » Apr 26, 2016 12:50

Byebye "balanced" 8v8 fights. Well wasnt going to happen with 20% relic bonuses anyway.

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Postby Xalara » Apr 26, 2016 12:58

pweet wrote:Byebye "balanced" 8v8 fights. Well wasnt going to happen with 20% relic bonuses anyway.

Classic DAoC has always, to some extent, been about Realm vs Realm, about the big picture. And that's exactly what Staff is aiming for with Uth 2.0. For sure, 8v8 has also it's place and is a legitimate playstyle, it's a part of this big picture.

I think that these bonuses and features encourage the realms to work together, to organize relic raids and keep raids, to also make sure there's enough action throughout the whole frontiers, not just in emain.

While I can see that specifically for 8v8 there might be some concerns with this, I think overall it's a good thing that keeps give bonuses. A great thing, in fact. And yea, I'm also mainly an 8v8 player.

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Postby infii » Apr 26, 2016 13:03

I wonder how big the area of a claimed keep for xp bonus will be?
Like the whole zone? Or just in a small radius around it?
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Postby Floki_Live » Apr 26, 2016 13:04

I cant wait to play <3

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Postby vangonaj » Apr 26, 2016 13:06

Interesting system. Will warmap work in tuhgard 2.0?

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Postby Bistravoda » Apr 26, 2016 13:08

pweet wrote:Byebye "balanced" 8v8 fights. Well wasnt going to happen with 20% relic bonuses anyway.

here we go. QQ
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Postby Loriot » Apr 26, 2016 13:10

pweet wrote:Byebye "balanced" 8v8 fights. Well wasnt going to happen with 20% relic bonuses anyway.

rather have a full rvr zone with additional bonuses to achieve as only having 3x 8v8 grps out that have balanced fights under each other, whatever that means anyway in daoc. i love 8v8 but i even more love a full rvr zone where all kinds of players have things to do. and the satisfaction killing a hib/mid/alb grp while they have all the relics in the back and might have some addhelp is even bigger.
Last edited by Loriot on Apr 26, 2016 13:14, edited 2 times in total.

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Postby Galandriel3 » Apr 26, 2016 13:11

still no xp/rp for keepraids :)
[12:46] <Roundhouse_> actualy galandriel and blackbeard the master challenges out on heavytanks
[23:52] <Skarz> u are best skald i seen for long time

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Postby Xalara » Apr 26, 2016 13:17

Loriot wrote:
pweet wrote:Byebye "balanced" 8v8 fights. Well wasnt going to happen with 20% relic bonuses anyway.

rather have a full rvr zone with additional bonuses to achieve as only having 3x 8v8 grps out that have balanced fights under each other, whatever that means anyway in daoc. i love 8v8 but i even more love a full rvr zone where all kinds of players have things to do. and the satisfaction killing a hib/mid/alb grp while they have all the relics in the back and might have some addhelp is even bigger.

Exactly. A full RvR zone with action everywhere is very important. Not just for casual players, also for 8v8 or 8vsX guilds. It's great when you can roam in different zones, find enemies throughout the whole frontiers, intercept keep raiding squads or relic raid groups and just have fun. That's what Classic DAoC is about on a server with a healthy population: Action everywhere, soloers, stealthers, zergs, PuGs, guild groups, relic raids and keep raids. Just lively, populated frontier zones.

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Postby Oswaldo » Apr 26, 2016 13:35

infii wrote:I wonder how big the area of a claimed keep for xp bonus will be?
Like the whole zone? Or just in a small radius around it?

- Players now receive an exp bonus when fighting within 16,000 units of a keep controlled by your realm or your guild. You get 20% bonus if your guild owns the keep or a 10% bonus if your realm owns the keep.

From http://camelotherald.wikia.com/wiki/Pat ... rsion_1.54

Picture of that radius:

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Postby Keoki » Apr 26, 2016 13:45

Will the BGs look the way they do now on Live, or will they look the way they did in the beginning? I'm sure there are notes somewhere to look at, but I'm not the smartest friar in the group.

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Postby Nogi » Apr 26, 2016 13:47

...can´t wait! :D :D :D

Some hope for random players... :grin:

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Postby infii » Apr 26, 2016 13:48

Keoki wrote:Will the BGs look the way they do now on Live, or will they look the way they did in the beginning? I'm sure there are notes somewhere to look at, but I'm not the smartest friar in the group.

Classic BGs
Kaasi - Shaman


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